The only motive that can keep politics pure is the motive of doing good for ones Constituency and its people,,,,,hon mutunga John our incoming mp tigania west constituency is ready to cater for the Three E's of development.... One is education,,, he's ready to transform and lead north imenti to be better in education sector through Establishing a model school in every ward through building of modern classes, equipping and lobbying for enough personnel...the second is Environment he's ready to create and manage a talent Constituency Fund which will enable artist's,, sports and other activities as well as creating a good and safe environment for small businesses to grow,,, the other is EMPOWERMENT hon mutunga will create Constituency skills training Fund to narture entrepreneurial skills while mentoring amongst women youth and to those who are abled differently,,,..in his leadership there will be consultant and participation by holding annual Constituency Development Forum-Barasas . .