Bwakire Abanto Baminto?
Been to Kisii town recently and haven’t for a little bit felt that sense of rejuvination and vibrancy that exists in that City. ( Yes!, CITY).
My urge is to the leadership to kindly engage the MCA’s directly In matters development cause they’re the key to their representatives and they know what issues their people have to be adressed.
Kindly leadership expedite authentication and payment of the remaining contractors cause this has partly stalled development around the county and further curbed investments, hence circulation of money which has further seen many small businesses close and many premises become vacant.
This is a thorny issue which if not addressed now will only circumlocute, but it will return back at the right opportune time.
Further it is only right that if it is willed that Kuria and Gucha have their own counties so as to be able to dictate their destinies .
Also for devolution to work the MCA’s being in direct contact to their representatives should have acess to the 50 Million kitty ( The ward development fund), this is the only way they can initiate projects of direct impact in the wards and not be in the mercies of the Governor’s.
Any President who does this will have direct access to the citizenry and does’nt have to seek from this so called Tribal self installed leaders who don’t have the interest of the people .