志水先生金曜日オンライン道場 Shimizu Sensei Friday Online Dojo
金曜日オンライン道場10月4日(金)16時〜17時蹴り‼️Special EditionJKA会員も、そうでない方も。オンライン道場で稽古しませんか?出稽古として。また指導の勉強として、様々なニーズに合わせて活用してみてください。皆さんの技術向上の一助になれば幸いです。この内容を軸に2週連続で学んだ蹴りの軸足の乗せ方、使い方を実践的に使えるように稽古します。どうしたら動きながら蹴りが出せるのか、動きの中で流れを大切にして稽古したいと思います。※今回は稽古時間がいつもと違うのでお間違えないように※Friday Online DojoOctober 44:00 PM – 5:00 PM (JST)Whether you are a JKA member or not, let's practice at the online dojo!Please use this opportunity to meet your various needs, such as learning at another dojo for different perspectives or studying the teaching methods in the JKA style. I hope that this will help you improve your skills.Based on the above content, we've learned to position and use the pivot leg in kicks for two consecutive weeks. For this session, we will practice practically using what we've learned. Therefore, the focus will be on how to kick without killing the flow of the movements.*Please note that the training time differs from previous sessions.蹴りは軸足‼️軸足ができれば必ず蹴れる。軸足の作り方と使い方。抱え込みからスナップまで様々な蹴りを2週連続で稽古します。詳細、申込みは日本空手協会WEBサイトをcheckしてください。ウォーミングアップ○反復横跳び○手をついてモモ上げ○回し蹴りの抱え込みをしたままジャンプ左右○バービージャンプ○腿上げ稽古内容(一部掲載)○軸足の作り方○足裏の体重の確認(母趾・小趾・踵)○抱え込み○軸足と蹴り足の関係性○同じ足で2回蹴る※軸足
日本時間 8月17日・10時〜11時・19時〜20時
Notice of Practice Details!Japan Time August 17 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.(JST)7:00 - 8:00 p.m.(JST)Online training will be conducted by Daisuke Ueda, Instructor.Bassai-Dai / Jion - Correct Course and Ueda Sensei's RecommendationsThis time, we will teach Bassai-dai and Jion. If you do not understand the meaning of the techniques, the course of the techniques, or the points to be aware of, please take this class!We have a question-and-answer session at the end of every practice session. We also have a question and answer session at the end of each class. Why don't you take this opportunity to talk karate with Ueda sensei?Whether you are a regular participant or just starting out, this seminar is fun for everyone!
We are looking forward to seeing you, including instructors and children, at this seminar, which can be used in your daily dojo
志水亮介 先生 7月オンライン稽古
第三弾 追突き‼️
Ryosuke Shimizu Sensei online practice in July
Three-week series
Part 3: Oi-zuki‼️
Three Important Points:
1. Standing firmly (while being aware of your posture)
*First and foremost, you cannot move and perform good techniques
unless you stand firmly.
2. Putting your weight firmly on your feet.
*Let the weight on your stance lead to the strength of your technique.
3. Relaxing
*After a technique performed with weight and kime, relax from the knees
down to shift smoothly to the following technique without staying in the
same spot.
We will be covering the most basic of karate fundamentals, oi-zuki, in detail in a three-week series.
The students will learn how to use their bodies, put their weight on the technique, prepare with proper stance, and integrate all the movements.
The most important thing in karate is to move the axis‼️ Learn this shifting of the axis through oi-zuki‼️
※Dead Line 9,July,2024 PM11:59(JST)
※Dead Line April,25,2024 PM11:59(Japan time)
〈Kata Challenge-Online seminar〉
Let’s challenge twice a month! Toward winning Kata tournament!
Toward pass the Dan exam! Let’s master new Kata!
Shihan Kobayashi will support you. Let's upgrade your Kata technique.
The second day (April 28, 2024) focuses "Jion".
期間は2023年10月17日(火)から 20日(金)までの四日間です。
Eメール:[email protected]
FAX: 098-988-3888
J K A has organised an optional tour to experience Okinawan karate as part of the 2023 autumn national training camp next month. The tour will last for four days from October 17th (Tue) to the 20th (Fri). The main content of the tour is a visit to the Okinawa Karate Kaikan and participation in seminars by leading Okinawan masters.
If you would like to participate, please contact "Agesio Japan Co., Ltd" through the website. (Deadline is September 30th).
We look forward to your active participation.
Starting today, spring training camp will start at home and abroad!