Screencity Lab is a cultural association created to promote and realize cultural activities as well as scientific research in the fields of New Media, Visual Art, Design, Architecture, Environment, Technologies, Media Enviornment and Arts in general. Screencity Lab fosters an inter-disciplinary and cross-medial approach and counts on an international network. It works as observatory providing anal
isys, consulting services and strategic projecting. Screencity Lab edits an international academic publication called Screencity Journal (quaterly). Screencity Journal is an international, double blind peer reviewed, online journal, whose primary aim is to promote interdisciplinary and innovative research. It attempts to intersect the most recent studies at the crossroads of media and new media studies, urban studies and architecture, cinema and postcinema studies, media and new media arts. The selection of published articles intends to present academic, practical and critical discourses dealing with ongoing cultural, technological and social trends and processes listed in ScreenCityLab tag cloud. Issues are four-monthly published; they feature a special theme and are edited by a scholar or expert who extensively works in the field. The journal invites comparative and analytical case studies exploration, as well as broader background reconstructions, be they on a methodological, theoretical or empirical level. In order to support substantial contributions to the fields, articles proposing new approaches and insights are particularly welcome. The integration of iconographic, audiovisual and interactive materials are also supported and appreciated. The journal is aimed at a broad readership of researchers, critics and experts. For this reason, articles should focus clearly formulated issues and phenomena, leading to well-argued conclusions (please see Guidelines and Article format).