High Living - YouTube animated videos

High Living - YouTube animated videos Practical Tips to Level Up your Life

High Living helps people living a happier, healthier and more successful life, through a unique educational experience for everyone. Each video aims to inspire or teach you something new about success, self-improvement, social skills, relationships, money and finance, personal growth, mindset, and much more. If you are looking for practical tips to level up your life, then join our Youtube communi

ty, and explore awesome ideas that will empower and motivate you to achieve your goals!

-improvement Skills summaries



Anxiety is a common problem for many people, and the most common mental illness in the United States. And you might be surprised to learn that some foods act...


Confidence is a crucial building block to success in many areas of our lives. Confident people stand out at work and in social situations, so they end up ach...


Dopamine plays a role in how we feel pleasure, and it is a big part of our unique human ability to think and plan: it helps us strive, focus, and find things...



Charisma is one of the most essential traits of a successful person: if you look at the great leaders and innovators, the one quality all of them possess is ...


Do you often feel like things have to be perfect for you to be happy and satisfied? Is accepting mistakes or failures very hard for you? Do you feel like not...


Mental strength is the capacity to deal effectively with your emotions, manage your thoughts, and behave in a positive and productive manner, despite your ci...


When you’re flirting with a woman, it can be hard to know if she is into you. Most men are in fact blind to the subtle signs a girl secretly likes them, and ...



Most of us can find ways to save $100. But, how can you multiply that money, and turn it into $1000 relatively quickly? If you are like most people, then you...

If you feel stuck, lost, or unhappy in life, unable to change your situation.. then you might be experiencing learned he...

If you feel stuck, lost, or unhappy in life, unable to change your situation.. then you might be experiencing learned helplessness. Watch this video to find out more, and break free ❤🚀🌙

If you feel stuck, lost, unhappy, and unable to change your situation.. then you might be experiencing learned helplessness. Learned helplessness occurs when...

What does it take to become a millionaire? Do you think you need to have extraordinary skills, an above average salary, ...

What does it take to become a millionaire?
Do you think you need to have extraordinary skills, an above average salary, or start a business in order to get rich and make money and earn your first million?
Well, the answer to all that is a resounding no.

The truth is, anybody can become a millionaire. In this video we are going to show you how becoming a millionaire is a lot easier than you think, so make sure to watch until the end, as this video could literally transform your life.

What does it take to become a millionaire? Do you think you need to have extraordinary skills, an above average salary, or start a business in order to get r...

We’ve all had an ex that we can’t get out of our minds, or a harmful friendship we hold on to. Other times we accept a t...

We’ve all had an ex that we can’t get out of our minds, or a harmful friendship we hold on to. Other times we accept a toxic work environment for years, unable to walk away.

But why is it so hard to let go of people, things or situations, even we know they’re not good for us? Watch this video for some tips that can help you deciding where you want to go with your life, and make sure you like and share.

We’ve all had an ex that we can’t get out of our minds, or a harmful friendship we hold on to. Other times we accept a toxic work environment for years, unab...

Success is what we all want in life - yet it is so elusive. Do yourself a favor, and watch this video to increase your c...

Success is what we all want in life - yet it is so elusive. Do yourself a favor, and watch this video to increase your chances of achieving what you want in life 🚀🌙

Do you ever feel like there’s something missing in your life? That you are constantly waiting for something better to arrive? That you have not unlocked your...

Do you ever feel like there’s something missing in your life? That you are constantly waiting for something better to ar...

Do you ever feel like there’s something missing in your life? That you are constantly waiting for something better to arrive?
You see, most people keep waiting for amazing things to happen, or goals to be reached in the future that will unlock whatever is keeping them from happiness. Once they get that car, that house, that promotion, or that marriage, then they will be happy and will finally be able to start living. But that’s an illusion.

Watch this video to find out 5 (hard!) life lessons, people often learn too late

Life is full of lessons, that can help us realize our full potential. Most of these lessons are often only learned in retrospect, long after we needed them, ...

Jealousy often gets a bad reputation, because it is associated with arguments, breakups, feelings of insecurity and conf...

Jealousy often gets a bad reputation, because it is associated with arguments, breakups, feelings of insecurity and conflict. But is it really a "bad" emotion? Watch our latest video to find out, and please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel, for more tips on how to level up your life 🚀🌙

Jealousy often gets a bad reputation, because it is associated with arguments, breakups, feelings of insecurity and conflict. However, like any other emotion...

For everything you say or do, there is generally an infinite number of alternative choices you can pick from. What are y...

For everything you say or do, there is generally an infinite number of alternative choices you can pick from. What are you willing to give up in each moment for something else? What is worth giving up in each moment for something else? This is, decision-making in a nutshell. Sounds simple? Well, it is not. Therefore it’s important to know that decision making is arguably one of the most important skills to cultivate, if you want to have success in your career, business and relationships: the quality of your life is in fact a direct by-product of the quality of the decisions you make every single day.

Watch on YouTube here:

Do you want to improve your decision making skills, and make better decisions?How do you pick the right choice? Are you afraid of making the wrong decision? ...

STAY TRUE TO YOURSELFWe live in a world that constantly tells us what to do, how to act, and even what we should desire ...

We live in a world that constantly tells us what to do, how to act, and even what we should desire or aspire to. Knowing how to be true to yourself and live the life you want can be a challenge. In fact, most people have their life scripted from birth to death, carefully mapped out by cultural rules or family expectations.
Eventually, these people end up not fulfilling their true dreams, and living a fake life. If you are only serving the desires of others, you are not staying true to yourself. You need to frequently ask yourself: “is this what I want for my life”?

If not, then you have to find the courage to break free from a life that doesn’t belong to you and make your own rules, so you can start living your dream life. Staying true to yourself is all about mastering how to live life authentically. Don’t ever let someone else’s goals and dreams influence your vision of life. It’s your path and you should decide where it takes you. And the freedom and peace of mind you’ll enjoy will be well worth any extra challenge you may have to overcome.

Check out some great videos on our channel

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a once-in-a-lifetime disruption to the world economy. Countless businesses have been fo...

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a once-in-a-lifetime disruption to the world economy. Countless businesses have been forced to close their doors and tens of millions of people have lost their jobs, or been temporarily laid off during the crisis. Though the economy has been hit hard by these changes, there are some hopeful signs, and some critical jobs are still in very high demand during the pandemic. We have collected for you some that still offer good opportunities for employment, and ranked them from least to highest paid. Make sure you follow this video until the end, as number 1 will likely surprise you.

Watch on our YouTube channel:

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a once-in-a-lifetime disruption to the world economy, and millions of people have lost their jobs, or been temporarily laid ...

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged with whatever you are doing at the moment, and experienci...

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged with whatever you are doing at the moment, and experiencing to the fullest, free from distraction or judgment. When you are mindful, you are aware of your thoughts and feelings, but you do not get caught up in them, clinging on to the past, or feeling anxious for something which will occur in the future. Only when you focus on the present you have “control” in your life.

Watch the video on our channel here: https://lnkd.in/di-kdKG

What is mindfulness, and how to incorporate it in your life?Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged with whatever you are doing at the...

You may not be aware of that, but YOU ARE BEING TRACKED by a variety of apps that monitors pretty much everything you do...

You may not be aware of that, but YOU ARE BEING TRACKED by a variety of apps that monitors pretty much everything you do: what time you wake up, which news you read, where do you do your jogging, how far and fast you run, the content of your shopping basket, and even your preferences when it comes to dating partners. All of this is recorded, processed, and analyzed. The goal? Understand what makes you tick, and sell this information to the best offeror.

We do the searching on Google, but are searched in turn.
Setting out merely to connect us, Facebook found itself in possession of our likes, dislikes, and secrets.
And at some point, these companies realized they were sitting on a new asset: the information about our thoughts, word and actions, which could be traded for profit based on predicting our needs.

Can it be that tech companies want to control every aspect of what we do, for a profit? What is to stop them from modifying the outcomes of our daily lives? Most importantly, are they actually doing it, with us not even knowing?

Check out this article from The Guardian and the interview to Shoshana Zuboff on her book "The age of surveillance capitalism"

EGO IS THE ENEMYNow more than ever, our culture fans the flames of ego. It’s never been easier to talk, to puff ourselve...


Now more than ever, our culture fans the flames of ego. It’s never been easier to talk, to puff ourselves up. Therefore, instead of pretending that you are living some great story, you must remain focused on the execution—and on executing with excellence. You must shun the false crown and continue working on what got you there. Facts are better than dreams, as Churchill put it.

And yet, ego tempts us to replace action, with talk and hype. Ego wants us to do the fun stuff – the stuff that gets attention, credit, or glory. Doing great work is difficult… but talking, talking is always easy. And that’s what is so insidious.

What is scarce and rare, is actually silence.

Silence is the respite of the confident and the strong. It’s the confident and the strong who work quietly in the corner, ignoring the impulse to seek recognition before they act. They are too busy doing great work, to do anything else. When they do talk, it’s earned. So remember that the only relationship between work and chatter is that one kills the other. And that eventually, actions will always speak louder than words.

For more, check out our animated summary of the best-selling book “Ego is the Enemy”, from Ryan Holiday https://youtu.be/0NkmROv4grQ

Ego is an unhealthy belief in our own importance, which is at the root of almost every conceivable problem or obstacle we face in life. Ego controls us becau...

Dopamine plays a role in how we feel pleasure, and it is a big part of our unique human ability to think and plan: it he...

Dopamine plays a role in how we feel pleasure, and it is a big part of our unique human ability to think and plan: it helps us strive, focus, and find things interesting.
Because dopamine is heavily linked with pleasure, we are all -in some ways- addicted to it. And because we are getting so much dopamine all the time, we end up just wanting more and more, so activities that used to be pleasurable now aren’t. The benchmark of what is fun and entertaining keeps shifting upwards, as we are quickly getting bored by the things that don’t stimulate us enough anymore. Just like drug users need more of the substance to elicit the same surge of dopamine, then also other rewards, like food and social interaction, steadily lose their appeal. And this is where dopamine fasting can help.

Watch the video on our channel here: https://lnkd.in/d4yHPTM

Dopamine plays a role in how we feel pleasure, and it is a big part of our unique human ability to think and plan: it helps us strive, focus, and find things...

AIM ABOVE THE MARK, TO HIT THE MARKWe all know the importance of setting good goals in order to achieve success. Goal se...


We all know the importance of setting good goals in order to achieve success. Goal setting gives your mind something to focus on, and allows you to design a path that leads you there. However, what we often fail to realize is that, just like archers must aim above the mark to actually hit it, you should aim high when setting your goals. If you want to do $100,000 in sales next year, create a plan that allows you to do $150,000: a goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at.

Big goals are also important because they inspire us to take action. When you set a goal that is big enough and exciting enough, motivation will come from within you. You will wake up excited, and you will take action because you are inspired by it. Think about it: if your goal is to earn an extra $100 per month, will you jump out of your bed in the morning, impatient to get to work? You won’t; that is not an exciting goal. But what if your goal was to build a system that made you $5,000 a month in passive income?

This is why you want to DREAM BIG, AND AIM HIGH. When you do so, it drives you and leads you to live with passion.

START BEFORE YOU ARE READYOne of the most famous quotes attributed to Theodore Roosevelt says “Do what you can, with wha...


One of the most famous quotes attributed to Theodore Roosevelt says “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” This quote literally strips away every excuse you have for not doing something. The the truth is, things will never be perfect. We guarantee you that.

Starting anything is risky. You might fail, you might get things wrong, you might lose time and money, and it surely will be uncomfortable. But if you don’t start before you are ready, there is every chance that you will never start, and that means you will never get to do the thing you really want to do. Accept that when you start you will always be confused and unclear, but trust the fact that as you keep moving forward, the path will reveal itself. After all, even Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs were once normal people trying to make a living, and they started out Amazon and Apple from their garages: didn’t that turn out pretty well?

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You don’t need to be an expert, nor the most talented. You don’t have to do everything perfectly. You just need to start.

THE NO-BULLSH*T WAY TO FIND “THE ONE”There’s a lot of dating advice out there, but some of it can actually do you more h...


There’s a lot of dating advice out there, but some of it can actually do you more harm than good. Most of the times in fact, this advice suggests guys all kind of “tactics” and strategies to attract women, from “you should wait at least 3 days before texting her back”, down to “never buy her a drink when you first meet her”. However, we know that attraction doesn’t work like that, and sparking a woman’s interest is not as easy as saying some secret keywords, or pushing the right buttons on a computer.
That’s why very often these techniques backfire: they make you believe that women will want to be with you only if you do or say the right things. As a result, your anxiety and insecurities increase, along with your need to impress people, and this will lead to needy behavior - and neediness is the root of all unattractiveness. In the words of best-selling author Mark Manson “neediness occurs when you place a higher priority on what others think of you, than what you think of yourself.”

For more tips on how to improve your relationships, wellbeing, and financial situation please check out our YouTube channel, for great tips on how to level up your life: ttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA65LpLuymyEMJQ2T-e-_BA

DOUBT KILLS MORE DREAMS THAN FAILURE EVER WILLHesitation isn’t always bad: sometimes it gives you valuable time to think...


Hesitation isn’t always bad: sometimes it gives you valuable time to think about the situation, gather more information and weigh the facts. But all too often, people eventually fail to act due to lack of confidence or courage. You may worry what other people will think about you, be afraid of failure, or even of the consequences of success. However, this hesitation keeps you from moving forward. Not deciding, not taking action is also a choice; one in which you give up all your power.

So, when you know it’s time to act, don’t hesitate. Don’t let doubts kill your chances to make your dreams come true. Someone else might be hired for that job you wanted, or start dating the girl of your dream, or another buyer might move into your dream home.
Waiting only increases the tension and fear, so you better walk into the fear and act. Look at the situation objectively, consider your options and make a decision. Once you have made a decision move ahead and don’t keep rethinking it. Go for it with confidence. If you hesitate you may lose a great opportunity.

Please check out our YouTube channel here:

Being able to express your emotions with honesty, and talk about unpleasant things without resorting to blaming, feeling...

Being able to express your emotions with honesty, and talk about unpleasant things without resorting to blaming, feeling guilty, or creating drama is possibly the hardest thing to do in any relationship.
If you feel you are not able to express your true thoughts and feelings, you won’t be able to trust each other. And trust is like a china plate—if you drop it and it breaks, you can put it back together with some care. But drop and break it enough times, and it will shatter into so many pieces that you will never be able to put it back together again, no matter how hard you try. So do talk openly about everything, even the stuff that hurts, and keep in mind that the last person you should ever have to censor yourself, is your partner.

Please check out our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA65LpLuymyEMJQ2T-e-_BA

Success Rule n1: Have the courage to live a life true to yourselfThis is an absolute key. Success in life is whatever yo...

Success Rule n1: Have the courage to live a life true to yourself

This is an absolute key. Success in life is whatever you define it to be. Your partner, parents, and friends may have their own definition of success.. but their definitions aren’t for you. Other people’s expectations can tempt you to do something you don’t really want to do – so much so that they sometimes become your own.
Instead, you need to focus on whatever it is that will make you feel fulfilled and happy. Maybe for you it’s buying a house overlooking your favorite lake. Some may want to travel the world, while others might what to publish their first novel. Only you can know it for yourself.
In any case, being successful isn’t necessarily about being rich or winning awards, it can be also about personal fulfillment. If you don’t know what gives you fulfillment, ask yourself this question: if you had to design your perfect day, what would it look like?




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