SUCCESS is outcome of indefinite number of efforts, numbers of failure, a very enthusiastic as well as having a strong desire to learn something with boundless efforts and also diligent to overcome mistakes and failure. SUCCESS is outcome of indefinite number of efforts, numbers of failure, a very enthusiastic as well as having a strong desire to learn something with boundless efforts and also di
ligent to overcome mistakes and failure
Success cannot be achieved overnight and to be Richer in terms of money also cannot be considered as success. So here we have tried to put our little efforts by publishing an untold story which will not only encourage others but will also create self confidence in them for those who want to do something in their life. This story is about those peoples who have done and achieved something in the field of exports. Here we are especially discussing about those farmers who owns a very small and tiny portion of agricultural land who have showed their immense courage for doing something different from where they belong to and they did that with their great enthusiasm. The D Factor is actually about those people who have immense courage to do something different in their life. It’s also about those who want to contribute for the social welfare and work for the upbringing of the society. So are you all with us in this journey??
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