Maharashtra Media Services & Public Relations Pvt. Ltd.

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Maharashtra Media Services & Public Relations Pvt. Ltd. Established in 2002, Maharashtra Media Services is one of the India's Leading PR organizations with largest network in Maharashtra.

MMSPR is a PR agency with over 25 years experience in Corporate PR, Brand Communication, Media Relations, Media Monitoring, News Tracking, Event Management, Crisis Management, Market Insights & Research, Content Creation and CSR Promotions. With expertise in providing end-to-end media and PR solutions Maharashtra Media Services strength lies in executing PR campaigns in tier I, tier II and tier II

I cities and in-depth knowledge of rural market in Maharashtra. Our strong network in Maharashtra is spread across with our own offices in 21 key cities covering 36 districts. Head quartered in Pune, Maharashtra Media Services is equipped with capabilities to execute PR campaigns, Activation and events in any city of Maharashtra. With a team of more than 590 professionals, 06 partner network and strong affiliate networking taking our reach to more than 200 cities nationally. Managing the PR mandate for 100+ national and global brands, Maharashtra Media Services has evolved as one stop solution for all communication needs in last decade. The agency comprehensive public relations and communication services include Corporate PR, Brand Communication, Media Relations, Media Monitoring News Tracking, Event Management Promotion, Crisis Management, Market Insights & Research, Content Creation and CSR promotions


माझे FB अकाऊंट हॅक झाले आहे, माझ्या नावाने हॅकर मॅसेजेस पाठवून पैसे मागत आहे. तरी कुणीही पैसे पाठवू नये मी सुखरूप आहे.

Well deserved acknowledgementOne of the oldest newspaper publication in India - The Free Press Journal covered Mr. Raju ...

Well deserved acknowledgement

One of the oldest newspaper publication in India - The Free Press Journal covered Mr. Raju Nikam, CMD of Maharashtra Media Services & PR Pvt. Ltd. The story covers his journey and his success and the growth of his company since inception.

सोनी मराठी  कोण होणार करोडपती  स्पर्धकांना २ करोड जिंकण्याची संधी !- बक्षिसाच्या रकमेबरोबरच मनोरंजनांचा होणार डबल धमाका ...

सोनी मराठी कोण होणार करोडपती स्पर्धकांना २ करोड जिंकण्याची संधी !
- बक्षिसाच्या रकमेबरोबरच मनोरंजनांचा होणार डबल धमाका !
- 'कोण होणार करोडपती'च्या नव्या पर्वामध्ये सहभागी होण्यासाठी तब्बल १४ लाख लोकांनी अजमावले नशीब!
पुणे, २५ मे २०२३ : 'कोण होणार करोडपती'मध्ये आपल्या ज्ञानाच्या जोरावर करोडपती होण्यासाठी अनेक जण आपले नशीब आजमावत असतात. येत्या २९ मेपासून 'कोण होणार करोडपती'चे नवे पर्व सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर सुरू होते आहे. यंदा बक्षिसाची रक्कम दुप्पट म्हणजे दोन करोड रुपये करण्यात आली आहे. या पर्वात सहभागी होण्यासाठी मिस कॉल करणे आवश्यक होते. यासाठी देण्यात आलेल्या क्रमांकावर या वेळी तब्बल १४ लाख लोकांनी मिस कॉल देत या कार्यक्रमाला उत्स्फूर्त प्रतिसाद दिला आहे, अशी माहिती पुण्यामध्ये पत्रकारांशी संवाद साधताना 'कोण होणार करोडपती'च्या टीमने दिली. 'कोण होणार करोडपती', २९ मे पासून सोम ते शनि रात्री ९ वा. सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर!
या वेळी बोलताना 'कोण होणार करोडपती'चे सूत्रसंचालक, सुप्रसिद्ध अभिनेते सचिन खेडेकर म्हणाले, 'आता मागे नाही राहायचं, आपल्या माणसाला जिंकताना बघायचं, अशी या पर्वाची टॅग लाईन आहे. प्रत्येक मराठी माणसाची थोड्याफार प्रमाणात अशीच मानसिकता असते. आपण अधिक सावधपणे पावलं टाकत असतो. मी नाटकांमध्ये काम करायचो, तेव्हा मालिकांबद्दल विचारणा व्हायची तर मी पण असाच, जाऊ दे ना कशाला . . बरं चाललंय ना, अशी माझीही मानसिकता असायची. पण एक पाऊल तसंच पुढे टाकताना आपण एक पाऊल मागे जात असतो. त्यामुळे आता मागे नाही राहायचं. मला नेहमी वाटतं की, सामान्य ज्ञानाचा अभ्यास कसा करणार? स्पर्धा परीक्षांची तयारी करणारे अनेक स्पर्धक या खेळात येतात. पण स्पर्धा परीक्षांची तयारी म्हणजे सगळी तयारी नाही. कारण सर्वच स्पर्धक अभ्यास करून आलेलेच असतात, पण हॉट सीटवर बसल्यावर काही सुचतच नाही. अशा वेळी स्पर्धकांना रिलॅक्सिंग वातावरण तयार करून देणं ही मोठी जबाबदारी असते माझ्यावर.'
'कोण होणार करोडपती'मधील 'कोण हा त्या वेळी हॉट सीटवर बसलेला व्यक्ती असेल असे, व्यक्तिचित्र निर्माण करणारा प्रत्येक भाग येणार आहे. त्या प्रत्येक स्पर्धकाचा व्हिडिओ तर असणारच आहे. पण प्रेक्षकांना खेळापेक्षा जास्त त्या स्पर्धकाविषयी कळावे यासाठी अधिक प्रयत्न केले जाणार आहेत. कारण त्या दिवशी तो किंवा ती स्पर्धक नायक असणार आहे.
सोनी मराठीचे बिजनेस हेड अजय भाळवणकर म्हणाले, 'कोण होणार करोडपती'चे हे नवे पर्व आपल्या भेटीला येत आहे. या पर्वाची वैशिष्ट्ये म्हणजे, यंदा बक्षिसाची रक्कम दुप्पट म्हणजे दोन करोड रुपये करण्यात आली आहे. शिवाय यंदा १५ ऐवजी १६ प्रश्नांचा खेळ असणार आहे. विशेष म्हणजे यंदाच्या पर्वात सहभागी होण्यासाठी १४ लाख मिस कॉल आले आहेत. ही संख्या मागच्या वर्षापेक्षा दुपटीने जास्त आहे. त्यांतील दोनशे स्पर्धकांची निवड या पर्वासाठी करण्यात आली आहे.
सोनी मराठीचे क्रिएटिव्ह डायरेक्टर अमित फाळके म्हणाले, एखाद्या कार्यक्रमाचे सूत्रसंचालन करणे आणि 'कोण होणार करोडपती'चं सूत्रसंचालन करणं ह्या पूर्णपणे वेगळ्या गोष्टी आहेत. कारण या कार्यक्रमात तांत्रिक बाबी अधिक आहेत. सचिन खेडेकर यांच्या प्रत्येक शब्दावर हा खेळ पुढे सारकतो. मात्र बॅक ऑफ द स्टेज अनेक तंत्रज्ञ त्या वेळी काम करत असतात.
पाहायला विसरू नका, 'कोण होणार करोडपती', सोम. ते शनि., रात्री ९ वाजता सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर.

With two decades of stellar industry excellence in the PR world, we are ready to take your business to newer heights! Pa...

With two decades of stellar industry excellence in the PR world, we are ready to take your business to newer heights! Partner with us today for the best PR services in Maharashtra! Call 98225 27727!

Maharashtra Media Services' in-depth understanding of media empowers us to drive campaigns to achieve the best of object...

Maharashtra Media Services' in-depth understanding of media empowers us to drive campaigns to achieve the best of objectives that create a boom around your brand! So get in touch with us to explode your business in the eyes of your audiences! Call 98225 27727 today!

Media training is a valuable exercise to ensure all spokespeople, from seasoned executives to newer professionals, have ...

Media training is a valuable exercise to ensure all spokespeople, from seasoned executives to newer professionals, have developed the skills to effectively deliver news and key messages with confidence and consistency while properly positioning the institution and managing any potential risks. At Maharashtra Media, we provide this invaluable service to all of our clients. To get in touch with us today, call 98225 27727 !

Dear mom, you have nurtured me, protected me, guided me and loved me unconditionally. You are my heart beat, I always wa...

Dear mom, you have nurtured me, protected me, guided me and loved me unconditionally. You are my heart beat, I always want to live under your guidance. Happy Mother’s Day!

With these and many more trends making a buzz, we know just the right PR starategy to curate for you to make it big in y...

With these and many more trends making a buzz, we know just the right PR starategy to curate for you to make it big in your industry! Connect with us for the best PR and media services in Maharashtra today! Call 9822527727 to get in touch with our PR mavens!

Channel the power of PR to strengthen your brand's with the right audience! To do this, pay us a visit or call us at 982...

Channel the power of PR to strengthen your brand's with the right audience! To do this, pay us a visit or call us at 98225 27727!

At Maharashtra Media, we don't just scratch the surface, we create a space for your brand in the minds of your most rele...

At Maharashtra Media, we don't just scratch the surface, we create a space for your brand in the minds of your most relevant audiences through the power of top-notch PR and media communication. To get in touch with us, call 98225 27727.

Every brand, individual or company might face a crisis at any given time during their operations. This being said, how t...

Every brand, individual or company might face a crisis at any given time during their operations. This being said, how they manouever through it makes the world of a difference- and that can only be made possible through good PR! So go ahead and get in touch with us for the best Crisis Management services in Maharashtra! Call 98225 27727 today!

On this Maharashtra Day, let's pledge to make our state a hub of innovation, creativity, and excellence!                ...

On this Maharashtra Day, let's pledge to make our state a hub of innovation, creativity, and excellence!

Influencer marketing is part of multiple new-age PR strategies that we employ, here at Maharashtra Media Services! So go...

Influencer marketing is part of multiple new-age PR strategies that we employ, here at Maharashtra Media Services! So go ahead and join hands with us for all-rounder PR campaigns that have made the buzz for the past 20 years! Call 98225 27727 today!

Happy Ambedkar Jayanti 2023

Happy Ambedkar Jayanti 2023

With PR being the need of the hour, make sure you partner with the right team! Get in touch with the best PR services in...

With PR being the need of the hour, make sure you partner with the right team! Get in touch with the best PR services in Maharashtra today! Call 98225 27727 now!

A solution for all your PR needs, whenever you require them! Team up with the best PR Agency In Pune today! Call 98225 2...

A solution for all your PR needs, whenever you require them! Team up with the best PR Agency In Pune today! Call 98225 27727

Happy Good Friday !!!!

Happy Good Friday !!!!

Happy Hanuman Jayanti !!!!

Happy Hanuman Jayanti !!!!

Happy Mahavir Jayanti !!!!

Happy Mahavir Jayanti !!!!

A solution for all your PR needs, whenever you require them! Team up with the best PR Agnecy In Pune today! Call 98225 2...

A solution for all your PR needs, whenever you require them! Team up with the best PR Agnecy In Pune today! Call 98225 27727

Happy Ram Navami!!!!!!!

Happy Ram Navami!!!!!!!

Data shows that press releases published on Thursdays between 10 am – 2 pm have the greatest chance of being opened. The...

Data shows that press releases published on Thursdays between 10 am – 2 pm have the greatest chance of being opened. The average open rate is 27%, compared to the next best day (Tuesday) with an average open rate of 19%. Get access to all of these insider hacks with the best PR agency in town! Call Maharashtra Media Services at 98225 27727 today!

A solution for all your PR needs, whenever you require them! Team up with the best PR Agnecy In Pune today! Call 98225 2...

A solution for all your PR needs, whenever you require them! Team up with the best PR Agnecy In Pune today! Call 98225 27727

May this Gudi Padwa bring you new spirit, new beginning and new prosperity. Wishing you a very happy Gudi Padwa! May thi...

May this Gudi Padwa bring you new spirit, new beginning and new prosperity. Wishing you a very happy Gudi Padwa! May this Happy occasion of Gudi Padwa bring countless joy, wealth, prosperity, good health to you and your family! Happy Gudi Padwa!

Paani Foundation Hosts Grand “Farmer Cup” Prize Distribution Ceremony In PuneThe Chief Guest for this event was the Hon’...

Paani Foundation Hosts Grand “Farmer Cup” Prize Distribution Ceremony In Pune

The Chief Guest for this event was the Hon’ble Deputy CM of Maharashtra, Shri Devendra Fadnavis. Many luminaries from the fields of business, politics and arts also joined the ceremony. The highlight of the event was a “Powada” (folk song and dance), performed by Shahir Avdhoot Gandhi, and accompanied by noted dancer Ms. Phulawa Khamkar and her troupe, to honour the work done by the farmers. Written by Vaibhav Hiwase with Suresh Bhatia and Christopher Rego as Directors of the show, the song was specially composed for this event by musician duo Rahul Khade and Tejas Kale, of the group Sameehan. The 35-minute Powada performance received a thunderous applause and standing ovation from the audience.

Shri Devendra Fadnavis, congratulated all the participating farmer collectives in his speech. He emphasised on how collectivisation in farming is the key to tackling inflation, climate change and market uncertainties. He also urged the collectives to look beyond subsidies, and focus on creating self-sustaining and profitable farmer producer companies.

Paani Foundation’s Founders, Mr. Aamir Khan and Ms. Kiran Rao also congratulated the farmers in their speeches. Mr. Khan appreciated the unity of the farmers and encouraged them to participate in Farmer Cup 2023 with even more gusto. Ms. Rao specially mentioned the contribution of women farmers and young farmers who participated in the competition.

Mr. Vilas Shinde, the Chairman of Sahyadri Farms, shared his thoughts on the importance of farmer producer companies. In a conversation with Mr. Khan, Padma Shri Popatrao Pawar spoke about the importance of farmers’ unity.

The anchors of this function were noted actor, Ms. Spruha Joshi


105, 1st Floor, Mandke Business Centre, 652, Appa Balwant Chowk, Narayan Peth

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 8pm
Tuesday 8am - 8pm
Wednesday 8am - 8pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
Friday 8am - 8pm
Saturday 8am - 8pm




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