Upon starting my venture, I realised that a lot of business owners and solopreneurs faced similar challenges - They understood that Instagram was growing fast and that businesses need to leverage the platform if they wanted to grow but found it challenging to keep up with all that's happening - The algorithm, what does it favour? What does good content on the gram mean? Can businesses use social media strategically to reach out to their audience? This enabled me to create a flagship program - Instagram for Business. Here's a lovely review from one of my sweetest participants who attended the class 💕 I'm so thankful to her. She indeed was the one to sow the seeds for this workshop. She demanded it and I couldn't refuse 🤗
I find this so fulfilling and have plans on reaching out to many such businesses owners who desire to grow their brand and stay ahead of their competition. From basics to growth and conversions, our workshops are meant for B2C business owners who have started out new ✨️