The Foundation has been focusing on a systematic compilation and dissemination of current and long-term data series on the macro-economy, as also various economic, social and demographic sectors. While disseminating these data series, the EPWRF has not only been describing the underlying concepts and methods and procedures of data compilation, it has also been making critical observations on their
quality and possible weaknesses. Besides, all data base studies published by the EPWRF have provided reviews of the trends in growth and structural changes of the Indian economy as revealed in the respective macro-economic and sectoral data. The data base and associated research work of the institution include:
Comprehensive and independent publications on macroeconomic and sectoral themes;
Regular reviews of current economic and financial market developments such as a Monthly Economic Review (MER), a monthly Money Market Review (MMR), a Financial Markets Review (FMR);
Research projects undertaken on behalf of reputed agencies or on its own;
Special Statistics series published in the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) and/or placed on the Institution’s website; and
EPWRF's publications with long time series of data have included:
National Accounts Statistics of India
Domestic Product of States of India
Price Indices
Agricultural Statistics
Annual Survey of Industries
Industrial Production Series
External Sector
Financial Markets
Banking Statistics (Basic Statistical Returns (BSR))
Finances of Government of India
Finances of State Governments in India
Combined Government Finances
Power Sector
In recognition of EPWRF's expertise in building data series, many institutions like the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the University Grants Commission have been extending substantial research support. EPWRF’s current projects include publication of a Pocket Book of Socio-economic Data and building up an online service on long-term India time series for the benefit of students and researchers and all those interested in India’s developments. The EPW Research Foundation’s website ( disseminates all data series generated under different projects. The site also covers weekly reports, monthly money market reviews, and Special Statistics series. Apart from links and archives, an appropriate index of subjects is also provided.