TrueNOMADS by Toto is now Truenomads Online (TO), a magazine dedicated to the people who prefer to stay informed as well as unbiased when contemporary issues come up in the media. TO is an initiative of Toto India, and it is going to be a weekly publication covering five major domains, which are
Cinemawala: Dedicated to movies from around the world.
Fun-e: All hard work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So, some serious fun here.
Editorial: Our editors will post opinionated and illuminating points of view on this page.
We are aiming to make TO the most popular web magazine within a timespan of three years. That means a lot of struggle, but our main aim is to offer a magazine free from any influence so that people who really want to know an issue can get some real inspiration from our publication.
Our stories will be published on every Sunday, except when something special that needs immediate coverage pops up in our minds. We are determined to keep quality and standards very high and that is probably the only way to grow in a digital world that knows everything.
You are welcome to post comments, messages or feedback, both in favor of TO or against it on this page. We will publish select messages on the site.
Date of Start: 15th August 2018 ( the 72nd I-Day of India)