Come, be a part of this blessed event, and experience the love and grace of God. You are most welcome!
Grassmore Tea Garden
हम आप सभी का आमंत्रण करते हैं इस अद्भुत कार्यक्रम में, जहाँ हम मिलकर परमेश्वर की महिमा करेंगे और उनकी कृपा का गुणगान करेंगे।
तारीख: 15, 16, और 17 नवंबर 2024
स्थान: ग्रासमोर फुटबॉल ग्राउंड (Nagrakata)
समय: शाम 04:00 से रात 09:00 बजे तक
आइए, एक साथ मिलकर विश्वास, भक्ति और आनंद से भरे इस आयोजन का हिस्सा बनें। आपका स्वागत है!
💓 God's care for our lives, especially in times of struggle, is a profound and comforting truth found throughout the Bible. The Scriptures reassure us that God is not distant or indifferent to our challenges. Instead, He is deeply involved in every aspect of our lives, guiding, protecting, and sustaining us through our trials.
In Psalm 55:22, it says, "Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken." This verse highlights the tender care God has for us, inviting us to bring our burdens to Him. He promises not only to sustain us but also to ensure that our faith remains firm, even in the midst of adversity.
Moreover, in Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus teaches about God's provision, encouraging us not to worry about our needs. He reminds us that just as God cares for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, He cares even more for us. This passage reassures us that our Heavenly Father knows our needs and is faithful to provide for them in His perfect timing.
In times of struggle, we can find solace in knowing that God is with us, working all things for our good (Romans 8:28). Our struggles are not overlooked by God; rather, they are opportunities for us to draw closer to Him, trusting in His unfailing love and care.
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💓 Jeevan Rupi Mor Donga Aahe (जीवन रूपी मोर डोंगा)
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