The Students Timeline is an exclusive newspaper for students has evolved to endow with information about skill, current events, issues of social, political, economic, cultural and technological importance to students, parents and educational institutions through news, articles and advertisements. The horizons of knowledge increase through information regarding medicine, agriculture, history, eco
nomics, geography, politics and various other such dimensions. By establishing the agenda of discussion the newspaper leads people to remain obsessed with matters of student’s interest, socio economic and other vital issues by construe facts into the right perspective. The TST aims at protecting the rights of students, protecting their freedom and guarding the student’s interest. Persuasive leadership which, in the words of Gilmore and Root, includes "arguing and cajoling to get citizens to act" is also prime object of our newspaper. To provide a forum for public debate and discussion on matters of students interest. The students Timeline newspaper is published on sound economic principles, with respect to the tenets of journalistic ethics and to serve social purposes with an endeavor of developing the skills of the students. We serve as the leading resource to develop new education programs. Expand our work with governments, foundations, universities, school and corporations to connect with opportunities for education, training and internships for the students.