MWI Hong Kong

MWI Hong Kong MWI a global digital marketing firm with offices in the US and Hong Kong.

MWI 公司是Josh Steimle 1999年在美國成立,在倫敦、香港和深圳設有分公司的一站式線上市場營銷公司。自2013年起,MWI 在香港透過多元化線上推廣渠道幫助本地客人在短時間內建立特定的目標客戶群,從而達到客戶銷售目標。另一方面透過網上內容PR幫助亞洲企業打進去北美和歐洲市場。

一站式服務包括:網站建設,SEO,Google/Facebook的PPC廣告,國外社交媒體賬號管理(FB/IG/Twitter/LinkedIn),內容營銷,網上PR(Forbes,TechCrunch,Mashable等),品牌定位與設計等。國內客戶做海外市場的包括萬達集團的FB/Twitter、貓王小王子收音機、北京大學和Kickstarter項目;香港有3Italiani、、Manulife、美國的健身中心(Orangetheory Fitness)、Minibox Sel

f Storage;國外有Sony、LG等。

WeChat: MWIChina

MWI was founded by Josh Steimle in the United States in 1999. We are a one-stop digital marketing company headquartered in the United States, with offices in London, Hong Kong and Shenzhen, helping Asian companies to reach North American and European markets through online PR, content etc. One-stop services include: website development, SEO, Google / Facebook PPC advertising, foreign social media account management (FB / IG / Twitter / LinkedIn), content marketing, online PR(Forbes, TechCrunch, Mashable, etc.),brand positioning and design. Domestic customers for overseas markets including Wanda Group (FB / Twitter), Meow King radio, Peking University and several Kickstarter projects; Hong Kong clients include 3Italiani, Manulife,, the United States fitness center (Orangetheory Fitness); US clients include Sony, LG and so on.

想捉緊夏天的尾巴,盡情揮灑汗水?🏉 等等,呢個係欖球定係一對 Sennheiser SPORT True Wireless…?🎧 MWI 希望藉著唔同嘅特別節目與活動,將客戶嘅品牌與受眾聚集一齊,引起共鳴。Want to seize the...

想捉緊夏天的尾巴,盡情揮灑汗水?🏉 等等,呢個係欖球定係一對 Sennheiser SPORT True Wireless…?🎧
MWI 希望藉著唔同嘅特別節目與活動,將客戶嘅品牌與受眾聚集一齊,引起共鳴。

Want to seize the end of summer vacation and sprinkle with sweat under the sun? 🏉 Wait, is that a ball or a pair of Sennheiser SPORT True Wireless…?🎧
Score a touchdown with MWI, assisted by this special event, and bring your brand and your audience together.

Leadership is helping any group of two or more people achieve their common goals. - Les McKeown

Leadership is helping any group of two or more people achieve their common goals. - Les McKeown

內容至上,但情境同樣重要。我哋了解中小企嘅經歷與面臨嘅困難,希望大眾可以喺我哋同星展銀行合作所寫嘅文章入面,感受到我哋對中小企嘅關注,以及為佢哋提供策略與技巧嘅努力。Content is king, and context is proba...


Content is king, and context is probably queen.
We understand the journey of SMEs and the problems they are facing. You can find the care and attention we have in providing them with strategies to succeed in the blogs we created for DBS.

我哋勇於將創意力實踐出嚟,就好似我哋幫 Sennheiser整嘅呢個設計咁,真.頭搖又尾擺,咁就可以一邊踩單車,一邊聽歌啦!Everything you can imagine is real. Want to enjoy your fav...

我哋勇於將創意力實踐出嚟,就好似我哋幫 Sennheiser整嘅呢個設計咁,真.頭搖又尾擺,咁就可以一邊踩單車,一邊聽歌啦!

Everything you can imagine is real.
Want to enjoy your favourite music while getting around? Is this perfect for cyclists who want enjoy music all the time?
This is the new design we created for Sennheiser. Or did we?

教學影片絕對係解決問題嘅好幫手! MWI 早前同 Towngas合作,製作咗一系列教學影片,為佢哋嘅團隊與客戶提供唔同嘅step-by-step操作指引!即刻透過 MWI 了解更多,利用不同影片製作釋放無限可能啦!An explainer ...

教學影片絕對係解決問題嘅好幫手! MWI 早前同 Towngas合作,製作咗一系列教學影片,為佢哋嘅團隊與客戶提供唔同嘅step-by-step操作指引!
即刻透過 MWI 了解更多,利用不同影片製作釋放無限可能啦!
An explainer video can be the anytime-problem solver! In this project with Towngas, we made a series of tutorial videos, providing step-by-step instructions for their team and their customers!
Unleash the power of explainers and branded videos, and unlock endless possibilities with MWI!

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. - Vincent van Gogh

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. - Vincent van Gogh


May your basket be filled with joy and Easter eggs during this holiday, and bunnies bringing you happiness and energy!🥚
MWI wishes you a happy Easter.🐰

我哋為 TEMPUR 拍攝嘅一系列 TEMPtation 廣告,成功咁向觀眾展示 TEMPUR 床褥嘅誘惑與魅力。從廣告創意到投放,你又準備好體驗MWI嘅誘惑未?A moment's TEMPtation, but with long-te...

我哋為 TEMPUR 拍攝嘅一系列 TEMPtation 廣告,成功咁向觀眾展示 TEMPUR 床褥嘅誘惑與魅力。
A moment's TEMPtation, but with long-term benefits.
How does that make sense? It makes sense because it's a TEMPUR mattress.
From production to delivery, are you ready to experience the temptation with MWI?

       ,呢啲術語可能令人難以理解,但唔洗擔心!我哋專業嘅團隊可以幫你整理呢啲術語,用最簡單嘅方式傳達相關訊息比大眾。我哋希望協助你管理所需嘅資訊,等你可以專注管理其他重要事務,令公司發展更順暢。       , terms that...

, terms that might boggle the mind, but fear not, we have specialized writers that can help make sense of your industry, and explain it in the most simplest of terms. We help take care of your content, so you can focus on the important things in your business.

按下播放鍵,發揮你嘅想像。 當我哋將耳機倒轉會發生咩事呢? 動畫看似簡單,但效果卻奇大無比。 呢個就係社交媒體嘅力量,而你只需要知道點樣打開佢,發揮佢嘅功效。Press play and switch on your imagination...

按下播放鍵,發揮你嘅想像。 當我哋將耳機倒轉會發生咩事呢?
動畫看似簡單,但效果卻奇大無比。 呢個就係社交媒體嘅力量,而你只需要知道點樣打開佢,發揮佢嘅功效。
Press play and switch on your imagination. What will happen when we turn our headphones upside down? The motion is simple, but the effect is tremendous. This is the power of social media. You just have to know how to turn it on.


呢日會有好多愛情故事誕生,但最鍾意嘅一定係我哋同你一齊創造、建立嘅故事。 聽落可能好老土,但我哋希望你熱愛我哋嘅工作,就好似我哋熱愛成為MWI嘅一份子一樣!
MWI 祝你情人節快樂💝
While plenty of love stories are written today, the one created by you and MWI must be our favorite. It may sound cliché, but we hope you love our work as much as we loved being a part of them!
Happy Valentine's Day💝


係中國文化入面,龍係力量的象徵,同時會帶嚟好運。今年,MWI 亦希望為你同你嘅公司帶嚟實力與影響力。
MWI 祝你 2024 農曆新年 龍馬精神、蛟龍得水、行運一條龍!
A Wooden Dragon brings good luck and is a symbol of strength in Chinese culture. We hope MWI brings strength and fortune to you and your company this year.
Here's to a prosperous, abundant, and healthy 2024 Year of the Dragon!

MWI 專注將客戶產品融入受眾生活之中。早前我哋幫 Sennheiser 推出咗星座系列,希望引嚟觀眾嘅共鳴。Resonate with the audience and integrate product with lifestyle. ...

MWI 專注將客戶產品融入受眾生活之中。早前我哋幫 Sennheiser 推出咗星座系列,希望引嚟觀眾嘅共鳴。
Resonate with the audience and integrate product with lifestyle. The zodiac series we put out with Sennheiser connects our brand with the emotions of each and everyone of our users. Give it a personal touch.

純素、素食、生酮,抑或純粹想食得健康?我哋同 AYAM brand 雄鷄標™ 同 Mimi Veggie 合作,帶嚟一系列色、香、味俱全嘅食譜,無論邊種飲食習慣都一樣啱睇。Vegan, vegetarian, Keto, or if you...

純素、素食、生酮,抑或純粹想食得健康?我哋同 AYAM brand 雄鷄標™ 同 Mimi Veggie 合作,帶嚟一系列色、香、味俱全嘅食譜,無論邊種飲食習慣都一樣啱睇。
Vegan, vegetarian, Keto, or if you just feel like eating a little healthier. We collaborated with Ayam and Mimi Veggie for a series of recipes that is tasty, healthy, and most importantly, pretty.


Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye. - Dorothy Parker


It is the end of another year, so let us raise our glasses and toast for more shared success in the coming new year! MWI wishes you all a happy 2024!
嚟到年尾,就等我哋一齊舉杯慶祝,迎接新一年嘅挑戰與成功。MWI 祝大家新年快樂!🎊

After hearing “All I want for Christmas is You” a hundred times since November, it’s finally time for the real Christmas...

After hearing “All I want for Christmas is You” a hundred times since November, it’s finally time for the real Christmas celebrations! Merry Christmas to you, and may your festive season be filled with joy.
由11月開始聽咗接近一百次”All I want for Christmas is You” 之後...終於到咗真正嘅聖誕節喇!MWI祝你聖誕節快樂🎄

Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you creat...

Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will. - George Bernard Shaw

Move, groove, now make it all look smooth.Here is a tailored Instagram filter to launch Sennheiser's new headphones, don...

Move, groove, now make it all look smooth.
Here is a tailored Instagram filter to launch Sennheiser's new headphones, don't just listen to your music. Feel it, and maybe you can touch it too.
我哋為 Sennheiser 嘅全新耳機產品度身訂造咗一個 Instagram filter。音樂,唔一定淨係聽嘅,仲可以 Feel 得到,甚至觸摸得到。

Speedy unlimited 5G data. Sounds like such a blessing for all of us digital nomads. We have got to try and get the messa...

Speedy unlimited 5G data. Sounds like such a blessing for all of us digital nomads.
We have got to try and get the message out there haven't we? This is 1O1O's 5G Service Plan!
每當有最新嘅資訊,我哋都希望用快捷而有效率嘅速度,將客戶嘅訊息傳遞出去,就好似我哋幫1O1O宣傳嘅5G服務計劃咁,引導大眾進入快速無限 5G世界,刷新網絡使用新體驗。

When the temperature drops, and you find it increasingly difficult to leave the bed on a weekday.天氣開始凍凍哋,然後你朝早準備起身嗰陣發現.....

When the temperature drops, and you find it increasingly difficult to leave the bed on a weekday.



BOO! It must be the scariest three letters for Halloween!
How about SMM, SEM, SEO, B2B, B2C, KPI, ROI, CPC, CPL, CPM, CPV...
BRB. Admin's crying now.
Happy Halloween. 🎃

You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. - Maya Angelou

You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. - Maya Angelou

我哋為客戶提供廣泛嘅品牌與設計服務,滿足客戶OOH戶外廣告以及數碼營銷需求。 早前我哋就幫 Tempur準備展覽所需嘅佈置!Offering a wide range of branding and design services, we ...

我哋為客戶提供廣泛嘅品牌與設計服務,滿足客戶OOH戶外廣告以及數碼營銷需求。 早前我哋就幫 Tempur準備展覽所需嘅佈置!
Offering a wide range of branding and design services, we help our clients with their OOH advertising as well as their digital needs. Here, we have exhibition backdrops and point-of-sale materials for TEMPUR!

我哋無時無刻關注我哋嘅客戶,同時留意周圍發生嘅大小事。例如早排留意到明禎bb新居入伙,咁不如...送份入伙禮物比佢?等明禎瞓得舒舒服服之餘,仲可以邀請佢分享吓使用 TEMPUR 床品嘅感受。Focusing on our clients w...

等明禎瞓得舒舒服服之餘,仲可以邀請佢分享吓使用 TEMPUR 床品嘅感受。
Focusing on our clients while keeping an eye on what is happening around us basically sums up what our social team does.
Noticing that Minchen was moving into her new place got us thinking... How about a housewarming gift?
That's how we invited her to share her experience with Tempur.

創意並非無形,亦值得被傳頌。MWI 同 Sennheiser 合作,一齊發掘香港唔同嘅創作者,希望傳遞佢哋嘅故事,對作品嘅熱情與工藝,同客戶嘅產品結合並分享比大眾。Some stories are meant to be told. Wor...

MWI 同 Sennheiser 合作,一齊發掘香港唔同嘅創作者,希望傳遞佢哋嘅故事,對作品嘅熱情與工藝,同客戶嘅產品結合並分享比大眾。
Some stories are meant to be told.
Working with local artisans together with Sennheiser, we hope to combine the stories of our artisans, and their passion for their works, with Sennheiser's passion for sound.

在同一個月亮下,無論身處何方,我們都一起閃耀着,與你形影不離。MWI祝你中秋節快樂🌕!As long as we are under the same moon. We shine, and we shine together. MWI w...

As long as we are under the same moon. We shine, and we shine together.
MWI wishes you a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival🌕!

15 秒就可以學識一個食譜? 順應潮流,MWI 會將內容轉換成唔同嘅格式。 就好似我哋為 alce nero™ 設計嘅食譜一樣,去佢哋嘅 Instagram story 睇吓每日食譜 idea 啦!Is it possible to lea...

15 秒就可以學識一個食譜?
順應潮流,MWI 會將內容轉換成唔同嘅格式。 就好似我哋為 alce nero™ 設計嘅食譜一樣,去佢哋嘅 Instagram story 睇吓每日食譜 idea 啦!
Is it possible to learn a recipe in only 15 seconds?
MWI can easily convert content into different formats. Like the recipe we did for alce nero™, check out their daily recipes on Instagram story!

運用我哋無止境嘅創造力,巧妙地將產品訊息傳遞予受眾。我哋更深入海洋深處尋找靈感,為 AYAM brand 雄鷄標™設計咗一系列嘅產品教育帖文同圖片!It has always been our ambition to convey prod...

我哋更深入海洋深處尋找靈感,為 AYAM brand 雄鷄標™設計咗一系列嘅產品教育帖文同圖片!
It has always been our ambition to convey product messages ingeniously.
As part of AYAM brand's product education campaign, we dived deep into the seas for inspiration!

Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. - Erich Fromm

Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. - Erich Fromm


Level 27, World Wide House, 19 Des Voeux Road Central, Central
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00




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