Follow this page for regular updates on the most relevant & burning questions aspiring life coaches are looking for answers too 🚀 From the humble beginnings of Stoke-on-Trent, a small run down city in the heart of the midlands UK, I was a lad filled with severe confidence challenges, a very fixed mindset, and therefore lots of limiting beliefs
And with very few friends throughout my childhood and
teenage years, that self confidence continued to plummet
I went through life believing I wasn't very clever, and that success was reserved for the naturally gifted
By the time I left school, the grip that these beliefs had over me had only grown stronger
Then, I proceeded to lose years of my life to booze and drugs. Couple that with a few close calls with prison, they are not my proudest moments
I finally got my life on the straight and narrow, but I went onto spend over a decade feeling trapped in menial, time consuming jobs that left very little room for personal growth, or any kind of life
It was a long time before I began to work up the courage I needed to start truly taking positive steps towards a better life and more fulfilling career
Today everything is different, I'm on a journey of transformation and have been for over two years at the time of writing this
I'm now proud to call myself an entrepreneur, one who's on a mission to help others break away from the grips of the rat race, replace their income, and live out each day on their own terms
To become the architect of your own life is a very special feeling
Let this be a testament to the power of dreams, self-belief, and resilience
I now whole heartedly believe that anyone is capable of changing their life if they truly want to, regardless of their past or belief systems, we all possess the ability