On Freedom.
"I don’t want and I want do not live in the same house." (S. Ignat. apud Bart. l. 3)
In the temple of peace, destroyers have no place. Whatever disturbs peace comes from the will. Where will prevails, there is continuous war. Until you tame it, you cannot even hope for peace.
Among the things you must renounce, the will is first. If you stay with it, you will not achieve Christ, neither for yourself nor for the congregation. There is no greater enemy. If you part with it, all difficulties are over.
Wanting nothing, fearing nothing, constitutes happiness. Whoever has achieved this is free from all worries. He is above fear. Nothing sad or unpleasant can happen to him. This is how the saints live in heaven: they know no desires, no fears. Here is heaven before heaven!
There is no surer way to heaven than the way without will. When you give it up, every act, every move, brings you merit. The more steps you take, the closer you get to heaven. In this way, you don’t walk but run to heaven.