
Kaotoxin Proudly forging Metal since 2010, Kaotoxin is a hand-crafting blacksmith for Weapons of Self-Destruction. See you on the other side!

Imagined in August 2010 and having released collaboration productions with brothers of Bones Brigade records throughout 2011 (TOX001-4), Kaotoxin evolved to an independant company of its very own in 2011.

Started in 2010 and having released 64 titles before becoming XENOKORP on January of 2017, KAOTOXIN was an indie label from Northern France focusing on young and confirmed talents of the Rock & Metal scenes among which many found there a home for their debut releases and since then became established names within their scenes. KAOTOXIN is still there, somewhere, reprinting its back catalogue if and when needed but our sole focus is now XENOKORP when it comes to Nico, fouding member and label manager, and MALPERMESITA when it comes to Juliette, the second head of the bicephalus beast.

Directeur général: Nico Kaotoxin




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