Inword - get to the heart of the matter

Inword - get to the heart of the matter Inword offers science journalism in the areas of neuroscience, sensory science, psychology, public h

Finally found the time to add two new texts to my website: "Smell checks could help to monitor the pandemic" & "How to r...

Finally found the time to add two new texts to my website: "Smell checks could help to monitor the pandemic" & "How to retrain your sense of smell".


What we eat may be more important than how much we move when it comes to fighting obesity.


Wie funktionieren audiovisuelle Formate wie Youtube-Videos bei der Wissensvermittlung? Ein Forschungsteam der Universität Trier hat herausgefunden, dass die beliebteren Formate nicht unbedingt die sind, die den größten Lerneffekt erzielen. Direkte Ansprache und Unterhaltsamkeit können helfen, da...


Neue Erkenntnisse könnten die Therapie der Magersucht verbessern

Fitness und Training: Wer Sport treibt wird nicht immer fitter

I love to exercise but often I get frustrated because I don´t seem to get fitter. The good thing is: as a science journalist I can turn my frustration into a question and then into an article. I had a lot of fun discovering this new field of training science and talking to experts such as Claude Bouchard, Cora Weigert, and Anne Hecksteden.

My takehome message after reading the latest publications in this field: 1. Don´t fool yourself, if you are not getting fitter you are probably not working out regularly enough. 2. Well, it is in your genes (at least 50%). 3. For me, the most exciting finding: train smarter, combine endurance and resistance training and be assured, that even if you don´t seem to get fitter, something in your body and mind is changing for the better.

Here my article in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (in German):

Bei jeder fünften Person, die trainiert, verbessert sich die Fitness nicht. Forschende untersuchen, was dahintersteckt und wie individuelles Training auch bei diesen Menschen zum Erfolg führt.

Women trailblazers who inspire us right now

Women trailblazers who inspire us right now

As Women's History Month comes to a close, says Marianne Schnall, many of us are afraid, angry and anxious about what's next -- and there's arguably never been a more significant time to consider how women's history informs the present. Trailblazing women leaders share with Schnall who the women are...



Have you ever noticed something floating across your field of vision?

A gut sensor for sugar preference

A gut sensor for sugar preference

Animals innately prefer caloric sugars over non-caloric sweeteners. Such preference depends on the sugar entering the intestine. Although the brain is aware of the stimulus within seconds, how the gut discerns the caloric sugar to guide choice is unknown. Recently, we discovered an intestinal transd...

Laziness Does Not Exist

Laziness Does Not Exist

Psychological research is clear: when people procrastinate, there's usually a good reason

Every Single Cognitive Bias in One Infographic

If you think your arguments are rational and unbiased think twice ... Great summary of our biases

Here's all 188 cognitive biases in existence, grouped by how they impact our thoughts and actions. We also give some specific cognitive bias examples.

Astaxanthin: A Potential Mitochondrial-Targeted Antioxidant Treatment in Diseases and with Aging

I'm sick and therefore in a foul mood. My boyfriend is gone, which means I have nobody to quarrel with. This is where Facebook comes in. I use my snutbrain to post nasty comments under ads. For example, one of those ads that promotes (good against cancer, , diabetes, ...). I was ready to forward it to the European Office for Nutrition Control. But before that, I did a little literature check on Pubmed. And the newest paper made me believe that I should buy this stuff as pronto as possible. Mental note: I have to revisit when my mind is clear (never?).

Oxidative stress is characterized by an imbalance between prooxidant and antioxidant species, leading to macromolecular damage and disruption of redox signaling and cellular control. It is a hallmark of various diseases including metabolic syndrome, chronic ...

Changing brains: why neuroscience is ending the Prozac era

Kommt oft vor. Nach ein paar Jahren greife ich ein Thema wieder auf, das vor ein paar Jahren gehypt wurde. Die neue Methode hat versprochen, was gegen Alzheimer, Depression oder Schizophrenie zu tun. Sechs Jahre später wurde keines der Versprechen eingelöst. Warum sind die Forscher nicht ehrlich (und die Journalisten sorgfältig) und sagen: Geile Methode, in ein paar Jahrzehnten könnt da mal was als Therapie für die großen Geißeln der Menschheit rausspringen. Vermutlich aber nicht. Zum Beispiel hier, 2013 wurde vorausgesagt, dass die Optogenetik Depression bekämpfen könnte.

The big money has moved from developing psychiatric drugs to manipulating our brain networks, writes Vaughan Bell

How evolution builds genes from scratch

How evolution builds genes from scratch

Scientists long assumed that new genes appear when evolution tinkers with old ones. It turns out that natural selection is much more creative.

Spektrum der Wissenschaft

Spektrum der Wissenschaft

Lange gingen Wissenschaftler davon aus, dass Schmerzempfindungen bei Männern und Frauen auf die gleiche Weise entstehen. Doch das ist ein Irrtum. Lesen Sie mehr:


BelfortStr. 3


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