Biohacking101 is an innovative digital health agency operating out of Munich, Germany, that has the


Hessstrasse 46a


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The Biohacking101 Manifesto

🧘🏼‍♂️ Biohacking Thinktank for 📈Health Tech in Germany 💡„From sickcare to Exponential Healthcare with Strategy“

The Biohacking101 Collective Manifesto

The What: If we have the wish to solve the exponential problems in the world, which are showing up faster and faster in every sector of our society, we need to become hyper-connected and uber-collaborative geniuses leveraging the tools of the information age at scale to our advantage.

I believe that only then will we be able to solve - over multiple sub niches and knowledge silos in cross-functional teams and tribes - the BIG challenges we are currently facing in society, some of which which are threatening to wipe out humans on this beautiful planet which we call earth. Getting real about this topic takes guts and bravery.

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