
e-artnow e-artnow is a publisher of high quality eBooks, Audiobooks, Print on Demand Books and many other types of digital and print editions.

Our production consists of a variety of fiction genres, including classics, science fiction, fantasy, thrillers, romance, children’s books and nonfiction - available in many different languages (notably in English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Chinese). We are devoted to making the best literary editions in the most interesting and progressive way. e-artnow believes strongly in a litera

ture’s power and ability to connect people from all over the world. We use our freedom as an independent publisher to take risks and constantly create new digital literary solutions in order to extend the selection of books available to readers today. Our goal is to enable the beloved classics easy and accessible to everyone in a high quality digital and print form, to forge new booklovers in a younger generation with advanced and creative digital solutions, and to diversify the choices of books for all literary lovers. Our company publishes more than 1500 digital titles annually, with more than 4000 eBooks available worldwide. e-artnow is led by 2 directors and twenty eight staff members.


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