Walking in the Prophetic

Walking in the Prophetic Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Walking in the Prophetic, Digital creator, Windsor, ON.

I look forward to delving into some of my experiences and encounters with God and bringing insight as to how the Holy Spirit is moving throughout the region and world.


43 DAYS and 17 HOURS

E37 Ministries




Go time! Looking forward to seeing you this afternoon between 12-3pm.

One more day!! 🙏🏽🕊️🔥

One more day!! 🙏🏽🕊️🔥

Tomorrow (Sunday) is the big day!

We’re looking forward to fellowshipping with you during our Pasta Lunch Fundraiser on Sunday at Windsor Christian Fellowship Church.

Ministering in West Africa has been on our heart for awhile. We have a mandate to deliver the Lord’s Word to His people in the great nation of Ghana and to see lives transformed. I can’t stress this enough - this is not your everyday missions trip! This is a business trip as we are focussed on doing the Lord’s business.

We have a heavenly assignment to strengthen, build, reconcile, restore, heal and deliver.

Our prayer is that you partner with us financially and in prayer as we launch out on this heavenly assignment. Not everyone can physically go on the mission field, but your support ensures that you are going… and that you have a share in the rewards of our labour in the Lord.

Come partner with us, E37 Ministries, as we take back territory for the Kingdom of God. Click on the link below for additional details.


For family and friends that are unable to be present at our fundraiser, we’d welcome your financial and prayerful suppor...

For family and friends that are unable to be present at our fundraiser, we’d welcome your financial and prayerful support as we launch E37 Ministries and embark on our first missions trip.

Two more days!

We hope that you are as excited as we are to get about our “Father’s business”. We are excited, and those expecting us are also excited!

Our ministry trip to Ghana is purely about doing the work of the ministry and seeing lives transformed!

Make sure that you visit us this Sunday in the Fellowship Hall of Windsor Christian Fellowship Church and connect with us E37 Ministries as we prepare to launch out into the harvest fields.

Click on the link below for additional details about our Pasta Lunch Fundraiser this Sunday.


Stay in touch with E37 Ministries on Instagram!

Stay in touch with E37 Ministries on Instagram!

E37 is now on Instagram! Come on over and follow us on Instagram as we look to share the love of God with people all across the world.

Scan the below logo to easily follow us on Instagram.

E37 Ministries invites and welcomes everyone, including friends, family and supporters to join us at our first fundraise...

E37 Ministries invites and welcomes everyone, including friends, family and supporters to join us at our first fundraiser to help launch our new ministry. The fundraiser will be held on August 11, 2024 (Sunday) from 12PM -3PM in the Fellowship Hall at Windsor Christian Fellowship Church. We’re excited to fellowship and share the vision of the ministry during the fundraiser!

If you’re unable to attend in-person, we would be honoured if you chose to financially partner with us as we embark to spread the love of God and His prophetic Word to the world.

Our first missionary trip will see us travel and minister in the Republic of Ghana at various churches, ministries, and to people from all backgrounds. Both James and Jay view their ministerial visit to Ghana as a spiritual “business trip”. Their mindset is to “be about their Father’s business” (Luke 2:49) and will have a jam packed itinerary as they pour themselves out to everyone they encounter.

Garlic must experience all four seasons before it’s ready to emerge from the soil. It’s planted in Fall, endures a cold ...

Garlic must experience all four seasons before it’s ready to emerge from the soil. It’s planted in Fall, endures a cold winter. Starts to breakout in Spring and finally ready for harvest in the summer.

Much like garlic, we Christians must also pass through the various seasons of life before we emerge as a final product. We must experience a Fall and Winter season in isolation so that we are ready to emerge in due season! 🙏🏽🕊️🔥

E37 Ministries

E37 Ministries

This was a noteworthy vision from brother Rick Joyner that should be heeded.

This was a noteworthy vision from brother Rick Joyner that should be heeded.

I had a dream two nights ago. I was commanding a force of soldiers and was given orders to attack 3 buildings at a certain time. I felt that something was wrong and delayed the attack. It turned out to have been a trap, and we would have been destroyed if we had gone on the time given. I was left with two takeaways:

I then saw that there were many of the three building developments that were enemies in our land that had to be defeated. We went forward with great concern to hear and follow the Lord, and were easily able to defeat these.

The dream ended with our force continuing to find and take over these enemy compounds in our land, and knowing that we had been more deeply infiltrated than anyone considered. I discerned the scope and nature of the enemy within, and was thinking how we must know the Lord's voice far better than we do now, and obey Him rather than orders from our own military that had been compromised.

We’d love your support by liking and following our E37 Ministries ministry page. God bless!

We’d love your support by liking and following our E37 Ministries ministry page. God bless!

Today was an exciting and landmark day for two of our directors and ministers of E37 Ministries as both Jay Gannon and James Richards were ordained at their home church of Windsor Christian Fellowship Church.

We want to thank the Lord, Lead Pastors of WCF, Pastor RJ and Mary Ciaramataro, as well as Pastor Larry Loewen and the rest of the Pastors and Elders Board for recognizing and acknowledging the call of God on the lives of both Jay and James. We appreciate all of you and are thankful for your public endorsement.

We’d appreciate your prayerful support as we have now officially launched this ministry and hope to bring reconciliation, restoration, healing and deliverance to people both near and far.

Chris Reed of MorningStar Ministries shared this prophetic Word last year. Interesting how things are playing out… 🙏🏽

Chris Reed of MorningStar Ministries shared this prophetic Word last year. Interesting how things are playing out… 🙏🏽

Chris Reed was shown that Joe Biden will not finish his term as President due to health reasons.Chris Reed is the Director and Lead Pastor of Morningstar Min...

Well said Brother Rick! I concur.

Well said Brother Rick! I concur.

This morning the Lord said to me something I don't ever recall Him saying before so specifically before—that we really are coming to the end of this age. He has been speaking to me about the coming troubles, and the testing of our faith, but as an encouragement! Peter wrote that the testing of our faith is more valuable than gold, and this is how we need to look at them. We are entering the greatest time of trouble there has ever been on the earth, but also the greatest revelation of His glory. It is a great privilege to be alive at this time, and though it will be hard, it will be worth it.

The role of a Prophet is to deliver what the Lord has revealed. God reveals to redeem and to restore NOT to destroy.If t...

The role of a Prophet is to deliver what the Lord has revealed. God reveals to redeem and to restore NOT to destroy.

If the Prophet does not deliver this message, then he is held accountable to the Lord. The Prophet is not responsible for the decision of the one to whom he delivered the message.

Delivering the prophetic Word to an individual can be difficult at times, especially if it is to someone that holds a position of authority. Nathan the Prophet delivered a prophetic word to David, the anointed King of Israel, and it was received with a repentant heart.

If you want to walk in the prophetic then you need to be obedient to God. No compromise. No fear of man. Obey His voice alone and don’t allow others to detract you from the message that you have been sent to deliver.

“So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.” (Ezekiel‬ ‭33‬:‭7‬-‭9‬)

I couldn’t agree more with brother Chris Reed of MorningStar Ministries. There is a massive purge taking place in the Ch...

I couldn’t agree more with brother Chris Reed of MorningStar Ministries. There is a massive purge taking place in the Church in which false doctrine and teaching is being uprooted. The Lord is also exposing false Shepherds that have infiltrated the Church and have been preying upon the weak.

For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17)


A new ministry that myself and a good friend have recently registered. If you’d like to stay abreast of the ministry work we’ll be involved in then I’d welcome you to follow and like our E37 Ministries page.

E37 Ministries is a registered non-profit Christian ministry that exists to bring the love of God and His Word through Reconciliation, Restoration, Healing and Deliverance to people both near and far.

Humility is the key to walking in the Spirit.“For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name...

Humility is the key to walking in the Spirit.

“For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and HUMBLE spirit, to revive the spirit of the HUMBLE, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. (Isaiah‬ ‭57‬:‭15‬)


Out of the mouth of babes… I love it! We need more children walking with the Holy Spirit.

VISION: Ugly Feet in GhanaOne early Saturday morning I was praying in a local church in Windsor, Ontario with two other ...

VISION: Ugly Feet in Ghana

One early Saturday morning I was praying in a local church in Windsor, Ontario with two other Christian friends that also move in the prophetic.

As I prayed, the Holy Spirit gave me a very interesting vision of the youth of one of the churches that I will be visiting and ministering at in the nation of Ghana, West Africa. The Holy Spirit showed me the feet of the Christian youth in the church. They were very big and quite ugly. The size of their feet were so huge that it impacted their ability to walk upright.

What is that Lord? What are you trying to say and show me.

The Holy Spirit brought this scripture to me in an instant.

“How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace.”

The Lord said that we are going to speak into the lives of the youth in that church, and other churches, and that their feet are going to become beautiful as they humble themselves to the Lord and surrender everything to Him.

That’s fantastic! I’m so excited for them.

The Lord wants to activate the Christian youth to not just attend events, participate in services and put on shows and skits. He wants their hearts to be in full surrenderance to Him alone. It begins with humility… As they begin to walk in humility their ears will be become more sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and they will become very effective ministers of the Gospel.

”For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a CONTRITE and HUMBLE spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.“ (Isaiah‬ ‭57‬:‭15‬)

”How BEAUTIFUL upon the mountains are the FEET of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the LORD shall bring again Zion.“ (Isaiah‬ ‭52‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭KJV‬‬)

”How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How BEAUTIFUL are the FEET of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” (Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭14‬-‭15‬ ‭KJV‬‬)

NOTE: Please share with your pastor friends and churches. The message of walking in humility is key to our relationship with the Lord.

VISION: “Just Two Words!”I moved to Ontario, Canada after having lived and pastored in West Africa for a number of years...

VISION: “Just Two Words!”

I moved to Ontario, Canada after having lived and pastored in West Africa for a number of years. My move was precipitated on me having quick and easy access to the United States.

My denomination initially wanted to send me to California to assist the National Bishop for the US but I had no desire to move or live there. More importantly, I didn’t believe this is where the Lord wanted me to go.

Eventually, I convinced the leadership of my denomination to support my move back to Canada and that I would establish and pastor a new church in Detroit, Michigan.

While pondering on this new church plant in Detroit, I decided to help another denominational pastor in another city in Michigan. I pastored for a short while, however I never truly felt called to be in that city. I was pastoring more out of duty then calling.

Eventually, I amicably parted company with the pastor of that church and remained in Canada.

After some time, I slowly withdrew from all ministry work and focussed on secular employment as my family was putting roots down in this southwestern Ontario city and we were trying to find our bearing.

During this time, I experienced a number of attacks by the enemy. I was not fulfilling the call of God on my life and had laid aside my mission to Detroit. I was now more or less a disgraced pastor.

A few years ago as I was trudging through a spiritual wilderness period in my life, the Lord decided to get my attention using just two words.

The Holy Spirit gave me a very quick vision. In that vision he showed me a small piece of paper on which was written “Pastor Jasen”. My legal name is Jasen though most of my friends call me “Jay” or “J” as a nickname.

I was surprised and a bit startled but I now understand why He chose to speak to me in that manner. The Lord wanted to encourage me to stand, take my place, remember who I was and to never give up!

Romans 11:29 says, “The gifts and callings of the Lord are without repentance.” The word repentance means “irrevocable”. God never takes the gifts and call away from you. They remain part of your life regardless if you walk them out or not.

Two words! “Pastor Jasen”. That was it! There wasn’t an instruction to plant a church, enter full-time ministry again or even start my own ministry. There were just two words! Two powerful words!

At that point in my life I doubt I would’ve heard His audible voice. I was stuck in the mud. I was an ordained minister but I wasn’t progressing but rather about to start regressing.

That quick and simple vision which contained those two words captivated me. At that point, I felt like a nobody and the thought of ever returning to the ministry seemed a distant aspiration that was quickly fading away.

Those words encouraged me.

I now had hope.

The Creator of the universe felt it important enough to grab my attention and encourage me. Wow! I wouldn’t have done that for me but God did!

Those two words encouraged me to fight back and never give up.

If Christians only knew how much of the battle is spiritual…

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:10-12)

I hope that this experience with the Lord encourages you. Never ever give up! It is never too late! God isn’t finished writing your story. The best is just ahead if we can believe, hold on and push through.

Bless you,


PROPHETIC WORD FOR WINDSOR, ESSEX COUNTY AND ONTARIOThe Raising of the Prophetic Ministry and the Office of the Prophet:...


The Raising of the Prophetic Ministry and the Office of the Prophet:

God is raising up a group or company of prophets here in Windsor, Ontario that is going to have a large impact not only in this city but globally. It reminds me of what happened in Kansas City, Missouri in what was then known as the Kansas City Prophets, but different.

The Word is going to spread and many are going to be attracted to the Lord via this restoration of the prophetic here in our city. Lives will be saved and hearts surrendered to the Lord. Those who the world shuns will start coming into the churches. The homeless, the addicts, the mentally afflicted, the poor, the pr******te, the religious, etc. They will all receive from the Lord. Freedom will come. We need to be receptive to those who weren’t received in our society and culture. Demons will be cast out.

The Holy Spirit:

The awe and wonder of the Holy Spirit is rising as He reveals the secrets of the hearts of men. Many will begin to know and understand that the Lord truly cares for them.

People will experience the kindness of the Lord for He is so very kind. The same God that knows the numbers of hairs on our head… How much He cares for us… The One that knows the secrets of our hearts is compassionate and so loving.

Unlike some moves that became out of order and as a result fell off, this will be an orderly move of the Holy Spirit. Pastors and Apostles will have a large role to play and these new prophetic voices will be clothed in humility and operate in submission to their leadership, guidance and correction.

The Hallmarks of Kindness & Humility:

Ephesians 4:11-32 (look at v. 32) “and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.”

There’s a kindness that is going to be demonstrated through these prophetic voices. A gentleness that neither tears down or tears apart. A compassionate, contrite spirit will be demonstrated through these ministers.

Isaiah‬ ‭57‬:‭15‬: “For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.”

The prophetic voices will be known for their kindness and humility.

Various Giftings But the Same Lord:
What is also very interesting is that the Lord is going to speak through various giftings that He has placed in these prophets. There will be a manifestation of different types of prophetic giftings. The Lord is speaking through dreams, visions, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, prophecy, etc. What I do know is that it will look different from prophet to prophet but they will all be pointing to the same thing… redemption through Jesus Christ. Revealing the heart of God to people directly.

Here Come the Champions:

The Holy Spirit drew my attention to a “Championship” sports patch that I found in my garage. He began to give me a fuller understanding of what He was saying to the Church.

He made me aware that the word on that patch didn’t say “champion”, but it said “champions”. Plural not singular. He was speaking about that same prophetic group.

The Holy Spirit asked me who David was and what were his roles. I said that David was a prophet, a priest and a king. The Lord then asked what other role did David fulfil. It took me a minute and then it rose up within me that he was also a CHAMPION.

When they looked for a champion among the Israelites they missed it, but God didn’t. David, the shepherd boy. The one that was in the field amongst the dirt and manure and smells of the sheep. The one that was overlooked. The younger brother. The one that was more or less discarded into that role. The one who Goliath laughed and scoffed at. He was the Lord’s champion! We may be surprised who the Lord will be using but He isn’t.

God is saying that no matter what position we may see ourselves in currently… No matter what disparaging remarks are said about us… No matter how hopeless things appear in the natural… The Lord has called us as champions! We need to take our place as champions! We must rise up and conquer the enemy!

These prophetic champions are emerging!

I want to share a few prophetic words from the past that line up with what the Holy Spirit is saying and doing now in th...

I want to share a few prophetic words from the past that line up with what the Holy Spirit is saying and doing now in the country of Canada.

These prophetic words tie together and show the role Canada and YOU have to play in these end times.


Around 1776 this prophecy was given by the Puritan Reformers, when the British Empire Loyalists turned north to settle in Canada in order to remain under British rule.

“When zealous Americans sought to persecute them because of this decision, the Spirit of the Lord spoke through their prophets saying, "Do not hinder these people. Let them move to Canada. Do not seek to incorporate the land of Canada into America. I am in the independence of America from Britain, and will mightily use this country. BUT CANADA HAS BEEN RESERVED BY ME FOR THE LAST DAYS FOR A SPECIAL WORK…”


Prophecy #1 (Evangel Tabernacle, Kelowna, BC, 1975)

When I came to Canada, the Holy Spirit spoke in my heart, 'Son, you have come to the place which I chose. THIS COUNTRY IS THE COUNTRY I CHOSE TO FILL THE GAP.’

Being a Canadian is now a welcome hallmark throughout the whole world…You have the welcome open door like the Philadelphia church in Revelation. You have the finances, well-trained personnel, and a good church.

God calls you to rise up to meet this challenge before Christ comes. A clear-cut clarion trumpet sound is coming to Canada. RISE UP, CANADA!… GOD WANTS YOUR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN TO RISE UP AND GIVE THEIR LIVES AS LIVING SACRIFICES. God needs your money, your businesses, your homes, YOUR LIVES TO BE DEDICATED TO HIM… God is depending upon you….I know that you will do it.

Prophecy #2 (Rock Church, Sackville, Nova Scotia, 1984)

Five years ago I visited Canada and traveled from Montreal to Vancouver by car. I was preaching from town to town, and while I was speaking I felt somewhat depressed. The Canadian church seemed so small.


I was afraid to confess that, but when I was praying….the Spirit of the Lord would impress my heart to say it. I was afraid because I already thought that America was far greater than Canada. If ever God would use a country. He would use America instead of Canada...

But again and again God spoke to my heart that He was going to use Canada. So finally in Toronto... I prophesied as the Holy Spirit anointed me. "I really believe that God is going to bless Canada and the CANADIAN CHURCH IS GOING TO RISE UP ONCE AGAIN AND GO TO THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE WORLD AND BRING THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST TO PAVE THE WAY FOR HIS SECOND COMING.


As I am writing these prophecies down to share with you, the Holy Spirit brought back to my remembrance something He has shared with me many years ago.

In the late 90s I was attending a large Christian camp meeting overseas. The sessions started by 6am and ended after midnight. That particular camp lasted about three days. It was a very intensive camp meeting.

During the afternoon of one of the days we were praying outside of the conference centre for our ministries, lives, God’s will, etc. It was a very sunny and hot afternoon so I tried to pray in the shadows of this massive conference centre so I wouldn’t pass out from heat exhaustion.

I began to pray in the Spirit… as I prayed the Lord showed me part of the ministry He had for me and He also showed me His plan for Canada. I was excited as He outlined these things in detail. He said that HE WAS BRINGING HEALING, MIRACLES, DELIVERANCE AND SALVATION THAT WOULD IMPACT THE ENTIRE COUNTRY LIKE NEVER BEFORE. It’s amazing that I’m typing these things out as I had almost forgotten about this.

When I looked at our country I didn’t see any of these happening en masse. Canada seemed apathetic spiritually. Yet, this is what the Lord showed me. Not long after that conference I visited a few smaller churches in the capital city of the same country with a few friends. They were nice services. At one of these services, a prophet that was ministering called me out and said the same thing that the Lord had shown me.

I’m sharing these things because it’s important to know and understand what the Holy Spirit is doing locally, nationally and internationally.

One of the things I had written down in one of my older bibles is this: “Canada will be saved! Healings and miracles will occur in our country.”

So as we hear what the Holy Spirit is speaking to us today about His plans for our region, our country and the world we shouldn’t be surprised. These were always His plans.

I’m excited and joyful just to be alive to witness the great things He has in store for Canada and the world!

God bless you all!

JH Gannon

Every year I had a pair of robins nesting in this tree by our kitchen windows. I’d see the baby birds being birthed and ...

Every year I had a pair of robins nesting in this tree by our kitchen windows. I’d see the baby birds being birthed and marvelled at how the Lord provided for them.

As the Lord began restoring and resurrecting me I noticed a change in the occupants of my kitchen window tree.

One morning as I was exiting my house and headed to the driveway I heard a noise from the tree. It had a particular sound. I wondered what it was. As I looked carefully into the tree I discovered that a dove had taken residence in the tree. I smiled, looked toward heaven and said, “You did this didn’t You?!”

As time progressed I saw the pair of doves and eventually their offspring.

Doves are interesting birds. They don’t like a lot of noise, distractions or disturbances. They can easily go unnoticed. They reside in areas of peace and tranquility. Of course we all know of the Lord’s baptism in which the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus as a dove.

Today as I arrived home from a morning meeting I was again in my driveway. As I headed toward the garage I suddenly heard and saw two baby doves start to flap their wings as my presence frightened them. They were resting in a few grow bags I have on my driveway next to my deck. I retreated to allow them to calm down.

They hadn’t yet learnt to fly but my presence startled them to flap their wings like their lives depended on it. I graciously proceeded to finalize my tasks and left the baby doves on their own.

Something told me to look up so I did. There was the mother dove sitting on the rooftop of the house observing me the entire time.

Sometimes these apparently insignificant occurrences seem like nothing. But other times the Lord uses these moments to speak to us.

Having a pair of doves decide to nest on a tree I owned next to my house means something to me. I don’t ever want to lose the presence of the Holy Spirit from my life. I refuse to go back!

After Nathan the prophet visited and spoke the Word of the Lord to David he immediately reacted. This is what he said, “Create in me a clean heart. Take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of my salvation and renew a right spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:11-13)

David valued the presence of the Lord. So do I. I know what it’s like to be in the wilderness living amongst the snakes and scorpions, bereft of the voice of the Lord. Never again!

Allow the Lord to speak to you through nature. You may be surprised what you may hear, see and learn. Remain blessed.

PS: As the tradition in Europe and Africa is, my wife and I decided to name our house. We call it “Shalom House” as we want it to be a refuge of peace and a place that the Lord will feel welcome to visit.


Windsor, ON



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