Jesus in Islam:
Jesus is the last prophet sent by God, the Almighty, to the children of Israel. He is the messenger of love and peace, the Spirit of God, who spoke from his cradle. God, the Almighty, granted him miracles and shining signs that none among his prophets, peace and blessings be upon them all, had received. From when he was in his mother’s womb, in his cradle, until his ascension to heaven and his descent to earth.
God, the Almighty, allowed him to perform great signs, such as raising the dead with God’s permission, healing the sick with God’s permission, and being conceived without a father. He was born without his mother being touched by a man. God has not caused him to die until now, but He has raised him up to Himself alive. He is one of the signs of the Hour, and among the great signs of the Hour, he will descend again to earth.