In 2014, Patrick Mackey was one of six students nominated by Canes Chronicles for an Extra Curricular Excellence Award at Holy Cross Secondary in Peterborough, ON.
Student Council (to which he was elected twice), Band, Badminton, Social Justice, and Friends of Honduran Children were some of the commitments he made within his school community.
We are among the many to be saddened by his passing, as he is laid to rest this week. He is in our hearts, while our thoughts are with his family, friends, and otherwise.
–Luke Belfry, Past Co–Leader & Editor
–Mathieu Ouellet, Past Co–Leader & Publishing Manager
Caitlin O'Grady receiving the 1st Annual ECE AWARD for "Cuts for Caitlin" and "Walks for Caitlin" or Terry Fox (Personal Run) on June 5th, 2014. Ceremony hos...