At Ruby Fox Productions, we embark on an artistic mission, infusing a disarming playfulness into our storytelling while fearlessly exploring dark and unconventional themes. Focusing on characters as intricate as the tales we tell, we navigate themes not typically explored, challenging societal norms and unraveling the mysteries and beauty hidden within the shadows. Through our unique lens of creat
ivity, we strive to captivate audiences, leaving an indelible mark on the world of entertainment. With an unwavering dedication to excellence, Ruby Fox Productions invites you to experience a journey that is both unforgettable and lingering in the hearts and minds of our audiences. Founded by Shannon Shura, whom after earning her Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and Drama from UTM/Sheridan, pursued her passion further with a Master's in Acting from Paul McCartney’s esteemed Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts. Her journey then led her behind the camera, prompting her to further her skills at Sheridan College, where she completed a post-graduate certificate in Advanced TV and Film, specializing in screenwriting and picture editing. Since completing her education, she has demonstrated versatility in various roles, from Set PA to 1st AD to Director, alongside her creative endeavors as a writer for digital content. Driven by her unwavering determination, she has established her own production company, dedicated to crafting compelling character-driven narratives.