Information - media

Information - media Information en anglais et en français de Bruxelles - Europe au reste du monde. moderator debate

Ciao l'artiste,   Delon, le dernier monstre sacré du     est parti dans ses étoiles.

Ciao l'artiste, Delon, le dernier monstre sacré du est parti dans ses étoiles.

Watson est en détention et risque ce jour d'être envoyé devant la justice japonaise. Une chanson lui ai dédiée.

Watson est en détention et risque ce jour d'être envoyé devant la justice japonaise. Une chanson lui ai dédiée.

Depuis la fin des années 1970, Paul Watson et son organisation Sea Shepherd luttent pour préserver les océans partout sur la planète.Les images de ce clip co...

Bangladesh in crisisBangladesh president dissolves parliament, frees former PM Zia - wrote Reuters

Bangladesh in crisis
Bangladesh president dissolves parliament, frees former PM Zia - wrote Reuters

Bangladesh's president dissolved parliament on Tuesday, clearing the way for an interim government and new elections, a day after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned and fled following a violent crackdown on a student-led uprising.


EU Parliament source:
Today, the European Parliament joins the international community in marking European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day and remembering the 500,000 Sinti and Roma who faced atrocities in Nazi-occupied Europe.

On the night between the 2nd and 3rd of August 1944, the last 4,300 Sinti and Roma remaining in the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp were murdered, with most of them being women, children and elderly people. Today, the European Parliament does not only remember the crimes committed against humanity, but also the importance of speaking up.

On this solemn occasion, the European Parliament remembers the lessons learned from the first recognition of the Roma and Sinti Holocaust, and reaffirms that Romani people must enjoy the same rights and treatment as all European citizens.

The President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola said: “Today we pay tribute to Roma and Sinti people’s contribution to the rich fabric of our European socities. Europe must stand up for the values it holds to be true: the rule of law, democracy and equality. The moment we become complacent is the moment we allow history to repeat itself.”

80 years later, too many Romani women and men in Europe still live in the margins of society. “In our Europe, we cherish our differences, unique traditions, cultures and diversity. That means that Roma people must enjoy the same opportunities and chances as any other European citizen,” President Metsola said.

Since 2015, the European Parliament has been marking the European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day every 2nd August.

  META  swept Facebookers

META swept Facebookers

Meta Platforms said on Wednesday it had removed about 63,000 accounts in Nigeria that attempted to engage in financial sexual extortion scams mostly aimed at adult men in the United States.

Affaire   Luxembourg

Affaire Luxembourg

LUXEMBOURG – Le syndicat Aleba craint de nombreuses pertes d’emplois au sein de la banque, qui va fermer ses comptes pour particuliers.

Direction LuxembourgING

Direction Luxembourg

ING Luxembourg annonce ce mercredi soir cesser ses services de banque de détail au Luxembourg pour les clients particuliers et vouloir se concentrer sur d’autres activités.


LUXEMBOURG - Depuis quelques jours, de nombreux clients de la banque néerlandaise ING découvrent avec surprise la clôture de leur compte bancaire.

Bonjour à tous, j ai sélectionné in premier article de sujet économique

Bonjour à tous, j ai sélectionné in premier article de sujet économique

Le milliardaire tchèque tente, depuis deux ans, de s’emparer de l’entreprise française. Pas seulement pour faire un coup financier.


Bonjour à tous
En France, dans les régions la campagne européenne n'a pas débuté.
Que se passe-t-il?


Un rassemblement bruxellois d'hommes politiques européens d'extrême droite a été interrompu mardi après que la police est intervenue pour forcer sa fermeture.


A Bruxelles cet apm


Banque centrale Européenne
En mars 2023, Christine Lagarde demandait, suivant agence Reuters: La Banque centrale européenne fait pression sur la banque autrichienne Raiffeisen Bank International pour qu'elle se défasse de ses activités très rentables en Russie, ont déclaré à Reuters cinq personnes au fait du dossier."
Aujourd hui sur tous les pays des EU27 de quitter le territoire russe.

Bonjour à tous

Bonjour à tous

Après le scandale Qatargate au Parlement européen, un nouveau scandale menace les institutions européennes. Le dossier est lié à l’Afrique subsaharienne : « Somaliagate ». Ce mardi 7 février, l’ancien candidat aux élections présidentielles en Somalie, Abshir Arden Ferro, a dénoncé de...


Après le scandale Qatargate au Parlement européen, un nouveau scandale menace les institutions européennes. Le dossier est lié à l’Afrique subsaharienne : « Somaliagate ». Ce mardi 7 février, l’ancien candidat aux élections présidentielles en Somalie, Abshir Arden Ferro, a dénoncé de...

Opening remarks by Christine Lambrecht (Minister of Defence, Germany) copyright That Monday, the German Minister Christi...

Opening remarks by Christine Lambrecht (Minister of Defence, Germany) copyright That Monday, the German Minister Christine Lambrecht dismissed after some faults that she made during her mandate. Some days, she put a video on social media on the New year hope but it was disaster by the words used on Ukraine. Her lack of defence management got furious the rest of the gouvernment and politicians parties....

Opening remarks by Christine Lambrecht (Minister of Defence, Germany) copyright That Monday, the German Minister Christine Lambrecht dismissed after some faults that she made during her mandate. So…

Photo de Kostas Dimopoulos sur Une nouvelle année à découvrir,Aller plus loin,Regarder autrement,Rêver d'aill...

Photo de Kostas Dimopoulos sur Une nouvelle année à découvrir,Aller plus loin,Regarder autrement,Rêver d'ailleurs,Écrire de nouvelles histoires,Changer d'avis,Souffler un instant,Goûter aux plaisirs simples,Savourer chaque instant." De nous suivre chaque jour, chaque semaine dans nos reportages....

Photo de Kostas Dimopoulos sur Une nouvelle année à découvrir,Aller plus loin,Regarder autrement,Rêver d’ailleurs,Écrire de nouvelles histoires,Changer d’avis,Souffler un ins…

This evening, the Turkish foreign Minister, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu made at a press conference in live to explain to the Anews ...

This evening, the Turkish foreign Minister, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu made at a press conference in live to explain to the Anews media his anger against Sweden. It is again a problem with residing terrorist. Turkey keeps, its fears, rejecting its NATO membership. In July 2022, the Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto and the ex-Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Lind signed the Accession Protocols to join alliance....

This evening, the Turkish foreign Minister, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu made at a press conference in live to explain to the Anews media his anger against Sweden. It is again a problem with residing terrorist…


Au bar Français en Argentine, lesbleus sont filmés sur la télévision nationale entrain de scander "allez les bleus'. Cesst parti le match de la final mondial à commencer. Que le meilleur gagne !!

Témoignage dun journaliste sportif britannique qui a tenté d être présent au stade de France.  Non considération des sup...

Témoignage dun journaliste sportif britannique qui a tenté d être présent au stade de France. Non considération des supporters . Vidéo Figaro magazine copright

“Le journaliste britannique était au lors de la finale de Ligue des Champions. Il confie «son immense déception» envers l’État français: «C'est impossible de décrire mon niveau de colère envers ces ministres qui ont menti.»”

Today, the Government of United States start to impose severe sanction against Russia. US joins allies and partners who ...

Today, the Government of United States start to impose severe sanction against Russia. US joins allies and partners who have ever condemned the President Putin'agression against Ukraine some ago.The Department of US State is designating the individuals listed below, as well as an entity owned by one of them, pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 14024, which authorizes sanctions with respect to specified harmful foreign activities of the Government of the Russian Federation....

Today, the Government of United States start to impose severe sanction against Russia. US joins allies and partners who have ever condemned the President Putin’agression against Ukraine some …

The December 23, it will be six months since Ukraine obtained the status of a candidate for joining the European Union.A...

The December 23, it will be six months since Ukraine obtained the status of a candidate for joining the European Union.And we wasted no time - Ukraine and all of Europe became stronger in six months. We maintain unity - and that is why we find effective answers to any anti-European challenges. We continue to defend our common values together, and therefore together we achieve tangible victories....

The December 23, it will be six months since Ukraine obtained the status of a candidate for joining the European Union.And we wasted no time – Ukraine and all of Europe became stronger in six…

European council © Conference online EU27 members Charles Michel with Zelenski talking on support. European council © Co...

European council © Conference online EU27 members Charles Michel with Zelenski talking on support. European council © Conference online EU27 members Charles Michel with Zelenski talking on support. The December 23, it will be six months since Ukraine obtained the status of a candidate for joining the European Union.And we wasted no time - Ukraine and all of Europe became stronger in six months....

European council © Conference online EU27 members Charles Michel with Zelenski talking on support. European council © Conference online EU27 members Charles Michel with Zelenski talking on support.…

THE EU ECONOMY AT A TURING POINT Photo free EU In 2023, the real GDP growth in both EU and Eurozone stand at just 0.3%. ...

THE EU ECONOMY AT A TURING POINT Photo free EU In 2023, the real GDP growth in both EU and Eurozone stand at just 0.3%. In addition, the continuous increase in price pressure for 10 months has shifted the peak of inflation to the fourth quarter of this year, making the full-year inflation rate likely to reach 9.3% in the EU and 8.5% in the Eurozone....

THE EU ECONOMY AT A TURING POINT Photo free EU In 2023, the real GDP growth in both EU and Eurozone stand at just 0.3%. In addition, the continuous increase in price pressure for 10 months has shif…

Ce matin, la Ministre des affaires étrangères, Hadja Lahbib s'est exprimé pour approuver à la fois la prévention de la p...

Ce matin, la Ministre des affaires étrangères, Hadja Lahbib s'est exprimé pour approuver à la fois la prévention de la prolifération nucléaire et la promotion de la coopération nucléaire dans les domaines de la médecine, de la recherche scientifique et de l'agriculture. Chaque année, le Royaume consacre un soutien financier, cette fois-ci, le budget réservé répond aux besoins de lutte contre la prolifération nucléaire....

Ce matin, la Ministre des affaires étrangères, Hadja Lahbib s’est exprimé pour approuver à la fois la prévention de la prolifération nucléaire et la promotion de la coopération nucléaire dans…

  : Parlement Européen : scandale

: Parlement Européen : scandale

Image free and offered by Okcaha Ce lundi, la Vice-présidente du Parlement Européen,Eva Kaili, parti PPE est incarcérée pour une inculpation pour corruption où elle a été retrouvé avec une somme de…


Tuesday 6th, December (RORC London Clubhouse) – A panel discussion 'How to optimise your boat under IRC' was sold out with...

Today, 12 EU members re-elected Paschal Donohoe, as the President of the Eurogroup, for a second term of two and a half ...

Today, 12 EU members re-elected Paschal Donohoe, as the President of the Eurogroup, for a second term of two and a half years that will start from 13 January 2023. The Irish Minister of Finance became the person who has stayed a long time in his position after Mr Juncker, who chaired for 8 years. has been in office since 13 July 2020....

Today, 12 EU members re-elected Paschal Donohoe, as the President of the Eurogroup, for a second term of two and a half years that will start from 13 January 2023. The Irish Minister of Finance bec…




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