Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity.
Enam Medical College & Hospital is not solely composed of doctors, teachers and students. As much as the stories of our acclaimed teachers and students inspire us, there exists many other individuals too who have also been a part of this institution. They may not practice medicine but they certainly have love for humankind nonetheless. Even so, their stories often remain untold.
We dont claim to be different from the countless other institutions telling their stories. But remember this, no two humans are alike and this is exactly what makes storytelling so special; no two stories will be the same.
This is the reason why this page has been founded: to share with the world the stories of all the people that make up EMCH; from the professors to the students to the nurses to the ambulance drivers to the attendants to the doorkeepers and everyone else. They are the Humans of EMCH.