Sheree Bliss Tilsley- Embodied Shamanic Medicine

Sheree Bliss Tilsley- Embodied Shamanic Medicine 🌹Shamanic Medicine & Womb Healing
🌹Remember your aliveness, deep-rooted power & wise wild spirit. Shamanic Practitioner, Womb Witch, Doula and Mama

One of the most beautiful and life-changing gifts on my shamanic path has been my connection to the helping spirits that...

One of the most beautiful and life-changing gifts on my shamanic path has been my connection to the helping spirits that walk with me, guide and support me, including medicine guides, ancestors, and power animals.

Connecting with these helping spirits has been an incredible tool that I use to empower both myself and my clients on their journeys. Each spirit has a unique purpose, vibrational medicine, and message to share.

When a certain spirit from my team "shows up" during a journey for a client, I can intuitively feel the type of work that is being guided by spirit. For example, deer may appear for deep, gentle inner child healing, while falcon may help cut through "BS", limiting beliefs and stories blocking personal sovereignty. Panther may assist in tracking illness or energy intrusions etc.

There is an ineffable comfort, knowing, and deep mutual respect between myself and my helping spirits and ancestors. Our connection and trust grows stronger with time and nurturing.

The relationship with our helping spirits is reciprocal, and so, it is important to *always* give thanks for their assistance, medicine, and wisdom.

Have you experienced the magic of connecting with your helping spirits? What shifted for you?

With love,
Sheree xo

Healing our wombs Is not just about releasing the pastAnd what is not ours to carry...But a journey Of remembering Who w...

Healing our wombs
Is not just about releasing the past
And what is not ours to carry...

But a journey
Of remembering
Who we really fu***ng are...


My love, if you feel the pull within your wise womb to journey with me, I am now taking bookings for February and March for Deep Shamanic Womb Healing sessions.
(in person Gold Coast or via Zoom worldwide)

With womb deep love,
Sheree xo

My love, your wild nature, the part of you that walks this earthAlive AwakeFully inhabiting your sacred body,In harmony ...

My love, your wild nature,
the part of you
that walks this earth
Fully inhabiting your sacred body,
In harmony with the web of life
Claiming your desires
And trusting the knowing
In your womb and in your bones...

She is not only
Delicious and powerful
But this part of you
Is utterly essential
To your wellbeing
And that of our planet.

With love,
Sheree xo

We are more than our bodies, More than our minds. We are multidimensional, layered, soulful beings.Shamanic energy medic...

We are more than our bodies,
More than our minds.
We are multidimensional, layered, soulful beings.

Shamanic energy medicine, addresses all of these interconnected aspects of ourselves and the roots of disruption, emotional blockages, ancestral patterns, disconnection and pain.

It is the sacred art of moving between the seen and the unseen realms.

In safe and sacred space, guided by our helping spirits, ancestors and the wisdom of the soul, to reclaim lost parts of self- Parts of ourselves fragmented due to trauma, grief, inner child wounding, relationships or life disruptions.

These deep & particularly thorough sessions, are a sacred invitation for those who are ready to go deep.

Ready to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, to own and integrate all aspects of themselves and return to wholeness and therefore, reclaiming power, aliveness and self-love.

Sessions can be done either in-person on the Gold Coast, or via Zoom (which is equally as powerful).

If you feel the pull my love, it would be my honour to journey alongside you.
Head to the link in my bio or send me a message.

I have 5 spaces left this month.

With love,
Sheree xo

Sheree Bliss Tilsley- Embodied Shamanic Medicine

As a shamanic medicine woman, My work is not to fix you, My devotion is to hold you, see you, journey alongside you. I w...

As a shamanic medicine woman, My work is not to fix you,
My devotion is to hold you, see you, journey alongside you.
I will hold the torch for you as you navigate the dark places within.

Come with me, my love
I know the darkness well,
I have navigated the craggy landscapes
And journeyed the pitch-black labyrinths
And now
We go together.

You are not alone beautiful one,
I know what you are capable of
And what a miracle you are,
I know how powerful you are

For I have seen it
In your blueprint
In your soul realms
In your eyes.

And I will not hold you to any less.

From my soul to yours,
Sheree xo

Author: Sheree Bliss Tilsley
Copyright © Sheree Bliss Tilsley 2020

This year, my power word for the year, (which usually comes quite easily and obviously to me) but this new year's ritual...

This year, my power word for the year, (which usually comes quite easily and obviously to me) but this new year's ritual was different, my "word" alluded me, although I could feel the vibration of it.

I journeyed with my helping spirits for clarity, I felt energetic tethers to things that are not important to my mission be released, reclaiming pieces of my life force and focus. The word "DEVOTION" was underneath the chaos.

Ahh, of course...

Daily devotion has always been an anchor for me into what truly matters in a world filled with distractions.

However I feel this year, I am being called to journey even deeper into devotion of my soul-mission.
This year my devotion feels... fierce.

Fierce, ruthless, loving devotion to what truly requires my energy, focus and complete alignment... allowing anything else to die or fall away.

I walk this 2024 sun-cycle in fierce, loving devotion to my sacred mission, in service to the goddess within all of us. Walking alongside women as they remember their wild feminine power, delicious aliveness, and authentic truth, as they fully inhabit the sacred space of their wise bodies.

Together, creating huge impact in our own lives, families and communities, rippling across space, lineages and timelines, and Pachamama herself.

And so it is!

My love, what are you walking in devotion to? Let's declare it!

With love,
Sheree xo

I am not striving for ascensionOr to transcend the human experienceTo become a pillar of dissociated "peace"Squeezing in...

I am not striving for ascension
Or to transcend the human experience
To become a pillar of dissociated "peace"
Squeezing into some tamed patriarchal ideal
Of what a spiritual woman should be.

I'm here for what's real and wild
The deep, messy descent into my humanness...

We are deeply spiritual, cosmic beings
Journeying here on the physical plane
In human bodies
To have deeply human experiences
To feel human emotions
Including the difficult ones.

We are not here, to transcend
We are here to be real. 

Beautifully, divinely, deliciously, powerfully real.

With love,
Sheree Bliss Tilsley xo

Shamanic tracking Is my genius. We are multilayered, multidimensional incredibly complex, beautiful beings. Body, mind, ...

Shamanic tracking
Is my genius.

We are multilayered, multidimensional incredibly complex, beautiful beings.
Body, mind, soul and matter
Are not separate.

Each layer and element weaves into the next.
The physical is influenced by the mind, the mind by the emotions, and emotions by the soul...

My area of expertise, experience and skill,
Is journeying beyond the ordinary,
To identify the subtleties within the rich tapestry of someone's precious being

Sifting through the many layers of energetic blueprint, ancestral lines and soul realms

Hunting, tracking
I leave no stone unturned
(I am stubborn like that.)

I am not interested so much in surface-level imbalances,
My medicine, and deep satisfaction
Is the hunt

For not only the deepest root
But I track the "why"
Why is this divine being manifesting the same pattern
Again and again...

Together, we make the shifts here
At the deepest level
In the invisible realms
We reorganise
And dream-in
The very fabric of reality.

My love, if you're feeling the pull to journey with me to anchor in a new reality, I am taking bookings for 1:1 shamanic healings in September.
My heart and inbox are open for questions (or a casual hello!)

With love,
Sheree xo

Thank you so much beautiful Laetitia. My goodness goddess, what an absolute honour and joy to journey with you divine wo...

Thank you so much beautiful Laetitia. My goodness goddess, what an absolute honour and joy to journey with you divine women.
You are absolutely incredible xoxo

I may be based on the Gold Coast, Australia, but I am always in absolute awe and gratitude to be able to share powerful,...

I may be based on the Gold Coast, Australia, but I am always in absolute awe and gratitude to be able to share powerful, life changing shamanic medicine with amazing people all over the world.

I have the most beautiful soul-clients not only here in Australia but in the US, Canada, South America, all over Europe, New Zealand, India, Africa, Asia and the Middle East...

We may not be in the same room, or the even in same hemisphere, yet, the connection with the divine souls that work with me, is so heartfelt and real.

The journeys we take together are beyond words and the magick we share goes beyond distance, time and space.

The laughs, the tears, deep journeywork, precious moments and potent soul healing that takes place together, is such an honour. It fills my heart and fuels the fire in my womb! ❤️‍🔥

Loving you, my beautiful friends across this wild planet.

I am truly the luckiest to witness you and walk with you, and that our souls choose to work and dance together.

With love,
Sheree xo

I have always been a rebel at heartQuietly and in my own way.I came here to do things differently To be the wild ancestr...

I have always been a rebel at heart
Quietly and in my own way.
I came here to do things differently
To be the wild ancestral grandmother
That the future generations will be inspired by,
The one they look to for courage
When it all feels too big.

We, the wild ones
Are midwifing the new way
We hold our torches high
Despite fear
Despite critics
Within and without.


They will judge
They will gossip
They may be envious of our freedom
Our bliss
Our courage
To go against
The old programmed "shoulds"

For we are a threat
To the comfortable status quo.

My love,
Connect to your soul's vision
As the Eagle,
And the truth within your womb
As the serpent.

Remember why you came here
Sacred woman
For you are here to lead
In your own way.

With love,
Sheree xo

Rewilding is not a trendy aestheticA performative "goddess vibez" clicheSomething that is doneOr achieved. It is not alw...

Rewilding is not a trendy aesthetic
A performative "goddess vibez" cliche
Something that is done
Or achieved.

It is not always beautiful or elegant
Or even outwardly visible.

Rewilding is an internal process
A gradual unwinding of the barriers
The beliefs, stories and ancestral patterns
Limiting your power, your radiance.

Is a stripping away of who you are not
To reveal the brilliance of who you truly are
The power within your womb
Your gifts
Your magick
Your aliveness.

It is a remembering
A reclamation
Of who you know yourself to be
In the unwavering
Cosmic knowing
Within your womb.

My love, you are invited to deliciously receive in-depth shamanic medicine and soul guidance with me 1:1 in sacred space (in person Gold Coast or via zoom worldwide).

Together, side by side, we will uncover, and release what is no longer aligned, and reclaim your true wild essence, wholeness and feminine power.

Claim your space via the link in my bio or send me a message.

With love,
Sheree xo

My love, do not lower your standardsFor fear of asking too muchBeing "too much"Difficult, demanding, needy.I used to be ...

My love, do not lower your standards
For fear of asking too much
Being "too much"
Difficult, demanding, needy.

I used to be a "chill" girl
Laid back in my desires
Letting "ick" behaviour slide
Not asking for much.

I truly thought I was "low maintenance"
But the truth is
I was cut off
From my true desires.

My "chill girl" protective shield
Concealed an inner child
Who believed
She was selfish for having the audacity to want more.

So now, I love this little girl within...
By giving her full permission
To have needs, wants, standards
And to invite others to meet me here.

Some will
Some won't.

But what I will and won't allow
In my sphere
Is crystal clear.

For when we raise our standards for our own lives
We raise the standards
For those we love
And those who will one day,
Receive the ripples.

My love, what do you actually, truly desire for your beautiful self?
Claim it here with me 😘

With love,
Sheree xo

As each woman remembers, reclaims and embodies her power, She honours the journeys of the women who came before And she ...

As each woman remembers, reclaims and embodies her power,
She honours the journeys of the women who came before
And she holds the torch for those who will come after.

As we clear the fears passed down through the lineages,
We clear for the collective feminine.
As we claim our strengths from our lineages,
We claim it for the collective feminine.

Shamanic ancestral healing
Changes not only our own lives
But ripples through families,
Through space
Through time

With love,
Sheree xo

》TMI《No apologies will be accepted for "TMI" in my sessions, my love!I am comfortable with messyI am comfortable with ra...


No apologies will be accepted for "TMI" in my sessions, my love!

I am comfortable with messy
I am comfortable with raw.
I am only interested in what is real.

"Shame dies when stories are told in safe places"
And it is all welcome here.
Your stories are safe here.

In my space, you are free to speak unfiltered.
No editing needed in my presence.
I'm not the type of "coach" who will pull you up on what you say,
Tell you to speak positive words only...

Here, in my loving couldron, we allow *all* parts of you to have a voice,
We do not suppress, hide or bypass our heavy emotions here,
Yet... we do not wollow there, or give it more power.

I am very aware that some parts of you may feel one way,
and that other parts feel different.

I'm also very aware that my sister kin come to me because they are ready to clear their s**t!
To speak to what they are done with, and ready to move past and level-up from.

There is no need to hold back or be embarrassed for what comes up in this space.
It stays here.

There is no need to balance any venting with apologies or explanations...

My love, I know!

I know that we are looking at but one piece of your vast puzzle.
I know that you are a multifaceted, multidimensional, complex and wonderful, wise being.

I see you,
No need to over-explain yourself here sister.
I know.

My love, if you feel the pull to work with me, I am offering 1:1 deep shamanic recalibration sessions or shamanic womb healing sessions (in-person Gold Coast or via zoom worldwide)
Bookings via my website in my bio.

With so much love,
Sheree xo

There is no finish line, my love.The day that you finally feelReady, "healed", complete, perfect... Is not coming. You w...

There is no finish line, my love.
The day that you finally feel
Ready, "healed", complete, perfect...

Is not coming.

You will always be learning, realising yourself.
The horizon of expansion
Ever disappearing
Until the day you die and beyond.

There is no finish line, my love
There is always more
And the time to drink the sweetness of life,
Is now.

With so much love,
Sheree xo

On the shamanic path there is no separation between the physical world and spirit world, the seen and unseen realms. All...

On the shamanic path there is no separation between the physical world and spirit world, the seen and unseen realms.

All is connected.

To walk in devotion to the shaman's path is to walk with one foot in ordinary reality and the other in non-ordinary reality, where all things have a spirit, an energetic signature and a voice.

Listen with an open heart to nature, allow your roots to grow deep and connect.

Listen to the trees, the winds, the rivers, and the ancient memories of the rocks.

Give appreciation and love, and receive love, healing and incredible wisdom in return.

With love,
Sheree xo

Photo by the wildly talented

To the woman who knows deep in her womb that there is more to lifeThan burnout, "shoulds", pleasing others,Being pretty,...

To the woman who knows deep in her womb that there is more to life
Than burnout, "shoulds", pleasing others,
Being pretty, a good girl,
Setting yourself on fire
To keep others warm.

To the woman who knows there is magick
In her bones
And in her blood.

It's time to lift the veils
Uncover and release the stories that bind.

To unlock the gateway
Of your knowing, power and bliss.

It is time to remember sister,
Who you came here to be.

This is your invitation
To journey deeper now
And reclaim
Your sacred wild...

My love, if you feel the call,
I have spaces available for 1:1 shamanic recalibration and deep shamanic womb healing sessions.

This is the last month to book at the current energy exchange, there will be an increase next month.
Booking link is in my bio magical one.

With unconditional love,
Sheree Bliss xo

What did you dream of being when you were a kid?I always dreamt of being a scientist or a medicine woman! I am deeply gr...

What did you dream of being when you were a kid?

I always dreamt of being a scientist or a medicine woman!

I am deeply grateful to have had my medicine gifts supported and encouraged from a very young age by my parents. My Aunty was and is, a beautiful medicine woman and psychic/medium and mentored me in the ways of meditation, energetic hygiene, protection, intuition, astral travel and energy healing from about age 10 or 11.

For fun, as a young girl, I would often play around with the colours in my aura on my hands, play psychic development games with my bestie and my cousin, decorate my altar in my bedroom, do oracle card readings, read about herbs, astrology, crystals, goddess archetypes, interpret friends dreams and draw spirit guide portraits.

This was quite natural and unprompted for little Sheree.

I used to go on spontaneous shamanic journeys regularly when I listened to my meditation music as a kid, although I didn't know what it all "meant" back then.

As an adult, training in and walking my shamanic path felt like a returning for me. A remembering. A remembering of what lit my soul up as a child. Remembering what comes naturally to me as I have spent many lifetimes walking this path.

I often catch myself setting up for the day with my beautiful clients, and laugh at the cosmic joke and have deep gratitude, for the fact that I manifested my childhood dream of being a full-time witch 🤣

Every day, I thank little Sheree, that mini master manifestor for not being afraid to explore her "weird" little hobbies.

For each day, I have the privilege of journeying deeply with the most incredible souls. My clients are truly the most incredible, inspiring, people. The cycle breakers, the way-showers, the one who have bravely chosen to dive deeply into what lies beyond our surface awareness.

How I adore the people who trust me to journey so deeply with them.

My heart overflows daily.

My loves, what did you dream of being as a kid?

With love,
Sheree xo

📸 by the fabulous .sarasvati

I now know how life changing and necessary it is to have other women in our corner.Powerful women,Saying "yessss" to our...

I now know how life changing and necessary it is to have other women in our corner.

Powerful women,
Saying "yessss" to our fullness, realness and rawness
Women who embody truth, integrity, depth and sisterhood.

Bold women who want to see us shine unapologetically
Women who love us
But also won't enable our garbage because they love us.

Together we call each other up to rise,
Inspire each other, and give each other full permission to express our truth,
Our fullness
Our bigness
Our boundaries
And our vulnerabilities.

My clients are deep and powerful women.
Women who desire that sacred depth of true sisterhood and unwavering support

Sister, there is nothing that you can bring to me that is "too much"
I want to see you in your realness
Your fullness
I will not play the limiting game of staying small
I will call you up
To rise
To shine
Because I fu***ng love you.

With love,
Sheree xo

I look forward to my periods. If you'd told me when I was a 13 year old maiden that one day I would cherish my bleeding ...

I look forward to my periods.

If you'd told me when I was a 13 year old maiden that one day I would cherish my bleeding time, I would have laughed.

I was excited to become a woman, but I also suffered with debilitating pain, fainting, nausea and premenstrual dysphoric disorder on and off for years.

At 16 I was put on the contraceptive pill, to suppress my hormones and numb my emotions (causing chronic gut issues, depression, migraines and profound disconnection from my body and her wisdom).

My womb's painful cries for attention would show up often at times in the past, when working in the mainstream medical system required me to ignore my cycles, take painkillers and soldier on, performing like a machine as if nothing was wrong.

The truth is, we aren't meant to feel the same every day. We aren't meant to perform at 100% capacity all the time.

We are cyclic beings, just as Pachamama our Earth is, just as Grandmother moon is. We are not seperate from nature, we are part of her and she is part of us.

Women, we have inner seasons. Our wombs bleed, release and rest in our inner winter, bud with fertile creative sparkle in our spring, bloom in fruitful summer ovulation, and come into slowness in autum again in our premenstrual phase.

When I learnt to truly honour my inner seasons, listen and deeply connect with the subtle cues of my womb, I began to experience a deep sense of harmony, ease, reverence and joyful communion with this sacred part of my womanhood.

Tonight as the energy of the full-moon graces us, I am in awe of my womb as she releases in perfect timing with the full-moon (my bleed began right as the full moon reached 100%).
As she releases what she no longer needs to hold, I feel thewomb unwavering clarity within and my deep desire that all women come home to their sacred wombs and deep innate intelligence of their cyclic nature and miraculous interconnectedness with Mama nature. 

With womb deep love,
Sheree xo

My love if desire to come into deeper harmony with your sacred womb space (whether your physical womb is present or has been removed), I currently have openings for 1:1 deep shamanic womb healing journeys. Link in my bio xo

Let's bust the myth that being on-path means that things will be always be blissfully easy, flowing and fun. People ofte...

Let's bust the myth that being on-path means that things will be always be blissfully easy, flowing and fun.

People often ask me- when things are challenging or uncomfortable, if it is a sign they are on the wrong path.

No, not necessarily my love,
when you are following the whispers of your soul, the deep undeniable pull of your true desires, the path is often not easy or well-paved.

Yes there is SO much magick, synchronicities, beauty, joy and deep satisfaction on your soul's path to be discovered. But you will ALSO inevitably come apon the glass ceilings of your mind. The old skins that no longer fit will feel uncomfortably tight.

Have the courage to keep trying, pivoting, learning, resting when needed, and keep following that undeniable pull of desire in your belly (Especially when things feel weird or hard!)

Give yourself grace as you stretch your comfortable edges my love. Be proud of yourself and know that you are in the wild process of true growth, as you become your most authentic self.

Have you experienced chaos as you've leveled-up on your path my love?
Do any of these resonate for you?

With love,
Sheree xo

You say that you desire a wild womanOf course, She is passionate and alluringSoft and playfulBut can you handle her;Fire...

You say that you desire a wild woman
Of course,
She is passionate and alluring
Soft and playful
But can you handle her;
Fire and boundaries
Her adventurous spirit
Her intensity and wisdom
Her "too-much" parts
Her unshaved parts
Her sacred blood
Her wet and tangled magick...
If you cannot worship and adore these parts
Of a wild woman
Then you are not ready to be invited
To the untamed depths
Of her sacred wilderness.

With wild love,
Sheree Bliss Tilsley xo

Ever felt like you're cruising along with the "check engine light" on within your being? Something feels off, but we can...

Ever felt like you're cruising along with the "check engine light" on within your being?
Something feels off, but we can be really good at ignoring it 😅

Our divine feminine essence speaks through the vast wisdom of the body. As we tune in, heal and become more sensitively calibrated to our womb and inner voice, what once may have been a whisper, can become a roar.

When we are out of alignment with our feminine essence, eventually we realise (sometimes through illness or breakdowns) that we simply cannot continue with the "check engine light" on any longer.

The goddess within us simply won't allow it. And she may call for things in our life to be destroyed, with fierce love.
To be built anew...

So tell me, my love, what does your inner goddess whisper (or roar)?

With love,
Sheree xo

Healing our wombs is not just about healing our menstrual cycles, nurturing our fertility or recovering from birth or tr...

Healing our wombs is not just about healing our menstrual cycles, nurturing our fertility or recovering from birth or trauma.

Oh no, it's much more than that.

Healing our wombs
Is about taking back our full-spectrum feminine power,
Reclaiming the deep wisdom within our living tissues and blood,
Freeing our lineages from suffering and oppression.

Healing our wombs
Is about awakening the life-force that desires to flow through us,
To create through us,
To show us the way
To a life of wild harmony and magick.

Healing our wombs
Is about expanding our capacity
Not only to build resilience,
To journey through heavy emotions,
But to expand our capacity
To feel pleasure, bliss and delicious desire.

Healing our wombs
Is remembering truth.

With womb deep love,
Sheree 🌹

My love, if your womb feels the pull to awaken your womb magick together, side by side, I have spaces open in my books for deep shamanic womb healings. In-person Gold Coast or via zoom worldwide.
Find the link in my bio beautiful one xo

📷 by talented goddess .sarasvati

This divine song by the incredible spellweaver

One of the things I help my beautiful clients with the most, is connecting back into their sensitivity, intuition and cu...

One of the things I help my beautiful clients with the most, is connecting back into their sensitivity, intuition and cultivating unwavering self trust.

Grounded in the core of our being, underneath the distractions, mind chatter, disconnection and fear, is the gift of our inner knowing.

There is deep wisdom within the sacred intelligence of our bodies and wombs. An ancient gift, as old as the first beings to grace the earth.

I invite you my love, to take this very moment, to pause, to listen within.
What do you notice under the surface?

With love,
Sheree xo


Northern GC
Gold Coast, QLD

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm


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