Its incorporated name is Braidwood FM Inc and it has an executive committee of 5 people, consisting of a President, Vice-President, Public Officer, Treasurer, and Secretary and is staffed by unpaid volunteers. It follows the Community Radio Code of Practice (CRCOP) and its Rules of Association and Objects of Association are based on the CRCOP. Braidwood Community Radio is also known as Braidwood F
M, and “The Barbed Wireless”. It began broadcasting on Australia Day, January 2003, on a Test Broadcast Licence on frequency 92.3FM, with the transmitter located on the roof of the studio at 141 Wallace Street, Braidwood. The broadcast radius was just 10 kms around Braidwood. On the 1st May 2003 a Temporary Broadcast Licence was granted, and on the 25th January 2004 the transmitter was re-located to Mt.Gillamatong and transmissions began on frequency 94.5FM. The broadcast radius increased to around 50 kms from Braidwood, reaching as far as Gundillion, Bungendore, Wakefield park near Goulburn, Nerriga, Mongarlowe, Majors Creek, Captains Flat, and down the Clyde Mountain to Nelligen and on occasions even Batemans Bay. On the 22nd November 2004 a Permanent Broadcasting Licence was granted by the Australian Broadcasting Authority (ABA), now known as the Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA). Braidwood Community Radio’s broadcast studio is located on the first floor at 141 Wallace Street, Braidwood, and the station obtains the funds it needs to operate through donations from individuals and businesses; individuals and businesses becoming members; and businesses becoming sponsors. The station is eligible to apply for grants to purchase equipment, but not to pay day-to-day running costs such as electricity, rent, licence fees, copyright fees, insurances etc. The funds for the day-to-day operating costs come from memberships and sponsorships which are so important to the continuing operation of the station. Braidwood Community Radio assists local community groups whenever it is able to, and provided its first donation to Braidwood Junior Soccer in 2004. Over the years Braidwood Community Radio has provided funds to the Braidwood Central School to assist with the purchase of Safety Play Equipment for the Primary School children, and towards the new school bus, and to Braidwood Scouts and Braidwood SES. It is also an annual sponsor of the Bendigo Bank Braidwood Lions Billy Cart Derby, and The Braidwood Quilt Event.