Advocate E chigaduro

Advocate E chigaduro 2 I thirst for God, for the living God.

I say, "When will I be able to go and appear in God's presence?"
6 I am depressed, so I will pray to you while I am trapped here in the region of the upper Jord

Psalms | MapisaremaEnglish 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. To ...

Psalms | Mapisarema

1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

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The fruit of silence is PRAYER. The fruit of prayer is FAITH. The fruit of faith is LOVE. The fruit of love is SERVICE. The fruit of service is PEACE.

Psalms | MapisaremaEnglish 1:1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of ...

Psalms | Mapisarema

1:1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.

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*Makambozviona hr kt muZimbabwe ukabvunza mnhu kt ukuendepi anoti ndirikudzokaπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ*

*Makambozviona hr kt muZimbabwe ukabvunza mnhu kt ukuendepi anoti ndirikudzokaπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ*


*Toilet inokudzidzisa k*ti uchange uri wega pese pauchamama muhupenyu*πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

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Good things are going are to happen . Have faith.stay positive

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uthando luyalimaza

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I once saw a very old man, close to 70years, desperately praying and asking God to visit him, that he needs an encounter. I couldn't hold back my tears, because it was obvious that this old man was in pains and frustrations (but he missed it in the days of his youth), I became so sober for the whole day thinking about that old man, then a verse came to my Spirit
Lam 3:27 "It is good for a man that he bear the YOKE in his youth"
Any man that MISSES God in the days of his youth has MISSED it forever
Imagine that man Paying the price he would have paid in the days of his youth in his old age
At that age, how much impact will he even make??
How many lives will he even be able to impact on??
Can he even try fasting from 6 to 6??
This is the time to pay the price for your generation, now that you're young and Strong
Now that you can fast from 6-6 and still pick up a megaphone and go for evangelism
Now that you can sleep for just 6hours in two days and still be normal
Now that you can be fasting, praying and your still strong enough to do all your work
Don't be among those who will be FASTING while their mates are FEASTING
Don't be among those who will be PRAYING while their mates are PLAYING(enjoying)
Now is the time to pay those great prices
Now is the time to invest both for your generation and yourself
If you dare MISS it at this age, am very sorry but no matter how you try, you have MISSED it forever

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*Mupfanha wangu arikunditi ndarasika mutown, ndikumubvunza k*t uripapi hanzi ndiripaside pemunhu arik*t sreenguard 4n yese dollar*

Kana ndimiwo



*zvatinotarisira pasi nok*ti tavakunamata*
*Zvinhu izvi zvino affecter marriage kana mozogara zvenyu*

1. Mombe yehuredzwa kana makachengetwa namai vasiri wenyu inoda kubviswa kunyange makunamata.

2. Muroora akagezesa vaMwene vachirwara vachibata tsvina nekuvawachira achivapepa anofanirwa kubhadharwa.

3. Mombe yehumai hazvina basa k*ti mukadzi wacho wakamuwana isiri mhandara kana k*ti arinevana vake inoda kubviswa chete.

4. Makuva anoda kuvakirirwa kuisa matombo kana cement uye zvinoda kuitwa ne order yazvo chaiyo chaiyo kwete k*ti tete vafa nhasi ndivo vamak*tanga kuisira d***o ambuya vakafa kare musati mavaisira izvozvo hazvibude

5. Mbatya dzevafi hadzifanire kurega kugovewa kunyange zvodini zvinhu hazvifanire kupararira mumusha zvisina kugovewa uye zvinoda kugovewa nenzira kwayo

6. Roora rinogoda kubviswa kuvanhu wese kunyange kumukadzi wawatora aguma kubereka uchiti tavakungochengetana anoda kubvisirwa pfuma

7. Mushonga weNgozi kuiripa vamwe munoshandisa vanhu musingava bhadhare vasiri hama dzenyu muchizovadzinga zvechisimba musingazive k*ti zvinopa dambudziko mumusha nevanhu vanoshanda kusvikira vafira mumusha menyu mari dzavo musina kuvapa dzakakwana

8. Vabereki havanongedzwe huroyi

9. Vabereki havatukwe uye havarohwe especially baba munzwa urimuropa hautumburike

10. Musabate mari dzineropa mukati kana k*ti dzemushonga

*Zvinhu izvi zvino affecter mhuri dzakawanda vanhu vachihwanda nek*ti tavakunamata please*.

*Zvinhu izvi zvinoda kugadziriswa nemi k*ti zvirege kuramba zvichikonzeresa mumhuri nevana vevana wenyu*[


Umwe murume akati nhasi ndoda kuita surprise ku mukadzi wangu ndok*tenga PIZZA yake mu town akwira kombi ndokuburuka kumaraini pamashops ndiye dhuma dhuma nemkadzi wake zvikanzi yaa nhasi ndakubata watengera girlfriend pizzaπŸ•πŸ” zvikanzi ayewa ndeyako zvikanzi k*tanga rini ndokubvutwa ndokuitsika tsika saka mudzimba umu pliz itai zvamajaira

Tengai Maputi avanoziva kkkkkπŸ‘πŸΌ


Tinok*tendai mwari nechipo chehupenyu chamatipa bva tave pano musiki mutitarire patinofamba mutinzvengesewo padenda rashura mare iri tigonesei mwari tigone kukunda ndoisawo vana vamakatipa mwari tarirai Havana chavanoziva asi dzidziso nehuchenjeri hunobva kwamuri mwari huve pamubereki umwe neumwe agone kudzidzisa mwana nezvedenda radai kurura iri tinok*tendai mwari chitichengetedzai patichanobata mushando wemaoko mutinzvengese panjodzi dzinouraya dzamara tadzokera kumasuo edu Nyasha dzedenga dzichititungamiria nekusingaperi ndisinga siye vasungwa ,varwere,mapofu ,zvirema, nhetamakumbo, vari kuchema varikushungurudzwa ndinovaisa mukati meruoko rwenyu muzita nemuropa raJesu tenzi wedu Amen

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[7/14, 05:54] +263 77 764 3233: Tinok*tendai mwari nechipo chehupenyu chamatipa bva tave pano musiki mutitarire patinofamba mutinzvengesewo padenda rashura mare iri tigonesei mwari tigone kukunda ndoisawo vana vamakatipa mwari tarirai Havana chavanoziva asi dzidziso nehuchenjeri hunobva kwamuri mwari huve pamubereki umwe neumwe agone kudzidzisa mwana nezvedenda radai kurura iri tinok*tendai mwari chitichengetedzai patichanobata mushando wemaoko mutinzvengese panjodzi dzinouraya dzamara tadzokera kumasuo edu Nyasha dzedenga dzichititungamiria nekusingaperi ndisinga siye vasungwa ,varwere,mapofu ,zvirema, nhetamakumbo, vari kuchema varikushungurudzwa ndinovaisa mukati meruoko rwenyu muzita nemuropa raJesu tenzi wedu Amen



Prayer :
for Luke 12:6

Heavenly Father,
thank you for not forgetting me.

When I felt no worth, You said I am precious in Your sight.

When I was down, You lifted me up.

When I was in despair, You gave me hope.

When I was broken, You made me whole.

I know Your love is real. I desire to spend eternity with You. Every praise belongs to You.
In Jesus' Name, I pray πŸ™πŸΏ πŸ™πŸΏ πŸ™πŸΏ


Mumwe murume aive nemakore 78 kubva pakuzvarwa akango donha ndobva angoti rapata, achibva aendeswa kuchipatara. Akaita ma awa 24 ari paOxygen. Mushure anga ave zviri nani. Chiremba vakauya ndokumupa katsamba kemari yaifanira kubhadharwa, 500usd. Achiona pepa iri, akatanga kusvimha misodzi. Chiremba vakati kwaari, "Rega hako kuchema nekuda kwepepa remari iri." Murume akapindura akati, "Handina kuchemedzwa nemari iri kudiwa, mari ndinayo ndinobhadhara yose hazvina dambudziko. Chandichemedza k*ti ma awa 24 chete ndichishandisa Oxygen yemuchipatara, zvinoda 500usd, apa ndava nemakore 78 ndichifema mweya wemahara waMwari, hapana chandai bhadhara, mungazivao here k*ti ndine chikwereti naye chemarii? Apa chiremba vakango kotamisao huso hwavo vakadonhedzao misodzi.
Zvino kunewe ari kuverenga izvi, uchifema mweya wemahara kubva kuna Mwari kwemakore pasina mutengo pasina mubhadharo, haungatore masekondi maviri chete here uiseo nyaya iyi pama group kana matatu hawo, urangaridze vazhinji k*ti nguva dzose;

Tendai Mwari nezvavanongo kupai nekukuitirai mahara musinga bhadhare pahupenyu hwenyu.
Ibva watotanga iyewe k*tenda Mwari nekuda kwemweya wehupenyu waanokupa nguva dzose.

Fowarded as received...



Prayer :
for Mark 11:24

Heavenly Father,
bless me with deeper and stronger faith. When I pray, help me to believe fully that You are at command and in ultimate control of everything in creation.

I know You are faithful to answer believing prayers. I have no doubt that You will give me what is best for me in response to my prayer.

Guide me to keep on praying and claim Your promises in faith.
In Jesus' Name, I pray πŸ™πŸΏ πŸ™πŸΏ πŸ™πŸΏ

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Mutsonzowa Road Mufakose





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