Mushumo wekutura zvinoronza kuhinwa uhlonipo wethaundi kwaitwa Checheche. Chiini chinozwi Town Board. Inoshandei .
Zvinoronza kuhinwa kwaChecheche Growth Point muhlonipo wethaundi.
Checheche, a town located in Zimbabwe, holds significant importance within its region. Its status as a town grants it certain administrative and developmental advantages, distinguishing it from smaller rural areas.
The local governance is primarily facilitated by the Town Board, which is tasked with overseeing various civic duties.
The Town Board plays a critical role in managing the town’s infrastructure, public services, and community welfare. This includes overseeing water supply, sanitation, road maintenance, and healthcare services. Additionally, the Board is responsible for local economic development, which may involve supporting small businesses, promoting trade, and ensuring sustainable land management.
Checheche's town status means that it is entitled to more structured funding from the government, making it a focal point for regional development. It also means that the Board has the authority to implement local policies and engage in community-based projects that directly impact the livelihoods of residents.
Mahachi villagers speak on Checheche Town Status
Mugari wemwaMahachi vaGodfrey Mutanda veironza kuhlupheka kwavakaita kubve pakaronzwa kuti varikugara zvisiri pamuthetho.
Hino vanoti atina pekugara pakakwana zvekuti vantani vaakugara mumbatso imwe inemusiwo umwe zvisinei nezera reana kana muemo wavo.
Izvi ndizvo zvaakupa kuti vakaroorana vapote ceishonganirana mushango kuti vaone kupodza nyota kunyazwi kuronga mpuri(kuita bonde)
Mr. Godfrey Mutanda, a villager from Mahachi, shares the challenges faced by the community since they were instructed to halt further developments in the areas they live. He mentions that many married couples are now resorting to using the bushes to fulfill their sexual needs, as they can no longer do so in the presence of their children or within the confines of their one-room homes.
Town status for Checheche Growth Point!
Mutape Mahachi veihina mazwi awo ngendaa yekupuwa kwakaitwa Checheche growth point muhlonipo wethaundi .
Mutape vati budiriro tinoida, asi chikuwane chatinoda kuti painouya budiriro ngairingire varipo haiwa kudusa anhu aripo peibekwa amweni anhu.
Zviri nani kuti aripo ahinwe ndauyo poitwa kutenderana kuti uchapheya ngenjira iri.
Village Head Mahachi expressed his views on the current situation in Checheche, emphasizing the community's support for development. However, he urged the council and government to consider the rights of the current land occupiers. He made it clear that the community is against evicting people in order to allow others to take possession of the land. Instead, he proposed that priority should be given to the current occupiers, and a fair payment plan should be agreed upon for any necessary transactions.
Councilor Callisto Magama on the town status for Checheche Growth Point
Muchonja neagari entaraunda teiringira mashandisirwo endau ,kushandisa kwemare nekujekeswa kwawo,pamwepo nemushumo waapo ngendaa yekuhinwa thaundi kwakaita Checheche Growth Point.
Councillor Calisto Magama ndiwo aiya mueni waireremedzwa . Mushangano waitirwa munharaunda yeMahachi . Amweni evauya kudetseredza kuhamba kwemushongano uyu ndiMutape Mahachi .
VaMutyere vekuhofisi yaRegistrar veipingura matambudziko abudiswa ngevaiya pamuchonja.
Legal Resources Foundation Zimbabwe- LRF Zimbabwe
Legal Resources Foundation Zimbabwe- LRF Zimbabwe Zimbabwe nyamashi yaita muchonja mwaChecheche yakabatana neSouth Eastern Centre Trust kuningira matambudziko nekuona kuti vanthu vodetsereka sei kuti vange vane zvitupa ,mapasipoti uye mabirth certificate. Tiyaiye vaJeftta Mlambo veivhura muchonja..
Commemorating Wetlands Day 2025
Mhemberero dzeWetlands day 2025 kuChipinge
Sangano re Green Institute rakaita mudhibano wekukarakadzisana kukosha kweMatore(Wetlands) musi wa 13 Kukadzi 2025 kuChipinge.
Green Institute isangano rinodetsera kumirudzira ndaa dzinechokuita nemaemero ekubanze.
Pamhemberero iyi, pakasimwa miti uye kuita hurukuro dzekutotorosa njira dzingashandiswa kuchengetedza Matoro (Wetlands) anowanikwa kuChipinge.
Vaive muenzi anoremeredzwa vaW. Chauruka avo vanoshanda variDistrict Environmental Officer, vachikurudzira kungwaririka kwematoro( wetlands).
Vakatura mashoko avo pachirongwa chakakokerwa ngeveGreen Green Institute pamhemberero ye World Wetlands Day 2025.
Happy World Radio Day.
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Ngatigare takangwarira ngekuti kunaya kuri kuita mvura kunondouya takaarairwa . Ana ngaasatambira mumifuya ngoba mifuya inokona kudzara vakaarairwa yatheya ngedera vakakukurwa. Pakuambuka tapota kana mvura isiyo yawasiya irimwo usamanikidza kuambuka nxaya waringirisa Simba rayo . Zviri nani uende kiokumbira pasindepo woata womuka weienda. Ana anodakuramba akaringirwa pakuenda nepakuhwirira kubve kuchikora. Paanotambira titambe teiaringira
Mvura yakawanda yanaya zvisina mwero mifuya ikadzara mwaJakatira paKondo ,paMbeure apo zvionerei