Poet trybee's poem seeks to commemorate all the women who were victims of IPV and Femicides .The poem is a commentary that also seeks to call stakeholders to action because as young women you are unaware of what the future holds in regards to your safety
Poet Letty's poem talks about how the fight for equality continues to breed inequalities because it is not done the right way . The g in gbv stands for gender and calls stakeholders to action because men and boys do experience violence .It also talks about how patriarchy has taken away the boy's ability to cry because it continuously grows young boys and men into soldiers
Mazweli's poem in the relay poem paints out a woman who has been a victim of gbv and laments how the system should be corrected. #16DaysOfActivismAgainstGenderBasedViolence
Poet Lethu's piece in the relay poem addresses the pervasive issue of gender-based violence, highlighting the alarming statistics that reveal its prevalence. It emphasizes the societal tendency to blame victims, questioning the misguided justifications often used to excuse abusive behavior. The poem critiques the normalization of disrespect and the silencing of women's voices, illustrating the damaging effects on their self-worth. It evokes a sense of urgency for meaningful dialogue about these injustices, challenging listeners and society at large to confront uncomfortable truths about gender inequality and violence.
A call to action ,surely there is more we can do to end gendered violence .Come together and act now !
Highlights from last week's perfomances with Mersi Essambo ,a talented touring artist from Cameroon.The perfomance were a blend of music and spokenword,the artist created magic on stage.Enjoy
Sox The Poet
Nomqhele Nkomo
Poet Lethu
Cuben Voice
Words Matter Show, 27 June
Cuben Voice, Trybee & Sisa
Mazweli: Hymn Number 52
A holy mermaid once whispered to the lost sailor "Come to thy river"
Starlight mentions how despite every obstacle she come across, she still chose to believe in God.
Sisa says, “No matter where you go , remember the road that will lead you straight to the gates of peace.”
Snippets from the “In God we Trust show”
Trybee - Damascus Encounter - "Faith is blurry until we have our 'Damascus encounter'.
"Little boys get stuck in wars they know nothing about" Sing a hymn & Little Johnny by Mazweli ft NoNameDanceCrew