For ALL Your Printing Solutions!
- Tests, Examinations & Holiday work Printing $1
- Bookbinding, Textbooks and Bible Repairs $2,50
- Roora/Lobola Banner $30
- Poster Designing & Printing $10
- Bond Paper $30/box
SteelPulse Printers & SOURCING Agency
Location: Mpopoma, Bulawayo
Delivery Service AVAILABLE countrywide
Approachable and available 24/7!
App (or call)
Email: [email protected]
Here is how we conduct business with our clients...
- Approachable and available 24/7!
- FREE 1st 15 minute Client Consultation Session!
- Unconditional Service Performance guaranteed!
- We're professionally obliged to treat your business situation/challenge, as our own.
Duty of Care!
- Our principal objective in all our business relationships, is to see our clients in better positions than we found them in.
Operational Excellence!
- Win-win business relationship, no win-lose deals!
Here is our Full Catalogue,
For more services andproducts, FOLLOW
SteelPulse Printers & SALES Agents Whatsapp Channel
If peer confirmation is an insightful barometer of someone’s credibility and ability, request for Clients’ testimonials TODAY.
For ALL Your Graphic Designing, Book Printing and binding solutions!
SteelPulse Printers Delivers Fast & Affordable!
Don't sweat the printing!
SteelPulse Printers, your Bulawayo one-stop print shop, delivers high-quality printing that's fast, affordable, and error-free.
- Graphic Designing and Printing of Banners, Award/Certificate of Attendance, Posters, Logos, Fliers, School Reports, Company Profiles $1,50
- Book Printing and Bookbinding $1
- Tests, Examinations and Holiday work Printing $1
- Textbooks and Bible Repairs $1
- Garment Printing $2,50
- Photo/Picture Enlargement $2
- CV and Resume Writing $3
Here's why schools, businesses, and organizations love us...
Why Choose SteelPulse Printers, Bulawayo?
- Approachable and available 24/7!
- Quick Processing Period!
- Client service/support 24/7!
Email: [email protected]
Led by an approachable founder and manager, Ishmael Hove.
2001 CIS 3rd Best Finalist Award winner!
Coupled with over 20 years of professional and working experience in the academia, private and public sectors of the Zimbabwe.
Ex- Section Head Accountant at Hwange Colliery, mining firm publicly-listed on Zimbabwe Stock Exchange, Johannesburg Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange.
Ex- Part-time Financial & Tax Accounting Tutor at Zimbabwe Open University, ZOU Bulawayo & Matabeleland North Campuses for 5 years!
Ex- Systems and Wages Administrator at Archer Clothing Manufacturers P/L, Bulawayo for 7 years!
Follow SteelPulse Printers & SOURCING Agency Whatsapp Channel, for the latest updates and news!
We're open to Strategic Alliances!
Open to Joint Ventures!
Open to creative Collaborations!
Open to Business Agency!
Open to Business Networking!
SteelPulse Advisors: Your Partner in Graphic Designing, Printing and Bookbinding Solutions! · $2.00