Attraction Marketing
Today I want to share with you on how to create massive engagement on Facebook using Attraction Marketing. With attraction marketing, you can create massive engagement, establish yourself as an authority and magnetically sponsor people into your business with a lot less effort.
This method makes no matter if whether you are a newbie or you have been in the industry for a while but are kind of struggling when it comes to generating leads on Facebook.
Attraction marketing is building your brand and setting up your profile in a way that attracts people. It starts with your brand. Your business and your brand is you. It is not the network marketing company you are with; it is not the products you promote. People join people, people do business with people they know, like, and trust, and therefore you must become that brand that people know, like, and trust. Whether you know it or not everybody has a brand.
Therefore, here are some questions that will help you determine your brand. Question number 1, What do you want to be known for? Question number 2, what space in the marketplace do you want to fill. If somebody says your name what do, you want him or her to think of. Do you want to be known for that skincare guru, a trainer? Do you want to be known as that life coach, an SEO specialist, or video marketing? Whatever it is, really think about it and ask yourself those questions.
Understand that this might change. Therefore, you might start a little bit broader in the beginning and then as you are developing, as you're going along, you're going to be able to really understand okay what you really like. Maybe some things you do not like.
For you to succeed you must niche down and get very specific. Remember the riches are in the niches. So the more specific that you can be, the better off you are in the end. Therefore, when it comes to target market, I want you to sit down grab a piece of paper and start asking yourself some questions. The easiest explanation is if you had to sit here and write out who your ideal customer is. Who your ideal client is. Who your ideal business partner is. What do they look like? You know are they male or female? What is their age range? Where do they live? Are they married? Are they single? Do they have kids? If so, how many kids do they have? Do they have a college degree? How much money do they make? What qualities do they have? What qualities do they not have? Who is my ideal customer?
And so understanding and writing that down is super, super important. Why? Because when you start creating content, when you start putting up post on your profile or on your fan page or on your blog, you can start writing as if you are talking to that ideal person. Moreover, that is when people are listening to you. They get that feeling like, “this person is speaking to me." Moreover, what happens is that you start building a deeper connection and building that know, like, and trust factor. In addition, if you do not have that, then there is no way that you're going to build any type of long-term sustainable business online.
So now, that you understand you know what attraction marketing is, why it is important, you have thought about and you have written down your brand, the second thing is to define your target market. It is time to really beef up your Facebook profiles to really set yourself up to start attracting people versus repel them. Now I am going to give you 8 tips.
•Tip number 1 is making sure that you have a profile picture of you preferably one of you smiling.
•Tip number 2 is to make sure that you have a cover photo. You definitely can have this be lifestyle picture of yourself with a quote on it.
•Tip number 3 is setting up an introduction. Now many times this is right underneath your cover photo. You can have a little intro that gives people a little insight into who you are and who you serve. Again this
•Tip number 4 is editing your "About" section. Remove any type of reference to your network marketing company because you lose all curiosity this way. Put your website info. If you want to put your phone, number that fine. Give people some insight into who you are.
•Tip number 5 is to set up your profile to attract versus repel people by using feature photos that tell a story. You can show photos when on vacation showing that are having fun and that you like to travel
•Tip number six is that you go public. Therefore, whenever you are putting up a post on your profile you have the ability to set that post to public so anybody can see it or you can send it to your friends and family.
•Tip number 7 is to go into your settings and allow people to follow you. You want to turn on that "Follow" button. Therefore, when somebody comes to your page, they have the ability to send you a friend request or follow you.
•Tip number 8 is to approve timeline and tagging and you just want to make sure that you have your settings set to where you have to approve any posts that you are tagged in. This is to give you control of your page, of your profile, of your
Finally focus on quality and not quantity. I recommend you post one to two posts a day but really be thoughtful of what you are putting up. Do not put up posts that portray negativity. You definitely do not want to attract the negatives. You want to attract the positives. Always lead with value.
Whatever you do, align yourself with the Facebook's mission that is to entertain, educate, and inspire.