🔥In the name of Jesus Christ, may the Lord arise for you! May He take away shame and reproach from your life, in the name of Jesus Christ.
🔥Pray: I declare that every tree that has not been planted by my Father, by the instance of His word, let it be uprooted, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I declare that your days of weeping and mourning is over. Every stone over your life and destiny, I command it to be rolled away. May The Lord give you the testimony of Sarah, the kind that causes you to laugh, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I curse mediocrity and smallness from your life forever. Let sorrow give way in your life, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥May my God give you rest round about, in the name of Jesus Christ. Everything God declared over your life from January, let this be your month of performance. For everyone asking where is your God, this is the month God will answer them, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I decree: for your shame, receive double. Everything that is not by God that has left your hands, may it gravitate back to your destiny, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥In this season, God will bring completeness to your life. May the fullness of God be your portion, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I pray for you, whatever makes you make reference to only yesterday, I curse that spirit from your life, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I pray for you: Whatever will make you to make reference to only your yesterday (past), I curse that spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I pray for you: May the power that closes your yesterday (the past) permanently be released over your life, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I decree and declare, the grace to turn your attention forward, may it be released over you, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I declare over you, whatever has pegged your eyes to keep looking at yesterday, as far as you came for this service tonight, the grace to look forward, may it rest on you tonight, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I pray for you: on account of what you will hear tonight, may you produce a harvest, and as you're connected to this ministry, may you never rest until your life produces a hundredfold result, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥Prophecy: Whatever makes you compare yourself to those around you, giving yourself awards that the realm of the spirit, life, and destiny doesn't recognize, may that spirit of mediocrity leave your life forever, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I decree that every distraction around your life and every enemy fighting your vision, I pray for you: may they give way right now, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥Declare: In the name of Jesus Christ, I decree and declare that I have a clear vision for my life!
🔥I pray for you, whatever will have to make God replace you because you have become a liability to the Kingdom, may you never get to that point in your life and your destiny, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I pray for you, whatever is eating up your spiritual vitality, may you receive grace tonight to fight it to death, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I pray for you, whatever has quenched your spiritual fire, may The Spirit of The Living God light that candle afresh, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥Pray in the Spirit: Ask God to keep you burning, keep your prayer life, and Word study-life burning, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I pray for you, whatever makes you settle for less, may God deliver you right now, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥Pray: Lord, take away arrival mentality from my life! Give me true humility; the humility to serve, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥Father, I stretch my hands over my precious people, I have a responsibility for their spiritual growth; becoming and maturing unto stature, and I decree and declare over them, the grace that immunes people from being small that is responsible for aborting destiny and not finishing strong, even after a glorious start, may that grace rest upon you as a shield, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I declare that God gives you the gift of hunger; hunger for His presence, hunger for the things of the Spirit, hunger to actualize your destiny and your goals, hunger to evolve until you become a person of power, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I decree and declare: every distraction tampering with your focus, I pray for you from the depth of my heart, may that distraction vanish like smoke before the wind, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I declare over every rebellion that is locked up in your heart, that is stopping you from learning and becoming, may that spirit of rebellion be cast out of your life now, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I decree over you: Financially, you will prosper until you attain unto the standard that God has for you!
🔥Spiritually, I declare that you will be vibrant, until you become as strong as a Nation, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I declare, in every aspect of your life, go forward! In career, rise and be a giant! In your family, ride and be a giant! You are not the needy, you are a saviour! You will begin to manifest the dominion power of the Kingdom, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I declare that your life become a sign and a continuous wonder! And I pray for you, for the remaining part of this year, finish strong in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I declare that the dimensions of the anointing you have never seen before in your life, may your hands begin to command it from today! Receive access to more superior dimensions of revelation! May God open your eyes to see, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I declare, every grace that's needed in your destiny, required to make you finish this year strong but missing, may the Holy Spirit deposit it in your life right now, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I pray God's restoration upon you: For anyone who has lost things, time, relationships, access to opportunities, money or levels in the Spirit; by prophecy, I pray for you, whatever is missing in your life, I command restoration now, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥Whatever took you away from your throne, took away your crown, your honour, I prophesy restoration! Restoration in your finances, zeal, wisdom, and opportunities, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I bless your week, I decree and declare that you will experience the power of God this week!
🔥Let testimonies follow you this week; I declare unto you from glory to glory, from grace to grace, favour to favour, honour to honour, wisdom to wisdom, power to power, results after results, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I decree that shame is far from you, tragedy is too late over your life, helpers are coming speedily, lifters are coming speedily, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥I declare unto you, may you hear a voice from behind saying - this is the way, walk in it!
🔥I call you proof producers! I call you signs and wonders! The wisdom of the Spirit is at work in you; I declare that your life will be the portrait of a Believer indeed, in the name of Jesus Christ!
🔥The testimony you'll share mext Sunday, may it manifest this week! I release my faith and declare that you will not cry!
🔥Let this week beginning be a week of surprises for you! May the Lord decorate your life with honour, in the name of Jesus Christ!