The United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) in Zambia is located at the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) building, Revenue House along Kalambo road where the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) has provided the United Nations with substantial office space since its establishment in 1975. The office is directed by the UN Resident Coordinator with four members of staff with the National Inform
ation Officer as the officer-in-charge. UNIC provides information services to the public that range from responding to general inquires about the United Nations to organizing events commemorating special observances. Journalists, Researchers, Educators and Non-Governmental Organizations and the General Public also rely on UNIC for the latest United Nations information. The centre has also introduced an internet service free for its clients which they can use to find information via the internet. It also has a public broadcast service using bulk sms as a medium of transmission. The Centre also provides research facilities and reading space for studying purposes to the General Public. Among the valued services that UNIC provides is a reference library where the public has got access to a comprehensive collection of United Nations publications, reports and official United Nations records, such as the UN year book dating back to 1945. The Library is open from 08:30 hrs. from Monday to Thursday every week but on Friday it is open from 08:30 hrs. to 13:00 hrs. and closed on Saturday and Sunday and public holidays. UNIC occasionally translates certain materials into major local languages highlighting various topics such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To reach a wide audience UNIC works hand in hand with various NGOs, local and national media outlets. UNIC also produces press releases, brief the media on the United Nations agenda contributes articles to newspapers and appear on national radio and television programmes to discuss the role that the UN in Zambia is playing in various areas of national interest. UNIC is a member of the organizing committee for the World Press Freedom Day, as a way of highlighting the ways in which the United Nations assists the media in Zambia. UNIC is also seen as the place to find up to date information on the UN and current activities of the different UN agencies, including other issues of concern to the United Nations. UNIC is a partner in organizing seminars, exhibitions and commemoration of events focusing on key United Nations issues like human rights, education, HIV and AIDS, Poverty Reduction and Climate Change among many others. The Centre throughout the year engages interns on attachment from the University of Zambia and other Colleges as part of capacity building to Zambian youths; the centre’s internship programme has also been open to students in Africa and other parts of the world. Some youths have come as far as India and England to be attached to the Centre for a period of up to six months.