Morning STAR MEDIA TV We are here to Inform, Educate and Entertain. We are based in Kafue, Lusaka Province Of Zambia.


Christmas is around the corner.
Accidents take seconds to happen but suffering last a lifetime.😕😕😡
Helmets, seat belts and condoms should be worn on appropriate heads during respective RIDES.
Especially on vehicles that do not belong to you.😗😘😁😁😂😅

Thank you.

PEOPLE WITH GOOD HEART ❤️Here's the thing about people with good hearts. They give you excuses when you don't explain yo...


Here's the thing about people with good hearts.

They give you excuses when you don't explain yourself.
They accept apologies you don't give them, even though you should.
They see the best in you when you don't need them to.

At worst they lift you up, even if it means putting their own priorities aside.
The words "too busy" does not exist in their vocabulary.
They make time even when you don't.

And you wonder why they are the most sensitive people.
You wonder why they're the most caring people.
You wonder why they are willing to give so much, without expecting anything in return.
You wonder why their existence is not so essential to your well-being.

It's because they don't let you work hard for the attention they give you.
They accept the love they think they've earned, and you think they're entitled too.

Let me tell you something.

Fear the day when a good heart gives up on you.
Our skies don't become gray out of nowhere.
Our sunshine does not allow darkness to take over for no reason.
A good heart does not turn cold, unless it's been treated with coldness for a while.




10 SUPER POWERFUL QUOTES ABOUT MISTAKES IN LIFE1. "Mistakes are the portals of discovery." - James Joyce2. "YOU make mis...


1. "Mistakes are the portals of discovery." - James Joyce

2. "YOU make mistakes. MISTAKES DON'T MAKE YOU." - Maxwell Maltz

3. "Mistakes are the growing pains of WISDOM." - William George Jordan

4. "If you're not making mistakes, then you're not making decisions." - Catherine Cook

5. "Fear of mistakes is the root of lack of confidence." - Dan Rockwell

6. "An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." - Orlando A. Battista

7. "Fear of mistakes is just another way of procrastinating, of never moving forward." - Robin S. Sharma

8. "The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard

9. "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." - Michael Jordan

10. "The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." - Henry Ford

Bonus 1
"It's not how we make mistakes, but how we correct them that defines us." - Rachel Wolchin

Bonus 2
"Mistakes teach you important lessons. Every time you make one, you're one step closer to your goal." - Unknown

Bonus 3
"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic." - Unknown :))


Keep shining and keep smiling! ✨✨
Have a super powerful day! 💖

Phyno: “Friends Told Me I Must Join A Cult Or Sacrifice Someone To Blow"“Some people look at us today and think we got i...

Phyno: “Friends Told Me I Must Join A Cult Or Sacrifice Someone To Blow"

“Some people look at us today and think we got it easy , not at all .Infact I’ve never loved easy things . Before many people heard of Phyno , I’ve had songs that no one knew exist .

“A couple of friends told me to blow , I must join a cult or sacrifice something or someone , I told him the price is too much . I’ll never do such .

“I believed in myself and the power of hard work , I started little and today I thank God . Young talents need to relax, do not be desperate about record deals or bring on the spotlight , keep working , when it’s time you’ll shine .

“ Imagine begging a label to sign you , what kind of terms will they give you ? They already know you are desperate and they will use you. At the beginning you might not see it but give it time , you’ll regret it . Nothing pays more than hard work and consistency

“Truly when you beg for a record deal what kind of terms do you think they’ll give you ? They already know you are desperate and will accept everything, they’ll give you crazy terms . Young people need to chill for real" - Phyno

I HAVE RESOLVED TO SUE MY PARENTS TOMORROW!A 35 year old man has vowed to sue his parents for asking him to leave their ...


A 35 year old man has vowed to sue his parents for asking him to leave their home on grounds that he is too old to stay with them. Writing to the Mast Newspaper today, Wilson Phiri said his parents are unfair.
He wrote:

"My parents want me to leave their house simply because I turned 35 yrs. I don't have a job but I am a graduate. Is feel its against the law for parents to chase a child out of a house, so am suing them 2moro. They are saying that the job will find me hustling but what can I do? I will 2moro report my parents to victim support Unity because its too much".

Sometimes you will lose interest in things you used to enjoy, not because you don't want them anymore, but because your ...

Sometimes you will lose interest in things you used to enjoy, not because you don't want them anymore, but because your soul craves silence and inner peace. It's sometimes better to lie down on your bed and listen to your favorite music or watch your favorite movie alone, away from your phone and all the notifications that bother you from time to time.
It's sometimes better to devote your time alone and reflect on what you want to do, why you keep tolerating stagnant routines, and why you keep staying in places where you don't belong.
Sometimes you have to pay attention to your body and mind when it tells you to take a break from the outside world, take care of yourself, and rest until you feel like yourself again. The world does not revolve around your smile, your love for someone, or your excitement; rather, the process includes silence, sadness, and solitude.
Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you can comprehend all of this without worrying about what others will think because this is your life and there are no justifications for putting yourself first.

— Balt


South Africa 🇿🇦 Ronaldinho was in South Africa for Pre-season in 2006 with Barcelona! And 4 years before that! On a visi...

South Africa 🇿🇦
Ronaldinho was in South Africa for Pre-season in 2006 with Barcelona! And 4 years before that! On a visitation trip😀🤔


Paul Biya of Cameroon, one of Africa’s longest-serving presidents, has appointed new military leaders on the same day a junta seized power in neighbouring Gabon.

I was never a loner. I was always surrounded by people. I was the one laughing and making everyone laugh in the group. F...

I was never a loner. I was always surrounded by people. I was the one laughing and making everyone laugh in the group. For the most part, I was a happy soul. But then, life happened. I realized that people are not that real. I realized that relationships are so fickle. I realized that people can fake it so perfectly that you can’t even blame yourself. And it took me time to absorb all those lessons, one heartbreak after another. Even in friendship, even with friends who swore on their mom, even they lied to me. So you see, I lost that smile on me. I lost that innocence in my heart. I started to withdraw from the crowd. I became a lost puppy on the road who wanted to trust some human but was just too shaken by the betrayal.

So I took the lonely road. I chose to smile and stay away. I chose peace over people. I chose loneliness over the gang. I chose books over the trips. And I chose myself over love. Was it hard? It bloody ripped me apart at times. That was not me. I had to force myself to stay away. But I did. I felt frustrated. I was angry. I wanted to break free. I wanted to trust again. I wanted to make new friends, to love again. But I did not. And slowly, I realized the silver lining in the dark path I took. I came closer to myself. I started looking back at things with more maturity and perspective. I started to feel things more. And I talked to myself a lot, about people, about relationships, about mistakes, about betrayals, about forgiveness, and about my dreams.

I know most of you would already hate me and laugh at me for being this “depressed, negative, and loser” of a person. But you don’t know what life is and what it makes you. Things change people, the pain, the suffering. You evolve. You dig into the deepest part of your soul. And you are no more the same person. You become an old soul, wiser, more patient, with more depth. You see beyond the surface now. You know when it’s just a waste of time. So you save yourself, your time, your emotions, and your energy. You know that you will know when some soul will be worth it. And you wait for that soul.

~ Rahul Kaushik

Sadio Mane: I don't need to post luxury cars"I resisted hunger, I worked in the fields, I survived wars, I played footba...

Sadio Mane: I don't need to post luxury cars

"I resisted hunger, I worked in the fields, I survived wars, I played football barefoot, I had no education and many other things, but today, with what I earn through football, I can help my people." "

"I built schools, a hospital, we provide clothes, shoes, food to people living in extreme poverty." In addition, I give 70 euros a month to all people from a very poor region of Senegal. "

I don't need to post luxury cars, luxury villas, trips, let alone planes, I prefer my people receive a little of what life has given me. "

PSG have told Kylian Mbappé he won’t play for the club this season if he stays to run out his contract.‬He’s not allowed...

PSG have told Kylian Mbappé he won’t play for the club this season if he stays to run out his contract.‬
He’s not allowed to train with the first team.‬
It is also reported that there are no Mbappé shirts in the PSG store. They have also removed his image from the stadium

JUST IN….A video of this man badly béâtíng up a woman has gone viral.. The video was taken by a person that seemed to ha...


A video of this man badly béâtíng up a woman has gone viral..

The video was taken by a person that seemed to have been capturing over the fence from the next yard..

The police must intervene…

The disturbing Vijo withheld for viewer sensitivity.

The owner of this building has taught us a great lesson. You can progress in life without destroying others. Just focus ...

The owner of this building has taught us a great lesson. You can progress in life without destroying others.

Just focus on your goal. When you remain focused, you can turn your threats to your advantage. Now the tree he refused to cut will give him fresh air and nice shade.

You can also build yourself without destroying others .

When you destroy others to build yourself, you will definitely meet destruction at the point of success.

Some years ago, a friend invited me to his house. I never knew the reason why he invited me. But he assured me that he w...

Some years ago, a friend invited me to his house.

I never knew the reason why he invited me. But he assured me that he would like to show me something and also have a brief discussion with me.

He was an auto spare parts dealer who was doing so well for himself.

When it comes to jokes, he can crack jokes so well and knows how to make fun of so many things.

This my friend was living in a three bedroom bungalow. Well furnished with many facilities that could make a house comfortable.

When I got to his house, he took me to one of his empty room and said to me;

"My girl friend is coming to visit me next week. When she comes, I will bring her to this room. I will pretend as if this is where I live. I will tell her that I am sharing this flat with someone else. I will make her feel that this is my own portion of the flat. The other rooms belong to my neighbor and am managing this one room."

I gazed at him.

There was no television, no radio, no air conditioner, no fan, nor any other appliances in the room. Only small foam on the floor with clothe hanger.

"Why do you intend to do it that way?" I asked.

He looked at me with a smiling face.

"I know you very well. You like to play pranks over many things." I said.

"You know she is coming for the first time to visit me. I don't want to give her the impression that i am doing so well as a bachelor. If she discovers am the one that owns this three bedroom flat and living alone, she may see me as a rich guy. She may accept to marry me because of my money. I want to pretend to be poor. Let me see her perspective about it. I want to feel her reaction."

"Hmmmmmm" I exclaimed.

"Yes nah. I want to test her. I want her to feel am nobody when I'm somebody. If she accepts to marry me under this condition, I will know she is the right person for me. But if she refuses, I will know she is not the right person for me." he said

"But if she eventually discovers that you occupy the entire apartment, don't you think she will regard you as a liar." I asked

"At the end, I will be the one to first open up to her before she discovers I own this place. I will tell her that I was merely testing her to know her kind of person."

"Ok. Let's see how it goes" I said

I wished him best of luck.

One week later, his babe arrived.

He first told the lady that he was an auto mechanic. He never revealed the fact that he deals on auto spare parts business.

The lady told him that as long as he has something doing that could put food on his table, with more efforts, the sky will be his starting.

He then took her to the one room he set aside as his room.

When the lady got there, she began to arrange the room for him. She swept and cleaned the room and made everywhere lively. She encouraged my friend not to feel depressed by his humble beginning. Assuring him that God is not yet done with him. She told him that many rich men started that way before they got their breakthrough. And as long as he has a place he could lay his head, the future is going to be bright for him.

My friend was so elated with this lady's actions and encouragements.

They are happily married with 3 kids.

Remember to follow Msema Kweli Lamu

It takes a lot of dedication and sacrifice for an athlete to attain his/her goals.This athlete would not give up even if...

It takes a lot of dedication and sacrifice for an athlete to attain his/her goals.

This athlete would not give up even if his stomach was running (diarrhearing)!!

The viral picture of Mikael Ekvall 🫣
After the 2008 Göteborg half-marathon, Sweden’s Micke Ekvall was nicknamed “bajsmannen,” which translates to “poop man.” He had finished the race at 21st, and photographs of him with a grimace on his face and brown liquid gushing down his legs immediately went viral after that. Surprisingly, however, Ekvall has remained positive about the experience. When asked, “Did you ever consider stopping to clean off?” he answered, “No, I would lose time. If you quit once, it’s easy to do it again and again and again.” And since then, the resilient runner has accomplished much more; in 2014, he set the national record for Sweden at the Copenhagen half-marathon.

Mwala Mooto wrote;"The Naked Woman in My Room."While attending the UN Summit in Rome last week I was lodging in a shared...

Mwala Mooto wrote;

"The Naked Woman in My Room."

While attending the UN Summit in Rome last week I was lodging in a shared room. The first two days I had a male roommate from Denmark who later checked out. When I got back to the room on the third day in the evening I found bags for a new roommate who was taking a bath. I took off my clothes and lay on my bed to relax.

After a few minutes the bathroom door opened and behold a naked woman stepped out. It was my first time to see a naked white woman and I temporarily froze as my temperature began to raise 🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️ I wondered whether I was dreaming or not. I was awaken to the reality when she greated me and introduced her self as my new roommate. Looking very comfortable she removed her lotion and started applying lotion as I lay on my bed literally shivering.

I later excused myself and rushed to the reception to ask whats happening. I was informed the hostel is unis*x therefore both men and women can be allocated the same room. I humbly requested if I could be allocated another room where their is a male and reluctantly the hostel manager transferred me to another room.

Friends it's important to flee from temptation, to others kissing might be okay but if you know you can't end just there, please flee. To others a sleep over is okay, but if you know it'll lead to more please flee. Know yourself better to avoid temptations that you know you'll not overcome, don't hang around flee like Joseph 🏃🏃🏃🏃.

To others sharing a room with an attractive young woman might be okay but knowing myself better I had to flee before I plant a seed in Rome🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️. Friends many have fallen because they did not have the courage to flee, and today they suffer the consequences of that decision. Be swift to identify temptation and flee for your life.

Happy Sunday

𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓 People called him mad-man but I was surprised when he moved close to me, He said, “can I ask you a very...


People called him mad-man
but I was surprised when he moved close to me,
He said, “can I ask you a very important question?”

I nodded, in acceptance,
and then,
he asked, “am I a mad man?”

The obvious answer, from a sane person, will be, "no",
and that was what I said.
“Thank you!”, he replied;

then he said,

“just because I don’t see things the way other people do, does that make me a mad man?”

"No", I answered again.

He bent down, wrote “W”,
and asked me what he wrote.
At this point, I was already feeling ashamed,
getting involved in a lengthy conversation with him.

In a hurry to leave, I said “w”,
but I was amazed when he replied to my answer,
“You only see 'W',
because of the angle at which you are looking at it.

If you turn upside down, you'll see “M”;
If u look from the right side, it is “3”,
and looking at it from the left side, it is “E”.

The fact that I don’t see things at the perspective that everyone is seeing it doesn’t make me a mad man, he said. Then he left.

I pondered for so long about this and its application to life.

Because We act, and relate to people, based on the perspective at which we are looking at their situation.

Have you taken your time to look at other possible perspectives?

I then decided that,
before I get angry with, or act against, or judge anyone that has done something unfavourable to me,
I will view it in at least three possible perspectives; own perspective,
2.his own perspective and
3.others perspective'.

So, before you judge people, before you rage your anger on them, take a little time to view their angle or perspective, and, if you still cannot see a reasonable reason, then you may act REASONABLY .

My boyfriend is not as good as hubby in I bed, I just love him for money, Livingstone woman tells court  A MARRIED woman...

My boyfriend is not as good as hubby in I bed, I just love him for money, Livingstone woman tells court

A MARRIED woman aged 24 shocked Livingstone local court A1 when she admitted to committing adultery with a 50-year-old man who she rated as terrible in bed.

She told court that she only loved him because he enticed her with gifts.

Janet Siachinji, 24 said Stressy JengaJenga, 50 was her lover and that the two had been engaged in a s*xual affair for 5 months.

She also revealed that the two engaged in protected s*xual activities twice during their five months affair.

Siachinji was narrating in a case in which her husband, Lazarus Muzoka, 35, from Siandaza village, sued Jengajenga from Musokotwane area for adultery demanding K20,000 as compensation.

Muzoka married Siachinji in 2017 and paid K6,000 as dowry. The couple has one child.

“Muzoka is my husband, while JengaJenga is my boyfriend. Jengajenga and I have had s*x twice in our backyard at night but we used protection on both occasions. However, he is not good in bed as compared to my husband,” she said.

Siachinji told the court that she accepted to date Jengajenga because he enticed her with gifts, including a mobile phone and skin-lightening lotions.

“I fell in love with Jengajenga because of the gifts and that led us into having s*x,” she said.

Muzoka told the court that he became suspicious of his wife and Jengajenga when he noticed the gifts she was receiving such as sugar, lotions, rice and chitenge materials.

He said his wife started refusing to join him cultivating their garden.

“However, our 5-year-old son told me that she was having an affair with Jengajenga because he used to visit my home at night. My son said they would leave him and then retreat to a hidden area behind our house,” he said.

He also told the court that he confiscated his wife’s phone and discovered videos of her on it.

“My wife would often leave me alone in the house on pretext that she had gone to charge her phone. When I found them in a compromising manner, I confronted her but she shouted at me, so I pursued Jengajenga, who quickly fled into the house,” he said.

But Jengajenga said he was just being a good Samaritan by showing Siachinji with gifts. He said he was not having a s*xual affair with her.

“The phone Siachinji got was for sale and she was the first person to express interest in purchasing it,” he said.

Passing judgment, principal presiding Local Court Magistrate Mubiana Mubita, sitting with Magistrates Esau Daka and Charles Mumba partially upheld the claim and ordered Jengajenga to pay K10,000 in compensation in K500 monthly installments.

The court also instructed the couple to return the phone to Jengajenga.

Credit: Zambia Daily Mail

FACTS ABOUT PERSONALITY ⚠️1. People will respect you based on how you respect yourself, talk to people and how you treat...


1. People will respect you based on how you respect yourself, talk to people and how you treat people around you with respect and good and positive energy.

2. No amount of bribery can make people love you if you're a bad person.

3. Good behavior attracts people to you, while bad behavior repels people.

4. Tell people your own story first. They will share theirs eventually. (The Art of Making Someone Confess).

5.Blind people are much sensitive.

6. If you want someone new to like you, then refer to people you’ve just met by their name. People love being referred to by their name and it will establish a sense of trust and friendship right away.

7.Be thankful for all the struggles you went through. They make you stronger, wiser and humble. Don't let it break you and let it make you.

8. Slow eaters generally like to be in control and know how to appreciate life. Fast eaters tend to be ambitious, goal-oriented, open to new experiences, and often impatient.

9. Before talking to a new person, a smile from you gains their positive approach towards you.

10.70% of people pretend to be okay simply because they don't want to annoy others with their problems.

11. You don’t have to be good at all things to be rich, but you have to be good at some things in which no one can beat you.

12. People think that to be strong is to never feel pain . But in reality, the strongest people are the ones who feel it but get through it.

13.Apparently, it will only take up to 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not. As such, if you want to make a good impression on someone, you have only got around 4 minutes to do so.

For more, keep following Books Cruisers



Born on the 3rd of August 1964 in Ermelo, now Mpumalanga, South Africa, Lucky's parents were separated even before he was born. His mother called him LUCKY. He has two siblings Thandi and Patrick but he spent his childhood with his grandmother, Sarah.

In a 1999 interview, he described his grandmother as "His Greatest Love who multiplied things to make him responsible as he grew up".

As a child Lucky worked as a gardener. At 18 he joined his cousin's band playing local Zulu Pop (mbaqanga) but recorded his first reggae album "Rasta Never Die" in 1984 selling only 4000 units.

He went on to release his second reggae album "Think about the children" which went platinum and made his popular in South Africa.

He described Rastafarianism as "consciousness" which was not defined by smoking ma*****na and wearing dreadlocks. For those who didn't know, Lucky never smoked or did drugs. He felt it was a way to genuinely inspire the young ones positively.

On 18th of October 2007, he was shot dead by carjackers driving in his Chrysler 300C shortly after dropping his children at their uncle's house. Five men were sentenced to life in prison for his death.

Lucky's music and Legacy remains fresh especially in the Minds of his Fans.

Natasha has fallen

Natasha has fallen

Nokia CEO ended his speech saying this “we didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost”.During the press conference t...

Nokia CEO ended his speech saying this “we didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost”.

During the press conference to announce NOKIA being acquired by Microsoft, Nokia CEO ended his speech saying this “we didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost”. Upon saying that, all his management team, himself included, teared sadly.

Nokia has been a respectable company. They didn’t do anything wrong in their business, however, the world changed too fast. Their opponents were too powerful.

They missed out on learning, they missed out on changing, and thus they lost the opportunity at hand to make it big. Not only did they miss the opportunity to earn big money, they lost their chance of survival.

The message of this story is, if you don’t change, you shall be removed from the competition.

It’s not wrong if you don’t want to learn new things. However, if your thoughts and mindset cannot catch up with time, you will be eliminated.

1. The advantage you have yesterday, will be replaced by the trends of tomorrow. You don’t have to do anything wrong, as long as your competitors catch the wave and do it RIGHT, you can lose out and fail.

To change and improve yourself is giving yourself a second chance. To be forced by others to change, is like being discarded.
Those who refuse to learn and improve, will definitely one day become redundant and not relevant to the industry. They will learn the lesson in a hard and expensive way!.

Keep Following Morning STAR MEDIA TV

THE SECOND VULTURE:In the 1990's there was a widely circulated photo of a vulture waiting for a starving little girl to ...

In the 1990's there was a widely circulated photo of a vulture waiting for a starving little girl to die and feast on her corp. That photo was taken during the 1993/94 famine in Sudan, by Kevin Carter, a South African photojournalist, who later won the Pulitzer Prize for this 'amazing shot'.

However, as Kevin Carter was savouring his feat and being celebrated on major news channels and networks worldwide for such an 'exceptional photographic skill', he lived just for a few months to enjoy his supposed achievement and fame, as he later got depressed and took his own life!

Kevin Carter's depression started, when during one of such interviews (a phone-in programme), someone called in and asked him what happened to the little girl. He simply replied, "I didn't wait to find out after this shot, as I had a flight to catch..." Then the caller said, "I put it to you that there were two vultures on that day, one had a camera".

Thus, his constant thought of that statement, later led to depression and he ultimately committed su***de. Kevin Carter could have still been alive today and even much more famous, if he had just picked that little girl up and taken her to the United Nations Feeding Center, where she was attempting to reach or at least take her to somewhere safe.

Today, regrettably this is what is happening all around the world. The world celebrates stupidity and inhumane act, at the detriment of other. Kevin Carter should have taken the girl away from that place, which will cost him nothing, yet he didn't. Here is the inhuman posture, "he had all time to take his shot, but he had no time to save the girl's life".

Thus, we must all understand that, the purpose of life, is to also touch lives. So are you too a Vulture. In whatever we do, let humanity come first, before what we stand to gain out of the situation. In all we do let's always think of others and how we can be of benefit to humanity, how we can lend a helping hand and wipe away tears. Hence, when we seek knowledge, wealth, fame, skills or even positions, let's think of how we can use it to benefit the people and society at large.

Today, there is a lot of poverty in the land, so if our God Almighty has blessed you, be a blessing to others, extend a helping hand to those in need. Remember, you giving, is also a way of appreciating divine blessings, bounties, and favour of God Almighty upon you. Therefore, it is very important that we all should help the poor and needy, the orphans and widows amongst us, so that they can meet their needs. Please don't be a Kevin Carter, be human and think humanity.

Beware, we humans are not humans, if we lack humaneness in all we do.


YOU WILL ALWAYS BE CHEATED IF YOU NEGOTIATE FROM A WEAK POSITIONThe main actor of "The Gods Must Be Crazy", N!xau Toma, ...


The main actor of "The Gods Must Be Crazy", N!xau Toma, was only paid $300, even though the film produced in 1980 made over $60 million. He died a poor wretched bushman despite making millions of dollars for other people. He was hugely exploited at the negoting table. In fact, he was merely told what was negotiated and he accepted with happiness. Africans have always been exploited.

The film is basically about the conflict between the new order and the old epoch: The Namibian tribal people in a remote African desert live a happy life, but it is all torn to pieces when a Coca-Cola bottle falls from a plane.The confusion and myth surrounding the strange object disorganized the bushmen as they made efforts to unravel the mystery object.

He died on 5th July 2003 after a bout with tuberculosis at the age of 59. He died a poor man because he was not only exploited but he lacked the necessary skills to even realised that he was exploited. He equally lacked the skills to manage well the little money he was paid for his appearances in various films because he did not know the value of paper money.

He had no formal education and came from a culture that did not value the material things that money could buy and consequently had not learned money management skills. After his film career ended in 2000, he returned to his village to build modern brick house with pipe borne water. He bought heads of cattle but not more than 20 because he simply could not count further than 20.

Yes he died poor after playing the lead role in a film that earned more than $60 million in revenue. Where else does it happen if not in Africa?

Ifeanyi Calistus

I am married to an armed robber, please help!Editor, Am a 30 year old lady, been married for 6 yrs with 2 kids to a good...

I am married to an armed robber, please help!

Editor, Am a 30 year old lady, been married for 6 yrs with 2 kids to a good man. He provides everything for us even for my extended family.

When I met my husband years ago, he told me he was working for a private security company. Alas! I just discovered that the man am married to is an armed robber. I got to know when I read a text on his phone detailing the next house they were going to break in in Chalala and how much money was in it. Its so scary. watched very disturbing videos of how they do their operations. It's like they do it for fun. It begs the question why sometimes he brings very expensive items home like laptops, tvs, phones etc. I mean, we change gadgets like diapers as a result of his business. I now understand why he's so insecure with us receiving visitors, even my own sisters he gets so upset when they visit.

Now that I know what he does, it changes everything. I'd rather be with a poor man in Misisi Compound that makes a genuine income than a criminal in Kabulonga who breaks in people's homes for a living. I fear for my life and that of my kids, especially that he has guns in the house. On the other hand am living with a possibility that my kids may grow up without a father when he's caught or killed in his operations. What do I do? How do I tell him to stop his criminal activities? Incase he gets stubborn, will he allow me to leave the marriage knowing I know his criminal activities? Am living dangerous life. Plz advise.

Mrs Armed Robber

Credit: Vinthu







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