The era of "modern" interaction with non-human terrestrial beings (ALIENS)and non-terrestrial entities (humans and animals) started in the late 1800's. Abduction of animals started in the 1890's. There are many records of abduction of humans, both children and adults, from that time period as well. Legends and writings of the various native tribes also contain a lot of information about early abduction of humans. Aliens have been interacting with our planet for CENTURIES and have MANY references to historical events.
Here are only a few:
A In 1928, Thomas Brown discovered a relationship between electrical capacitance (the ability to store electrical charges) and the control of gravity. His work was almost immediately taken over by the government!
B. In 1932, Adolph Hi**er was in control of the German society enough to force scientists to work in laboratories on advanced aircraft designs. Because of the "implosion vortex technology" of Viktor Schauberger, and the technical expertise of scientists like Schriever, Habermohl, Ballenzo and Miethe, the Germans began flying air craft as early as 1938. There is ALSO some evidence that the Germans recovered a crashed alien disk in 1937. As a result of all this technology, the Germans almost became obsessed with science and conducted research in several UNDERGROUND RESEARCH FACILITIES at Reinickendorf, Kummersdorf and Thuringia. The earliest "pilot less aircraft" were produced in 1934, and has SOME moderate degree of success. SO, the United States Corporate government finds out about this"German technical progress" and sends an American named "WILSON" to Germany to "give technical assistance" and generally to SPY on the Germans. It was probably by virtue of Wilson that the Germans NEVER used their gravitational craft in the mist of war, for Wilson attained a high position in the German technical community, and VERY CLEVERLY switched propulsion methods from "gravitational" to advanced jet propulsion in an "apparent" effort to "get technology out there to focus on the war". Because of this, German gravitational research remained in the labs and stayed in remission until around 1941, when the Schriever/Miethe designs were successfully tested. It was clearly a situation where the war was going on much faster than the Germans could develop their technological designs. Wilson DELIBERATELY sabotaged and misguided the Germans' research. So, the Germans could only continue to use normal aircraft such as "FireBalls", or aircraft that doesn't require a pilot.
C. SO! The aliens never really "caused harm" or interfered much in human life until the U.S. f***s up! HOW?? On July 16, 1945, the United States released their first nuclear bomb in New Mexico. By August 15, 1945, the Japanese had "been induced to surrender", despite the fact that the Japanese government had offered to surrender TWICE on February 14, 1945 and again in June 1945. BOTH offers were REFUSED by the United States, who WANTED to use the nuclear device on them two months later, as PLANNED. It was most likely BECAUSE of the evil and environmental effects of these nuclear explosions, that it attracted the attention of non-human entities (aliens).
D. In 1946, the United States ILLEGALLY imported German SS intelligence officers in an effort to form what later become the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). This was part of a plan conducted by Allen Dulles in 1943, when a deal was cut with German intelligence to provide the Untied States with a viable intelligence operation as well as provide German intelligence with a place to go after the war. Good inducement, indeed. In 1947, the powerful radar in the four corners area in the Midwest cause the crash of SEVERAL ALIEN DISKS, the most FAMOUS of which were at Roswell and Aztec, New Mexico. The disks recovered had a reptilian species on board, as well as the bodies Of United States Air Force pilots. There was evidence that the bodies had been mutilated. In June 1947, Kenneth Arnold coins the term "flying saucer".
E. In 1947, the United States decided that the problem with both the Germans and aliens was getting a little dangerous, and it was necessary to put in place severe measures in order to HIDE THE TRUTH of alien presence. The German problem was easier to control as far as public knowledge was concerned. In September 1947, Truman caused the National Security Act to be passed in order to hide the activities of the Government, the CIA and the alien problem. CIA mind control projects began at Bethesda Naval Hospital in 1947, with data gained from German SS intelligence. Truman created a STUDY GROUP in order to CONTROL the alien problem. A series of National Security Council (NSC) memos removed the CIA from the sole task of gathering foreign intelligence and slowly legalized DIRECT ACTION in the form of activities. The memos,( including NSC- 10/1 and NSC-10/2,) established a BUFFER between the President of the United States and the activities that were going on, as well as providing means for the President to DENY KNOWLEDGE of any suspicious activities.
F. In 1969, Richard Nixon becomes president. Edward Condon releases his book "Scientific Study of UFOs" in an attempt to further conceal the truth as far as the public is concerned. The US Army Language School R&D department produces a brain nullifier device. The Air Force declares Project Bluebook abandoned "out of lack of interest". The Brazilian Air Force issues a directive forbidding release of UFO info to the press. Donald Keyhoe, a longtime enemy of the government, is ousted from NICAP and replaced by CIA operative John Acuff. On May 28, 1969, former president Eisenhower dies, marking THE LAST TIME a President will have full knowledge of the whole alien situation until the election of President Bush in 1988. On July 20 - 21, 1969, the public is treated to Neil Armstrong landing on the Moon (in the wrong place). Armstrong and his crew are treated to views of huge alien spacecraft surrounding their landing site. Radio hams pick up the chatter involved in the incident.
G. A controversy erupted in 1969 over the 1950 Internal Security Act which ALLOWED FOR DETENTION CAMPS in the United States. Senator Daniel Inouye introduced a bill to ABOLISH the section of the Act which dealt with detention camps and it was quickly passed into LAW. Despite the governments official policy, some believe the law has been violate. Years later, a suit was filed in US District Court in Houston by businessman William Pabst, who charged that the federal government established SECRET CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND MENTAL HOSPITALS for the purpose of jailing REBELLIOUS CITIZENS WHO WOULDN'T COMPLY TO THE STEM OF GOVERNMENT. Pabst said that a massive computer system exists whereby government officials have access to the names of citizens in order to ARREST AND CONTROL THEM. By 1969, the NASA budget has shrunk to a mere $44 million. They didn't want any more intrusions into the operation on the moon. In October of 1969, Jimmy Carter sees and reports a UFO.
A. In 1981, George Bush (former head of the CIA) becomes Vice- President and Ronald Reagan becomes President. The NASA R&D budget is $109 million. Ronald Reagan was shot in an assassination attempt that to put GEORGE BUSH SR. in office a little sooner. In 1981, the University of Florida begins work on thought-operated computers. The Stealth 117A aircraft was first test flown. In January 1980, discovery of the Bentwaters/Woodbridge case featuring underground activities occurred. On January 13, 1981, Colonel Charles J. Halt writes a memo at RAF Bentwaters on the alien encounter in Rendlesham Forest. In 1983, a Nevada researcher discovers a metal rod in the center of a geomagnetic vortex in Blue Diamond, Nevada. The British government starts to release UFO files for the first time.
B. In 1984, the movie "V" is presented to the public, portraying reptilian liens who feed on human flesh, store humans for food, etc. Active resistance groups are also plugged in the movie/series. NASA budget is $192 million. The book "Clear Intent" is published by Fawcett and Greenwood. The Soviets conduct a national poll on UFO experiences, to which 30,000 reply. The Federal Emergency Management Agency conducts the "Res-84 exercises". These exercises was involved with practice in detaining and handling large numbers of people who might presumably " have to be dealt with after a controversial government action".
C. In October 1985, Aries Properties acquires 21,000 acres running next to Colorado Springs, site of a future space technology center. In November 1985, NBC broadcasts a program about "black unmarked helicopters, secret projects, and bad money". On December 4, 1985, president Reagan voices thoughts about alien forces from space to high school students. In 1986, "Sky Crash" by Jenny Randles and "UFO Crash at Aztec" by Steinman and Stevens are published. The Brazilian Air Force ( according to government documents released by the FOIA) chases UFOs. Project Snowbird goes into another phase to develop craft with conventional technology to show to the public. Crime rate rises 5.2%.
D. In 1987, Star Wars budget is $4.2 billion. The Department of Defense now funds 75% of ALL Federal Research and Development.
GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY: A Los Angeles policeman dies after discovering a major CIA distribution point for HE**IN AND CO***NE at the top of the Staffers Concourse Hotel in Los Angeles and is KILLED. Funds created by the CIA agency are funneled toward hidden projects. Other distribution points for illegal drugs exist at Riverton, Wyoming and on the Laguna Indian Reservation in Arizona.
E. In 1987, the "Dulce Papers" are first released. Data on five entrances to Dulce Lab is leaked, and the government takes care of them by destroying the buildings and building NEW ones in ODD locations for apparently "no OBVIOUS reason". In February 1987, there are 102 operable nuclear facilities in the United States. On February 15, 1987, the San Jose 'Mercury' reports on the Pentagon "black budget" program. On April 27, 1987, genetically altered bacteria are publicly released. The bacteria were produced to interfere with "frost damage to citrus crops"... right.
F. On September 21, 1987, Reagan again voices his thoughts about aliens threatening the earth in an address to the United Nations. On November 21, 1987 (a year after I was born).. the Parkenson Institute begins asking the public for HUMAN FETUSES to study. Requests are made to a large groups of hospitals. On the 27th of November, groups of US Army rangers attempt and apparently f***s up an attempt to enter a JOINT ALIEN facility in New Mexico. In December, the CIA begins to contact everyone who was ever in its employ that ever had anything to do with the alien problem. A woman draws a picture of a black-mirrored spherical craft she says belongs to the National Security Agency.
G. In 1988, George Bush Sr. FINALLY becomes president. A joint alien base off the Florida coast is RE-activated, giving rise to the sightings at Gulf Breeze. On March 25, John Lear releases a statement to the public on the status of affairs with the alien situation. In May 1988, Reagan again makes a speech in which he refers to an "alien threat from outside this world". Newspapers report Reagan has been allegedly "warned" by astrologers that there will be a space invasion by 1993. The media is a bunch of f**kery. On May 5th, Leonard Stringfield releases an article in Batavia, Illinois about aliens. In June 1988, word comes from New Mexico to researchers that Los Alamos has developed an antimatter weapon, which allegedly will be used as a last resort if "the Greys (grey aliens) cannot be pried away from the planet". The number of Greys on Earth is estimated at 20 . Starting in 1989, billions of dollars are being spent modernizing NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command ). Data on Project Excaliber is released. The project is involved in developing a warhead that will go down into 1000 meters of earth and then blow up. Useful for destroying underground bases. 1989 is the year that Zbigniew Brzezinski predicted that the United States Constitution would be RE-WRITTEN. In January 1989, William Cooper and John Lear issue an indictment to president Bush Sr. regarding the alien problem. No reply was EVER received.
The Greada Treaty was signed then by President Elect Dwight Eisenhower. According to the testimonies examined so far, the February 20-21,1954 "meeting" was NOT a success! The aliens were outraged and refused to enter into exchanges of technology with the US ; they were insistent on asking the US and other major world powers to disarm their nuclear weapons. Nice aliens