Net hier vir die kostuums😂😂 Basis laag, klaar
Wanneer die deksels goed pas …
Sweef!! In die Straatkat Werkswinkel.
Met so paar uitgesoekte snitte van ‘n onlangse vensterprojekkie 📐
Slaan iets aanmekaar om ‘n gehawende vensterraam te vervang.
A cool set of coasters. Now living in Cape Town! Let the ‘wesens’ fly in #afrikaans.
Fun little project!
Ek het ‘n ‘Super Power’! 🦹♂️💪
En jy het ‘n Super Power. En ons in nie alleen nie. Dié vermoë is in alle mense.
In meeste van ons lê dit veels te dormant - ‘n slapende reus.
Ons sal moet werk daaraan, want dinge is besig om vinnig te verander.
Die Straatkat Werkswinkel is juis daar om hierdie super power aan te moedig.
Dit is die krag van ons kreatiwiteit!
Dis juis die ding wat my hoop gee in die ontwikkelende robot-ekonomie.
Wat ons bestand kan maak teen die opkoms van die Open Skynet 😜.
Hierdie is tong in die kies.
Maar tog, wanneer mens begryp hoe ongelooflik menslike kreatiwiteit is, sal ons minder bekommerd staan teenoor AI bots wat skynbaar ons almal wil verplaas😱.
Ja daar kom nuwe gereedskap. Slimmer gereedskap🔨🔧🤖.
Miskien selfs ‘n robot of twee. Dalk is een binnekort ‘n buurman by die lessenaar langs jou. Of in die rekenaar voor jou (soos reeds gebeur).
Uiteindelik, soos ek onlangs by ‘n slim meneer op die skerms geleer het, is ons taak as mens om kreatief te wees.
Kreatiwiteit is daardie skeppende gees in die mens. Daardie flits van weet, van insien, wat moeilik gemeet word.
Ons moet steeds kreatiwiteit en gereedskap saamvoeg.
Dit het nog nooit verander nie.
Die mens moet heers oor die skepping. Beteken dit nie juis deur daardie flits van menslike inspirasie nie? Dit is wat ek glo.
Dit is in ‘n sintese, ‘n samevoeging, van gereedskap en kreatiwiteit waaruit iets besonders uiteindelik gebore word.
In houtwerk is daar vele maniere om by ‘n eindproduk uit te kom. Van handgereedskap, tot lasers, CNC, of selfs ‘n robot of twee.
Maar wat moet die eindproduk wees? Hoe moet jou medemens voel wat dit aanskou? En wat moet dit uiteindelik in iemand se lewe beteken?
Daaroor, glo ek, raak die robot se stem stil. Daar behou ons die voordeel. Is ek verkeerd, dan is ek seker robot-kos🤖.
Maar ek glo nie so nie.
Sterkte in die ontluikende robot-ekomomie. Bly kreatief, ontwikkel, en
It’s really cool working with fellow creatives, though somewhat stressful if i am being honest😅.
Especially when the client’s vision is for a special birthday gift.
Not just that, but for a 40th birthday. With really💰expensive printing, which really gives only one go at the dreaded board glue-up. Yikes!!
This longboard (I call it my #blikskottel design) was made on order and the client, a talented graphics designer, arranged for the cool prints on wood.
It was a great collab, slightly nerve wrecking, but still highly enjoyable.
Follow @stofkatza for more.
Bou voort!!
Woodwork solves another frustration.
In a world of mass production, is there still a place for the custom artisan to really pursue the highest levels of their craft?
I often wonder about that.
Nowadays we can, and do, buy lots of mass produced stuff. We certainly have lots of options.
And there surely is pressure on the craftsperson to compromise in many ways.
Yet, looking at all the excellence on display. On many social media channels with numerous examples of stellar work I remain optimistic; inspired to build and improve. Even if just as a hobbyist.
Arguably, though, as noted by a craftsman I admire, the most important role of your local artisan may be to solve unique and personal frustrations.
Mass produced things are often just not quite right. Like that cool pair of shoes with sizes, only slightly too small or somewhat too big.
Those are the frustrations excellent custom work can solve. And that is why I like woodwork and the #makercommunity.
I didn’t like my shop’s storage for my router bits. I needed a box to keep them organised.
Thats when I built this box for router bits, to which I added a dash of personal weirdness ;-) Because I could #lasers.
In an hour or two, I had a box, by no means perfect, but one that I liked. (Hey, it’s just an MDF shop box.)
Now I have more space and less clutter in the workshop.
Value in woodwork is in building things just right for yourself and clients. ##
Items that aim for that ‘exact fit’ that removes unique frustrations.
It’s cool to make someone’s life, even your own, a little bit easier in a very practical way.
Bou voort! #celebratethecraftsmanship
Some pics from the workshop where I tried my hands at making #customlongboard decks. Still some of my favorite projects to make. Need to take on one of these again soon!
I built a shoe rack for a ‘scare’ of shoes. @stofkatza #homeorganizing.
Had a request for a replacement set of pieces for a checkers #boardgame. Fun with a #lasercutwood last night.
Nog ‘n boksie gemaak, hou van hoe hy uitgekom het. Lekker! #saamryklub @stofkatza