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Forgot your bible no problem. Get your daily Bible verse by tapping your wristband on your NFC enabled smart phone. Watch this video to see how easy it is. For only R80.
An other happy client. Contact us for your marketing video.
Maak jou gesin se veiligheid you nr. 1 prioriteit met die skandeerbare ICE-tag. Deel mediese inligting en kontakbesonderhede onmiddellik.
Bestel jou ICE-tag vandag teen R50.
Just in time for #valentinesday! Custom keyrings - scanable to play your special/favourite song❤️
Order yours for R120.
Excited about our new stock! 😁
#cricut #diy
Get in touch for all your photo, video, and design needs.
Gee jou besigheid 'n hupstoot en kom kuier saam met Louis Fourie op Sedibeng TV se sakeprogram