Founded by Monique SEIgels and Zenobia KLOppers, SeiKlo Publishers is a proudly South African Level One 135% B-BBEE educational publishing company specialising in publications and products for Afrikaans and English literature, language, and media studies.
We believe in life-long learning and hold to our motto, the Latin maxim “Non Scholae, Sed Vitae Discimus” (“Non Scho|lae, Sed Vi|tae Dịs|ci|mus”):
“Nicht Für Die Schule, Sondern Für Das Leben Lernen Wir”
Handbooks & Study Guides ● Teacher’s Guides ● Answer Guides
WE SPECIALISE in the innovation, origination and creation of coherent, comprehensive and content-rich publications and products that raise standards of learning and teaching.
PUT TO THE TEST in private, public and home-school classrooms; our guides are PERFECT for classroom settings, group and independent learning, coursework revision, and exam preparation.
DESIGNED FOR LEARNERS AND TEACHERS, and aligned to the DBE and IEB Curricula, our user-friendly and visually engaging guides will equip you with the required resources to get the grade.
Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM) ● Grades 8 to 12
Our publications and products are written and created by a team of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). They are AMONG THE BEST Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM) for grades 8 to 12 Afrikaans Literature & Media Studies (dramas, films, novels, poems, short stories) and English Literature Study (Shakespeare, poems, short stories).
Our publications and products are developed to facilitate individual learning styles. They comprise ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW to guide your interpretation, understanding and appreciation of your prescribed works — making it easy, effective, and enjoyable to GET THE GRADE in your literature, language, and media studies. So GO AHEAD and GEAR UP!
Key Features ● Premium Publications for Literature Study
introduction to the prescribed genre and work
definitions of literary devices and terms
background information (for establishing context)
nutshell definitions (words, phrases, expressions)
concise summaries (genre-specific)
comprehensive analyses (genre-specific)
in-depth discussions (genre-specific)
practice questions (context, insight, paragraph, essay)
Bright Ideas for Classroom Peers™ (exercises, assignments, activities)
Brand Names ● Slogans ● Registered Trademarks (™)
Op-Let™ (OPvoedkundige LETterkunde™)
Edu-Lit™ (EDUcational LITerature™)
Blink Planne vir Klaskamerspanne™
Bright Ideas for Classroom Peers™