Sivilenathi Dwangu

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Sivilenathi Dwangu Sivilenathi Dwangu is an entrepreneur with vast experience in the IT & Cryptocurrency industry.

Happy New Year As We:10 Lessons from Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy by Patrick Bet-David:1. C...

Happy New Year As We:

10 Lessons from Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy by Patrick Bet-David:

1. Clarity of Vision: Your first move is defining your clear "why" – the purpose and goals that drive your business. Bet-David emphasizes understanding your unique value proposition and aligning your entire team around this vision.

2. Think Like a Chess Master: Approach strategy like a chess game – anticipate moves, assess risks and rewards, and adjust your plan as needed. This requires constant analysis, information gathering, and adaptability.

3. Build a Winning Team: Surround yourself with talented and dedicated individuals who share your vision and complement your skills. Build trust, delegate effectively, and empower your team to take ownership.

4. Embrace Calculated Risk: Taking risks is essential for growth, but calculated risks are key. Bet-David encourages carefully analyzing possibilities, mitigating potential downside, and seizing opportunities while managing risk responsibly.

5. Master the Art of Leverage: Utilize partnerships, collaborations, and strategic assets to your advantage. Leverage available resources to amplify your reach, expand your capabilities, and accelerate your progress.

6. Embrace the Power of Systems: Create scalable systems and processes that ensure consistent performance and reduce reliance on individual efforts. This frees you to focus on higher-level strategy and long-term vision.

7. The Importance of Storytelling: Craft a compelling narrative around your brand and goals. Use storytelling to connect with your audience, inspire your team, and differentiate yourself from competitors.

8. Develop Mental Toughness: Building a successful business requires resilience and grit. Expect setbacks, learn from failures, and maintain a positive attitude in the face of challenges.

9. Prioritize Continuous Learning: Never stop learning and adapting. Read, network, attend conferences, and stay updated on industry trends and best practices. This keeps you ahead of the curve and fuels innovation.

10. Leave a Legacy: Focus on building a business that transcends your individual presence. Consider the impact you want to make and how your company can continue to thrive and contribute even after you move on.

These are just some of the key takeaways from Your Next Five Moves. Bet-David's actionable advice and personal anecdotes offer valuable insights for entrepreneurs and business leaders at any stage of their journey.

To the Queens that gave birth to Princes and Princess, I would say.

To the Queens that gave birth to Princes and Princess, I would say.

Music video by Zakes Bantwini performing Abasekho / Mama Thula (Choir Version). © 2023 Mayonie Productions, under exclusive license to Universal Music South ...


If you don’t have a strong argument for it yet, make your case with results in 2024.

10 Things to do going into 2024:1. Manage which friends, co-workers & relatives influences you both negatively and posit...

10 Things to do going into 2024:
1. Manage which friends, co-workers & relatives influences you both negatively and positively
Eliminate those who suck your energy and increase time with those who inspire and challenge you.
Don’t confuse someone being negative as challenging you.
Challenging you properly is someone who is engaged and in pursuit of their dreams.
2. Choose which circles you’d like to be in
Make a list of 10 names you’d like to be in their circle.
Then ask yourself the question, why they would want you in their circle.
If you don’t have a strong argument for it yet, make your case with results in 2024.
There are levels to circles so manage expectations of the circles you want to be a part of up front.
Some may take a DM or 2.
Some may take a year.
Some may take a decade.
3. Choose to recreate yourself.
One of the most annoying aspects of recreating yourself is accepting the fact that the CURRENT YOU isn’t good enough for the next level.
Which issues kept reappearing in 2023 that needs to be addressed.
Same approach to conflicts?
Over reaction?
Under reaction?
Skill set?
Then create a step by step plan to how you plan on recreating yourself.
4. Be overly prepared up front for 2024
Anticipation has been and will continue to be a very valuable resource in today’s economy.
Those who anticipate both opportunities and crisis for 2024 Will succeed and those who won’t will get crushed.
This is a terrible season to be in the winging business.
5. Drop 2 things you eat that is killing you.
Back in July of 2019 I was hosting an event at Breakers hotel.
During lunch with my CIO (David) & CFO (Ian) at the time, I noticed Ian who’s in incredible shape didn’t drink soda instead he drank water.
I asked if he drinks soda, he said he hasn’t for 7 years.
I said, I’ll take up that challenge to see if I can do it for a week.
It’s not been almost 4 1/2 years.
I’m 20 pounds lighter and my wait has lost 4 inches.
Whether it’s ci******es, va**ng, candy, chocolate, sweets, soda, bread or whatever your weakness is, drop a thing or two that you know it’s not good for you.
6. Work on your faith
In a time where faith is boring and not cool, I recommend working on this are.
People are afraid and embarrassed to discuss their faith.
Working on your Faith, whatever it may be gives you a few great qualities to win in life.
- Discipline
- Confidence
- Decreases your chances of making dumb decisions
- Helps you think bigger knowing no matter how bad things may be, future looks bright
- You become a better leader
7. Create a better process and standard for making better decisions.
This will take time and it’s not easy.
The challenge of making good decisions logically while emotions are high is tough.
Some jump to conclusions
Some run away from problems
Some see everyone as an enemy
Some are unreasonable to work with
Regardless of what it may be this will take an investment of time and resources to get better at.
But this one skill set of better decision making will help every aspect of your life.
And the list goes on
8. Spend at least a full day writing out your business and life plan for 2024
This has been a life changing exercise for me the last 23 years.
I use to suck at it and wing it until one year I wrote a business plan that got me emotional and fired up.
I couldn’t read it enough times.
I was obsessed.
A great business plan has to have both an emotional and a logical side to it.
There are 12 building blocks to writing a real effective business plan.
If done right, no one will recognize you going into 2024.
9. Choose your enemies wisely
Everyone has enemies.
Some are public
Some are private
Whether you know it or not, even you’re on people’s list of enemies.
If you’re not, that means you’re living a small life not working on anything big
Think about who has the most enemies in business? Probably
How many people are driving different billion dollar companies and coving their opinion publically that could cost him money.
The challenge with enemies are most people choose small enemies that don’t bring out the best in them.
80% of people think their enemy is an opposing sports team they hate. Even though they don’t even play for that team.
What a way to waste the energy a REAL enemy can do to your life.
I can go on and on but if you really want to get deeper on the topic of choosing your enemies and making 2024 a special year for you, do yourself a favor and order the book “Choose Your Enemies Wisely”.

It comes out next week on Dec 5th



Humans are very interesting

Napoleon Hill’s The Language of Thought is your guide to understanding, generating, and directing more powerful thoughts...

Napoleon Hill’s The Language of Thought is your guide to understanding, generating, and directing more powerful thoughts so that you can live and work with more intention, joy, and success.

The single most powerful tool available to human beings is not money, physical strength, influence, or a network; it is the mind. Our thoughts determine our outcomes in life, as well as our ability to enjoy the journey. In order to harness our thoughts to create material success, we do not require any personal advantage such as wealth, connections, or education. We simply need to utilize the mental resources already within our possession by cultivating a thorough understanding of the workings of the mind and the manner in which thoughts may be transformed into their physical counterparts.

The more you practice the principles outlined in this book, the more fluency you will gain in the language of thought. As your facility for this language develops, you will experience greater control over your thoughts and emotions, which will enable you to enjoy more success in the pursuit of your definite major purpose. There are no limitations to the mind conditioned for achievement. Are you ready to write your success story with more powerful language?

“You will attract to you…the very things, or the very station in life, that you create in your thoughts.” —Napoleon Hill

Order your copy today from Amazon!

LIFE-CHANGING LESSONS From The Book "Outliers" By Malcolm Gladwell1. Focus on effortTo become successful, many things ou...

LIFE-CHANGING LESSONS From The Book "Outliers" By Malcolm Gladwell

1. Focus on effort

To become successful, many things outside of your control must come into alignment.

Focus on what you can control, effort and improvement.

2. Achievement = Talent + Practice

Natural talent gives you a head start but does not guarantee success.

Consistently practice a craft you love.

You'll gain more talent than any natural starts with.

3. The 10,000-hour rule

It takes roughly 10,000 hours to become world-class.

Most experts have accomplished this over 10 years.

Be patient, and keep going, your time will come.

4. Marry your passion

It's difficult to hit your 10,000 hours of practice if your passion is a side hustle.

Find a job that will pay to practice your passion for 8 hours a day.

5. Have a winning attitude

IQ and natural talent are important, but only to a point.

A tall basketball player has an advantage but isn't guaranteed to be the best player.

You reach your full potential by layering talent with a winning attitude.

6. Good support produces legends

You wouldn't be where you are today without your

• Spouse
• Friends
• Parents
• Coaches
• Teammates
• Business Partners

They all played a role in producing a legend. Thank them.

7. The world isn't fair

People are born with natural talent, better circumstances, and in safer places with more opportunities.

The only fair thing is that this unfairness applies to everyone.

Never let it hold you back from going after your goals.

8. Wake up at 4 am

Anyone who goes through the pain of waking up at 4 a.m. 365 days a year fails to become successful.

Join the 4 a.m. club and become unstoppable.

9. The 3 keys to fulfilling work

1. You're passionate about it

2. You find it challenging

3. There's a connection between your efforts and a reward.

You're guaranteed to feel fulfilled at work if you have all 3.

10. IQ matters up to a point.

Once your IQ rises above 120, it no longer contributes to success.

Charisma, likability, and being fun to be around become more important for real-world success.


Here are 8 powerful lessons from the book The 6 Types of Working Genius: A Better Way to Understand Your Gifts, Your Fru...

Here are 8 powerful lessons from the book The 6 Types of Working Genius: A Better Way to Understand Your Gifts, Your Frustrations, and Your Team by Patrick Lencioni:

1. Everyone has unique gifts and talents. We are all wired differently and have our own unique strengths and weaknesses. It is important to identify our gifts and talents so that we can use them to our advantage and make a positive impact on the world.

2. Working genius is the intersection of our gifts, passions, and values. It is what we are naturally good at, what we love to do, and what we believe in. When we are working in our genius, we are most productive and fulfilled.

3. There are six types of working genius:
Visionary: The Visionary is the big-picture thinker who sees the world as it could be. They are passionate about creating new things and making a difference.
Innovator: The Innovator is the creative thinker who comes up with new ideas to solve problems. They are passionate about learning and growing.
Strategist: The Strategist is the analytical thinker who develops plans to achieve goals. They are passionate about order and efficiency.
Executor: The Executor is the doer who gets things done. They are passionate about taking action and seeing results.
Harmonizer: The Harmonizer is the people person who builds relationships and creates a positive work environment. They are passionate about collaboration and teamwork.
Humanizer: The Humanizer is the empathetic person who cares about others and makes them feel valued. They are passionate about creating a meaningful and purpose-driven workplace.

4. Knowing your working genius can help you to choose a career, find a job, and build a team. When you know your working genius, you can make decisions that are aligned with your strengths and passions. You can also find a job and build a team that complements your skills and talents.

5. Working genius is not the same as your job title. Your job title may not reflect your true working genius. It is important to identify your working genius so that you can find a job that allows you to use your gifts and talents to their fullest potential.

6. Everyone has more than one working genius. However, we usually have one or two dominant working geniuses. It is important to identify our dominant working geniuses so that we can focus on developing them and using them to our advantage.

7. We can all learn to use our working geniuses more effectively. By understanding our working geniuses and the working geniuses of others, we can create a more productive and fulfilling work environment.

8. Working genius is not a fixed trait. We can all develop our working geniuses over time. By learning new skills, gaining experience, and challenging ourselves, we can become more effective in our working geniuses.

Patrick Lencioni's book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to better understand their own working genius and the working geniuses of others. It is a book that can help you to make better career decisions, find a more fulfilling job, and build a more effective team.
Study English With Me

"The Men Who Built America" is a fascinating book that explores the lives and contributions of influential American indu...

"The Men Who Built America" is a fascinating book that explores the lives and contributions of influential American industrialists like John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Henry Ford.

Here are ten lessons that can be gleaned from the book:

1. Vision and Ambition: These men had a clear vision of what they wanted to achieve and the ambition to make it happen. They didn't let obstacles deter them from their goals.

2. Embrace Risk: They were willing to take significant risks in pursuit of their ambitions. They understood that high reward often requires high risk.

3. Innovation: They were innovators, always looking for new and better ways to do things. They didn't just accept the status quo.

4. Persistence: They faced numerous challenges and setbacks, but they never gave up. They kept pushing forward until they achieved their goals.

5. Leadership: They were strong leaders who could inspire their teams and rally them towards a common goal.

6. Competitiveness: They were highly competitive and always striving to be the best. This drive helped them to excel in their industries.

7. Strategic Thinking: They were strategic in their approach, always thinking several steps ahead and planning for the future.

8. Resilience: They were resilient in the face of adversity. They were able to bounce back from failures and use them as learning experiences.

9. Philanthropy: Many of them were also philanthropists who used their wealth to give back to society. They understood the importance of contributing to the greater good.

10. Impact: They understood that their actions had a significant impact on the world around them. They used their influence to shape the future of America and left lasting legacies.

"The Perfect Day to Boss Up: A Hustler's Guide to Building Your Empire" by Rick Ross is a compelling and insightful expl...

"The Perfect Day to Boss Up: A Hustler's Guide to Building Your Empire" by Rick Ross is a compelling and insightful exploration of the entrepreneurial mindset, drawing from the multifaceted experiences of the renowned rapper, entrepreneur, and mogul. In this book, Ross not only shares his personal journey but also imparts invaluable wisdom for aspiring entrepreneurs and ambitious individuals looking to make a mark in the business world.

One of the core themes of the book revolves around the concept of seizing the moment and transforming challenges into opportunities. Ross emphasizes the significance of resilience in the face of adversity, urging readers to view setbacks as stepping stones toward success rather than insurmountable obstacles. He advocates for a mindset that thrives on hustle, hard work, and an unyielding determination to overcome obstacles.

Ross dives into the nitty-gritty aspects of entrepreneurship, offering practical advice on branding, marketing, financial management, and negotiation. He stresses the importance of building a strong personal brand and establishing a loyal customer base. By sharing his own experiences in the music industry and beyond, Ross provides valuable insights into the art of networking, highlighting its pivotal role in creating business opportunities.

Furthermore, the book delves into the significance of mentorship and continuous learning. Ross emphasizes the transformative power of seeking guidance from experienced mentors and constantly updating one's skill set. He believes in the potential for growth that lies in acquiring knowledge from various sources and embracing a mindset of perpetual learning.

Ross's narrative is not merely a guide to entrepreneurship but also a motivational manifesto that encourages readers to believe in themselves and their unique abilities. He emphasizes the importance of self-belief and confidence, asserting that these traits are fundamental to achieving one's goals. The book challenges readers to break free from self-doubt and societal limitations, empowering them to pursue their passions with vigor and determination.

In essence, "The Perfect Day to Boss Up" is a roadmap for individuals aspiring to build their empires. Through Ross's authentic storytelling and practical insights, readers are inspired to cultivate the mindset, skills, and resilience necessary to succeed in the competitive world of business. Whether one is a budding entrepreneur or someone seeking inspiration to elevate their professional journey, this book serves as a motivational beacon, guiding readers toward their own path to success and empowerment.

Gratitude to the Somalians that opened a shop close to my house. I served customers out of curiosity, and learned busine...

Gratitude to the Somalians that opened a shop close to my house. I served customers out of curiosity, and learned business operations in an unconventional way. Family and friends loughed, some gossipped.

I went to a multi-racial school bybyhe grace of my Grandmother at Dower Practice Primary, I had an opportunity to learn about different cultures, opinion, objectives, engagement, relationship with money.

Than boom I went to Gamble Street Secondary School and this school was the far best exposure to my greatness. They taught me leadership "Head Prefect" something I know you learn practically.

The experience I had from primary added value to my senior years in high school.

All of that combined propelled me to one of the best TVET College in the country " Eastcape Midlands College- Corporate profile " They gave me an opportunity to have a skill in IT and business.

Now looking at the combination of exposure and experience, I can literally map any given day, how to scale yourself.

But this not the point. I just wanted to you to gain value on the below shared post. It triggered what I have practiced and domented

The only bird that dares to peck at a 🦅 is the crow.It sits on the eagles back and bites the eagles neck. However, the e...

The only bird that dares to peck at a 🦅 is the crow.
It sits on the eagles back and bites the eagles neck. However, the eagle does not respond, nor fight with the crow; it doesn't waste time or energy on the crow!

It simply opens its wings and begins to rise higher in the altitude. The higher the altitude, the harder it is for the crow to breathe and then the crow falls backs due to lack of oxygen.

Stop wasting your time with the crows.
Just take them to your heights and they'll fade🙌
When you level up ,your situation change.
It all has to do with rising, just rise against all odds.

The Richest Man in Babylon is a 1926 book by George S. Clason that dispenses financial advice through a collection of pa...

The Richest Man in Babylon is a 1926 book by George S. Clason that dispenses financial advice through a collection of parables set 4,097 years ago in ancient Babylon. The book remains in print almost a century after the parables were originally published, and is regarded as a classic of personal financial advice.

The parables are told by a fictional Babylonian character called Arkad, a poor scribe who became the "richest man in Babylon". Included in Arkad's advice are the "Seven Cures" (or how to generate money and wealth), and the "Five Laws of Gold" (or how to protect and invest wealth). A core part of Arkad's advice is around "paying yourself first", "living within your means", "investing in what you know", the importance of "long-term saving", and "home ownership".

The seven cures are:
1. Start thy purse to fattening. Save money. Put aside 10% of your income every month.
2. Control thy expenditures. Don't spend more than you earn.
3. Make thy gold multiply. Invest your money wisely.
4. Guard thy treasures from loss. Protect your money from risk.
5. Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment. Own your home.
6. Insure thy life. Protect your family from financial hardship.
7. Increase thy earning power. Learn new skills and increase your earning potential.

The five laws of gold are:

1. Avoid debt. Debt is a financial trap.
2. Invest for the long term. Don't try to get rich quick.
3. Diversify your investments. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
4. Reinvest your earnings. Let your money make more money.
5. Pay yourself first. Put aside money for your future before you spend anything else.

The Richest Man in Babylon is a timeless classic that offers practical advice on how to build wealth and achieve financial security. The parables are easy to understand and the advice is sound. If you're looking for a way to improve your financial situation, I highly recommend reading The Richest Man in Babylon.

Here are some of the key lessons from the book:

• Start saving early. The earlier you start saving, the more time your money has to grow.
• Live within your means. Don't spend more money than you earn.
• Invest wisely. Do your research and invest in assets that have the potential to grow over time.
• Protect your assets. Insure your home and belongings, and have a plan in place in case of an emergency.
• Increase your earning power. Learn new skills and take on new challenges to increase your income.

The Richest Man in Babylon is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their financial situation. The lessons in the book are timeless and can help you achieve financial security and success.

“I don't like Audi - I never have. It's a car make that I generally wouldn't drive. I have no bad experience with the ca...

“I don't like Audi - I never have. It's a car make that I generally wouldn't drive. I have no bad experience with the car, it has done absolutely nothing to me. The car simply doesn't appeal to my senses and it really is not my cup of tea. But in 2019, Audi made R1 081 845 376 080.00 in its revenue. That is almost the size of the GDP of Tanzania - Africa's tenth richest country - and five times the GDP of Rwanda. And despite 2019 having been a tough financial year, Audi sold almost 2 million cars worldwide - an increase of 1.8 percent from the previous year.

What I am trying to tell you is that my feelings about Audi don't make Audi a less profitable car brand. They have no bearing on its value and efficient engineering.

Whether I like Audi or not, it is not going to stop making profit. You see that person that you dislike so much, who you cannot stand for absolutely no reason? They are not going to stop being successful just because you dislike them. Like Audi, they will continue to perform well against the odds. And they too will appeal to multitudes of people who will love and invest in them whether you like it or not. People's success doesn't require your permission or endorsement.”

Class is out. That's the lesson for the day.


Being a Dad has been so meaningful but the being called every second to look here and there its not childs play

There is about 400 people following this page.And I want to add perspective value.I'll share things that I learn in to i...

There is about 400 people following this page.

And I want to add perspective value.

I'll share things that I learn in to improve on me.

Thinking about it,adoption is radical but when it comes to crypto and the blockchain technology it's different.

Thinking about it,adoption is radical but when it comes to crypto and the blockchain technology it's different.

If you had made tons and tons you'd relate understand what he said.If not don't take it personal.

If you had made tons and tons you'd relate understand what he said.

If not don't take it personal.

 only God can save some people

only God can save some people

The rules of chess govern the play of the game of chess. Chess is a two-player abstract strategy board game. Each player...

The rules of chess govern the play of the game of chess. Chess is a two-player abstract strategy board game. Each player controls sixteen pieces of six types on a chessboard. Each type of piece moves in a distinct way. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king; checkmate occurs when a king is threatened with capture and has no escape

Best way to get used to the idea of winning is to start having those small wins frequently.

Best way to get used to the idea of winning is to start having those small wins frequently.

The greatest achievement comes from knowing you the best at what you do. Anyone else is complimentary to the eco system.

The greatest achievement comes from knowing you the best at what you do. Anyone else is complimentary to the eco system.

Having Fun with Startups. 29 Followers.

Work the mind

Work the mind


/ Cicero /
"More is lost by indecision than wrong decision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity. It will steal you blind."
"Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, philosopher and Academic Skeptic, who tried to uphold optimate principles during the political crises that led to the establishment of the Roman Empire.

Born: 3 January 106 BC, Arpinum, Italy, Roman Republic
Died: 7 December 43 BC (aged 63), Formia, Italy, Roman Republic
Cause of death: Beheaded by order of Mark Antony."

Entrusted with capability.

Entrusted with capability.






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