Die Matie

Die Matie Die amptelike studentekoerant van die Universiteit Stellenbosch | The official student newspaper of Stellenbosch University Student Newspaper

🖋️: Nina Goosen Kyla Raoult, an MSc (Polymer Science) graduate from Stellenbosch University, has made progress towards a...

🖋️: Nina Goosen

Kyla Raoult, an MSc (Polymer Science) graduate from Stellenbosch University, has made progress towards a non-hormonal, reversible male contraceptive. Raoult developed a hydrogel that, when placed up the vas deferens, would filter s***m out of seminal fluid during ej*******on. The product, “Plan A”, is currently being developed by NEXT Life Sciences. This technology has been a long time coming, and Raoult’s work represents a big step
towards completion.

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📷: Sourced

🖋: Taro Samuelson Een van die Woordfees 2024 se vele hoogtepunte was die vertoning van Op die hoek van Styx en River is ...

🖋: Taro Samuelson

Een van die Woordfees 2024 se vele hoogtepunte was die vertoning van Op die hoek van Styx en River is Nora per abuis met die dood oorgeslaan, ’n twee-persoon-toneelstuk met van die Afrikaanse teatersfeer se grootste name: die ikoniese Sandra Prinsloo en die ubertalentvolle David Viviers. Die toneelstuk vra die gehoor om die dood se deftigheid krities te oorweeg, en bevraagteken wat dit beteken om kwesbaar te wees oor jou eie verlede. Die hoofkarakter, Nora, is ’n kras weduwee wat sukkel om die dood van haar man en enigste kind te verwerk, selfs na 40 jaar. Prinsloo se karakter storm, wynbottels in die hand, vinnig by die gehoor se harte in.

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📷: Taro Samuelson

🖋️:Emma OlivierBy Woordfees 2024 het ’n briljante komedie op 30 September en 3 en 6 Oktober die Adam Small Laboratorium ...

🖋️:Emma Olivier

By Woordfees 2024 het ’n briljante komedie op 30 September en 3 en 6 Oktober die Adam Small Laboratorium in ’n vreemde, fassinerende verbeeldingsvlug omskep. ’n Lewe in die dag van ’n vrugtevlieg, ensomeer: die ongewerwelde trilogie, geskryf deur en onder regie van Wessel Pretorius, het ’n hoogs oorspronklike insig oor die lewens van drie ongewerwelde kreature gegee.

📷: Toyota Woordfees

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🖋️:Lené Vorster and Leah Falcon“When you shall these unlucky deeds relateSpeak of me as I am”This is what lies at the he...

🖋️:Lené Vorster and Leah Falcon

“When you shall these unlucky deeds relate
Speak of me as I am”

This is what lies at the heart of Shakespeare’s Othello. While the Toyota Woordfees 2024 hosted many incredible theatre productions, Lara Foot’s ‘Othello’, was certainly one of the standouts. The production of Othello was performed at the Adam Small Auditorium between 28 September and 1 October to entranced audiences. Foot’s adaptation of the classical tragedy saw its potential developed beyond the prescribed play that most know.

📷: Supplied

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🖋️:Mari KoegelenbergThe Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS) calculation is renowned for being confusi...

🖋️:Mari Koegelenberg

The Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS) calculation is renowned for being confusing, frustrating or something you usually forget about. Confusing stakeholders themself thus, the Stellenbosch University (SU) Senate decided to change it in September. Now, it’s “streamlined” and “simplified,” but is it?

📷: Kris Bence

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🖋: Emma Theron The news broke on 16 September 2024 that Stellenbosch University (SU) will be closing Wilgenhof Residence...

🖋: Emma Theron

The news broke on 16 September 2024 that Stellenbosch University (SU) will be closing Wilgenhof Residence (Willows) for the 2025 year to rebrand it as a “[…] reimagined and rejuvenated male residence.” Consequently, a significant number of Willows students are being reallocated by the University into other residences. This has brought up a number of concerns as senior students are entering residences as newcomers in their own right. The question remains how this process will work, and how Willows students will be welcomed into new residences with their own traditions, rules and culture?

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📷: Sourced

🖋: Eben Labuschagne Op 1 Oktober, in ’n Woordfees-vertoning, het Voëlvry-ikoon Koos Kombuis die verhoog gedeel met medel...

🖋: Eben Labuschagne

Op 1 Oktober, in ’n Woordfees-vertoning, het Voëlvry-ikoon Koos Kombuis die verhoog gedeel met medelegendes Anton Goosen, Valiant Swart en Gert Vlok Nel in die HMS Bloemhof-sentrum onder die naam Koos Kombuis en Vyande. Ondersteun deur talentvolle lede van die Gereformeerde Blues Band en die Warmblankes, merk die vertoning die eerste keer in, volgens Hanepoot van Tonder “ ’n baie, baie lang tyd”, wat van hierdie musikante saam met mekaar optree.

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📷: Sourced

🖋: Agnes HomweAs October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Stellenbosch University’s Campus Health Services is offeri...

🖋: Agnes Homwe

As October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Stellenbosch University’s Campus Health Services is offering free clinical breast exams for all staff and students. This initiative is open to everyone, regardless of gender, to promote awareness, early detection, and education about breast cancer. “This is not the first time we’re doing it,” explained Doctor Julie, a member of the Campus Health team. “We’ve run this initiative for several years, and although COVID-19 interrupted our programs, we’re excited to bring it back this year.”

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📷: sourced

🖋: Magdalena Müller Fiksie of nie-fiksie? Hoe stem hulle ooreen? Hoe verskil hulle? Wel, in die 2024-Woordfees is albei ...

🖋: Magdalena Müller

Fiksie of nie-fiksie? Hoe stem hulle ooreen? Hoe verskil hulle? Wel, in die 2024-Woordfees is albei hierdie kante van die boekwêreld bespreek. In “Vars Vrae”, wat op 30 September 2024 plaasgevind het, het Bettina Wyngaard, Afrikaanse skrywer, prokureur en aktivis, gesels met Martin Steyn, Christelle Wessels en Chanette Paul oor hul nuutste Afrikaanse spanningsfiksie-boeke. In “The Stories That Stick”, wat op 3 Oktober plaasgevind het, het Ilse Salzwedel, ’n joernalis, skrywer, en RSG-radiodrama-aanbieder van die program “Skrywers en Boeke”, met Karl Kemp, James-Brent Styan en Karen Horn gesels oor elkeen van hulle nuutste nie-fiksie-boeke. Die twee gesprekke het aan soortgelyke kwessies en konsepte rondom die skryfproses geraak. Dit is werklik interessant om te sien hoe die skryf van fiksie en nie-fiksie met mekaar vergelyk.

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📷: Magdalena Müller

🖋️:Inge van der Westhuizen“Stellenbosch University (SU) condemns in the strongest possible sense any form of Gender Base...

🖋️:Inge van der Westhuizen

“Stellenbosch University (SU) condemns in the strongest possible sense any form of Gender Based Violence (GBV) as well as other infringements on human dignity.”

The above assertion was included in an official statement to Die Matie upon enquiry, by the Media Manager of Stellenbosch University, Martin Viljoen. It followed multiple allegations of sexual harassment among students within the Faculty of Theology, and a general dissatisfaction among many students with how these matters were being dealt with by the relevant university authorities.

📷: Kris Bence

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🖋: Jani Roux The stars weren’t the only things shining brightly on the evening of 12 October, for far below them in the ...

🖋: Jani Roux

The stars weren’t the only things shining brightly on the evening of 12 October, for far below them in the Coetzenburg Athletics Stadium the volleyball nets were set up, the glow-in-the-dark paint was smeared and the teams were ready to not only battle it out, but to have fun. ‘Volleyball under the stars’ was a fundraiser hosted by Maties Volleyball team, with the aim of sending their teams to Beach USSA 2024.

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📷: Jani Roux

🖋: Hannah Del CuoreWe all know someone, or know someone who knows someone - that is forced to undertake the doomed BEng/...

🖋: Hannah Del Cuore

We all know someone, or know someone who knows someone - that is forced to undertake the doomed BEng/BAcc week at the end of the first and third terms. What it entails is a grueling week of writing A1’s - one after the other. A week of pure suffering and pain, with every undergraduate studying Engineering or Accounting walking around campus with dark circles under their eyes, slumped shoulders , and books in hand. Is it as disheartening and tiring as it appears from the outside?

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📷: Hannah Del Cuore

🖋️: Suné MostertOp 4 Oktober, tydens vanjaar se Woordfees, betree Instragam-ikoon, Aletta Francina de K**k, die Eendrag-...

🖋️: Suné Mostert

Op 4 Oktober, tydens vanjaar se Woordfees, betree Instragam-ikoon, Aletta Francina de K**k, die Eendrag-teaterverhoog met haar kenmerkende pienk satynrok en buzz cut. Sy open die eenvrou-stuk met ’n skit oor haar Aromat-verslawing wat die hele gehoor laat lag en op hulle gemak laat voel het.

📷: Verskaf

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🖋️:Gené BesterCan you imagine juggling your studies, going to class everyday and staying up to date with assignments whi...

🖋️:Gené Bester

Can you imagine juggling your studies, going to class everyday and staying up to date with assignments while running a full-time business on the side? Studies show that 11% of students already own and run a business, with the numbers growing every year. The Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education (EDHE) Entrepreneurship Intervarsity is a competition aimed at students just like this, and 3 of our very own Stellenbosch University (SU) students are on their way to the national finals of this competition at the end of November.

📷: Supplied

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🖋️: Emma GilesMaties Netball player, Syntiche Kabuya, has recently been selected to represent South Africa in the 2024 F...

🖋️: Emma Giles

Maties Netball player, Syntiche Kabuya, has recently been selected to represent South Africa in the 2024 FAST5 Netball World Series. The tournament will take place 9-10 November 2024 in Christchurch, New Zealand and will showcase some of the world’s biggest aspiring netball stars.

📷: Supplied

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🖋️: Anke MaritzSomewhere in the conversations of Woordfees-attendees, you may have heard about the spectacular play that...

🖋️: Anke Maritz

Somewhere in the conversations of Woordfees-attendees, you may have heard about the spectacular play that is Hedda Gabler. Performed at the Adam Small Theatre from 2-6 October, this play had many seats filled.

📷: Emma Olivier

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🖋: Nina Goosen On October 4 2024 at 18:00, the Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Convocation Annual General Meeting took pl...

🖋: Nina Goosen

On October 4 2024 at 18:00, the Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Convocation Annual General Meeting took place in Jan Mouton. What started off with one motion on the agenda, concluded with no vote, thus calling off the motion five and a half hours and several shouting matches later.

To read the full article, click the link in our bio.

📷: Sourced

🖋: Nina Goosen On October 4 2024 at 18:00, the Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Convocation Annual General Meeting took pl...

🖋: Nina Goosen

On October 4 2024 at 18:00, the Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Convocation Annual General Meeting took place in Jan Mouton. What started off with one motion on the agenda, concluded with no vote, thus calling off the motion five and a half hours and several shouting matches later.

📷: Sourced




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