Mercy and Justice differentiates Christianity from the rest.
1. In Buddhism and Hinduism, the concept of Karma, getting what you deserve, does present a platform for justice but mercy has no place, since we all get what we deserve.
2. In Islam however, there is no justice, because you get what Allah has prepared for you “in eternity past”, meaning you have no choice, but “it is what it is”, no mercy no justice.
3. a. In Christianity however, there is both justice and mercy. Humans have sinned against God, and deserve to be punished for their sin.
b. They can be punished for it, but because they have sin, their punishment cannot sufficiently pay for their sin.
c. So One Who is without sin can pay for their sin, but amongst them there is none, “for all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God”.
d. Jesus born of a virgin, was the only sinless man, He committed no sin. He was the only One without sin, thus He could pay the penalty for sinners. A sinless man, as a penalty for sin.
e. In this, both justice and mercy are present. Justice because, sin has been paid for, mercy because sinners who believe, are forgiven, and will no longer pay for their sin.
Since we understand that we did not deserve Christianity, we are merciful to those who are struggling with sin, and patient with those who are unbelievers.