Song of Umanji called Moloi (Witch) it is based on
true story in Afrika. I will try to translate it....
Ge ba bona mokekolo ha befile e bile a le yo
Ba ya mmolaya we, ba re ke moloi-loi.
(When the see ugly and poor old woman
"Grandmothers and great Grandmothers" they kill
her, they say she is a witch)
Ge ba bona mokekolo ha befile e bile a le yo
Ba ya mmolaya we,
ba re o a loya-loya.
(When they see ugly and poor old woman
"Grandmothers and great grandmothers" they kill her,
they say she practice voodoo)
Aowa le seke la re feletsa bo nkgono ba rona,
re sa ba rata hle,
ke badimo ba rona.
(Please don't kill "our Grandmothers & great
grandmothers, we still need them, their our Gods)
Aowa le seke la re bolaela bo nkgono ba rona,
ke re re sa ba rata hle,
ke badimo ba rona.
(Please don't kill our Grandmothers & Great
Grandmothers, we still love them so much, they are
our Gods)
Lempa le ka itse mo baloi ba tletseng teng na,
Ke re ba rutegile thata we,
Ba ko dikholetšeng, le diyunibesiting,
(If you don't know where are many witches, they are
very educated, they are in Colleges and universities)
Aowa matsatsi ana bo nkgono ba rona,
ga ba sa loya hle,
ke badimo ba rona.
(These days Our Grandmothers refrained from
practicing witchcraft, they are our Gods)
Lempa le ka itse h**e baloi ke ba ba bjang na,
Ke ba ba tena thata we,
Ba tlola ka disuparu le ditupa mme.
(If you don't know who are the witches, they wear
expensive clothes, they drive expensive cars)
Mmm mmm.
Yeyeye haihai
Ba tla feta le rona wewe, Haihai
Ba tla feta le bana wewe.
(The real witches will kill us and we will be no more,
In Afrika many Grandmothers and great
Grandmothers were killed just because they were
ugly and poor, hundreds if not thousands or perhaps
millions of African Grandmothers were killed
because missionaries alleged that they are witches,
and they must be burned alive...many innocent
grandmothers were killed in vain, and it is still going
on in other parts of Africa but not in high rate of pre
96. It is a pity that we didn't get the side of story of
our Grandmothers who were killed in vain...we only
heard the side of story sa the missionaries and
African Christians...they killed our Grandmothers and
great Grandmothers due to false allegations of
witchcraft. Can we please have moment of silent for
our Grandmothers....can were shed to tears of pain
and sorrow for our Grandmothers.
My Ancestors are not in (His)tory. In truth they are
not in any story. My Ancestors have never been
recorded. My Ancestors are a Divine Spirit that never
leave our present. No story can record my Ancestors
because they are not in time. So I won't seek my
Ancestors in any story, but in the always timeless
ever present stillness and silence of now.
Our Ancestors were in connection with Mother
nature. From the soil they had fruits, vegetables and
herbs. they used herbs for service of
mankind...Missionaries didn't want my Ancestors to
use herbs for service of the body because herbs
cured all the diseases established or created by the
land thieves... they couldn't poison us with bio
chemicals because we used herbs for service and
Our herbs usage was bad for business of
missionaries cousins (white doctors, nurses and
Hospital owners).The missionaries told the
Christians that using herbs for service is evil and
they must refrain from using the herbs...the
missionaries advised my Ancestors to take drugs for
service or healing instead of herbs. furthermore the
missionaries authorised the African Christians to
burn to Ashes everyone who is using herbs for
service... missionaries told African Christians that
using herbs for service is witchcraft... Many
innocent Grannies were killed for using Moringa,
African Potato, Aloe, impepho etc...they were even
hated by they're children and they were called
witches for using herbs instead of drugs (doctors
prescribed drugs) Today medical doctors prescribe
& sell herbs to their patients and the African
Christians don't burn them to Ashes like burned our
innocent grandparents. Today white people own the
herbs industry, they have moringa products,
ma*****na oil to cure cancer, Aloe products, Herbal
teas etc...I wonder how many grannies were burned
in Afrika due to false allegations of witchcraft...it's a
pity we didn't get their side of story...Many grannies
were scared when they saw their fellow friends,
relatives and neighbors being burned to Ashes,
hence they kept that knowledge as secret... it is due
to circumstances our religion and esoteric
knowledge went underground. Some Grannies
surrendered to Christianity because of fear of
death...May the Soul of the innocent Grannies rest in
Peace...they didn't die in vain because today
Africans use herbs for service of the body and we
are health conscious.
It is a pity that no one recorded the story of the
innocent Grannies who were killed in vain...Missiona
ries we just trying to protect hospital business
hence they demonized the use of herbs for service.
And they were trying to protect Christianity because
herbs heals and emancipate the conscious mind.
I'm also the victim of the scam by the missionaries
and I apologize to following Ancient Ancestors for
my sins of treason;
the African Spiritual Doctors,
African Shamans,
African Herbsmen,
African Kings,
African Queens
African Prophets
African Priests
African Elders
African People in particular.
I'm sorry to African God for worshipping a foreign
god...I inherited that religion from my parents...pleas
e forgive me and forgive my parents for worshipping
foreign god...they didn't know what they were doing.
African God please all Africans for worshipping
foreign God....Chinese believe that Buddha was a
Chinese and their creator created them in his image.
Arabs believe that Muhammad was an Arab and they
believe that Allah created them in his image.
Europeans believe that Jesus is a white man and
they believe that God created them in his image.
Indians believe that Shiva is an Indian and they
believe that their gods created them in their images.
hence all these nations prosper in everything they do
because they don't worship foreign gods. If God
created man in his image and your skin colour is
black...question is what colour is your God?
I pay tributes to all Grandparents who died protecting
African esoteric knowledge and tradition...they didn't
die in vain. May their Blessed Soul rest in Peace.
we'll continue with their struggle of spiritual