The Way to Happiness in Africa

The Way to Happiness in Africa The Way to Happiness is a non-religious moral code based common sense

LOVE AND HELP CHILDREN           "Last night, I sat on the balcony watching my son play in the yard. Suddenly, I realize...


"Last night, I sat on the balcony watching my son play in the yard. Suddenly, I realized something that made me pause and cry.

This little boy, running after a ball with a huge smile on his face, is our future. Not just mine as a father, but all of ours. And when I look at the world we're raising our children in today - my heart aches.

It's like throwing a small cub into a tiger's cage. Our world is complex, difficult, sometimes cruel. Our children need much more than just food, clothes, and toys. They need us - our hearts, our time, our guidance.

I remember myself as a child. How many times I just wanted someone to listen, really listen. Not to tell me what to do, not to give me another computer game - just to be there for me.

Today, watching my son grow up, I understand that my role is not just to be a father. My role is to be a friend. To listen when he tells me about his day, even when I'm tired.

To play soccer with him, even when I have a thousand other things to do. To be there when he falls, and also - perhaps most importantly - to let him get up on his own.

Because in the end, the greatest gift we can give our children isn't another toy or another after-school activity. The greatest gift is teaching them to be good, independent, and strong human beings. Those who know how to stand up for themselves, but also how to extend a helping hand to others.

So tonight, sitting on the balcony, I made myself a promise: to be there for him. Really there. Because maybe I can't change the whole world, but I can change his world.

And maybe, just maybe, if we all do this - we can build a better future. One child, one hug, one moment of listening at a time.

Because in the end, our children are not just our future.
They are our present. And they deserve all the love in the world.

And when we love and help our children, we're not just building them a better future - we're paving the way to happiness, theirs and ours."



Today’s children will become tomorrow’s civilization. Bringing a child into the world today is a little bit like dropping one into a tiger’s cage. Children can’t handle their environment and they have no real resources. They need love and help to make it.

It is a delicate problem to discuss. There are almost as many theories on how to raise a child or not raise him as there are parents. Yet if one does it wrong much grief can result and one may even complicate his or her own later years. Some try to raise children the way they were themselves raised, others attempt the exact opposite, many hold to an idea that children should just be let grow on their own.

None of these guarantee success. The last method is based on a materialistic idea that the development of the child parallels the evolutionary history of the race; that in some magical way, unexplained, the “nerves” of the child will “ripen” as he or she grows older and the result will be a moral, well-behaving adult.

Although the theory is disproven with ease—simply by noticing the large criminal population whose nerves somehow did not ripen—it is a lazy way to raise children and achieves some popularity. It doesn’t take care of your civilization’s future or your older years.

A child is a little bit like a blank slate. If you write the wrong things on it, it will say the wrong things. But, unlike a slate, a child can begin to do the writing: the child tends to write what has been written already. The problem is complicated by the fact that, while most children are capable of great decency, a few are born insane and, today, some are even born as drug addicts: but such cases are an unusual few.

It does no good just to try to “buy” the child with an overwhelm of toys and possessions or to smother and protect the child: the result can be pretty awful.

One has to make up his mind what he is trying to get the child to become: this is modified by several things:

(a) what the child basically can become due to inherent make-up and potential.
(b) what the child really wants to become.
(c) what one wants the child to become.
(d) the resources available.

But remember that whatever these all add up to, the child will not survive well unless he or she eventually becomes self-reliant and very moral. Otherwise the end product is likely to be a liability to everyone including the child.

Whatever one’s affection for the child, remember that the child cannot survive well in the long run if he or she does not have his or her feet put on the way to survival. It will be no accident if the child goes wrong: the contemporary society is tailor-made for a child’s failure.

It will help enormously if you obtain a child’s understanding of and agreement to follow the precepts contained in this book.

What does have a workability is simply to try to be the child’s friend. It is certainly true that a child needs friends. Try to find out what a child’s problem really is and, without crushing their own solutions, try to help solve them. Observe them—and this applies even to babies. Listen to what children tell you about their lives. Let them help—if you don’t, they become overwhelmed with a sense of obligation which they then must repress.

It will help the child enormously if you obtain understanding of and agreement to this way to happiness and get him or her to follow it. It could have an enormous effect on the child’s survival—and yours.

A child factually does not do well without love. Most children have an abundance of it to return.

"The way to happiness
has on its route the loving and
the helping of children from babyhood
to the brink of adult life".

ON LOVE, LOYALTY AND THE CHOICES THAT SHAPE OUR LIVES             I want to tell you about a moving conversation I had y...


I want to tell you about a moving conversation I had yesterday with a close friend. We were sitting in a neighborhood café when she suddenly burst into tears.

"I don't know who I am anymore," she whispered. "I thought it would be fun to be 'free', 'uncommitted'. But every parallel relationship I maintained only deepened the hole in my heart. I lost the trust of my husband, my children, and my extended family. I destroyed something that took 15 years to build."

I watched her hands trembling around the cold coffee cup, thinking about the heavy price we all - she, her husband, the children - pay for moments of recklessness.

"You know what hurts the most?" she continued, "My 13-year-old daughter told me yesterday - 'Mom, how will I know if I can believe in love?' That broke me."

When we parted, she said something that stuck with me: "I wish I had understood earlier that loyalty isn't chains - it's the foundation on which we build trust, family, and true love."

I watched her walk away, thinking how brave it was of her to share, to take responsibility, and try to rebuild. Because in the end, true happiness isn't found in fleeting moments, but in our ability to build something deep, stable, and real with the one person we've chosen.

What do you think? In an age where "everything is possible," do we sometimes forget the value of loyalty? 🤔

Rule #3: DON'T BE PROMISCUOUS on the way to happiness.



S*x is the means by which the race projects itself into the future through children and the family. A lot of pleasure and happiness can come from s*x: nature intended it that way so the race would go on. But, misused or abused, it carries with it heavy penalties and punishments: nature seems to have intended it that way also.

3-1. Be faithful to your s*xual partner.

Unfaithfulness on the part of a s*xual partner can heavily reduce one’s survival. History and the newspapers carry floods of instances of the violence of human passions aroused by unfaithfulness. “Guilt” is the milder evil. Jealousy and vengeance are the greater monsters: one never knows when they will cease to sleep. It is all very well to speak of “being civilized” and “uninhibited” and “understanding”; no talk will mend ruined lives. A “feeling of guilt” is nowhere near as sharp as a knife in the back or ground glass in the soup.

Additionally, there is the question of health. If you do not insist upon faithfulness from a s*xual partner, you lay yourself open to disease. For a very brief period, it was said that s*xual diseases were all under control. This is not now the case, if it ever was. Incurable strains of such diseases now exist.

The problems of s*xual misbehavior are not new. The powerful religion of Buddhism in India vanished from there in the seventh century. According to its own historians, the cause was s*xual promiscuity in its monasteries. More modernly, when s*xual promiscuity becomes prevalent in an organization, commercial or otherwise, the organization can be seen to fail. No matter how civilized their discussions about it, families shatter in the face of unfaithfulness.

The urge of the moment can become the sorrow of a lifetime. Impress those around you with that and safeguard your own health and pleasure.

S*x is a big step on the way to happiness and joy. There is nothing wrong with it if it is followed with faithfulness
and decency.

SOMETIMES LIFE GIVES US A SECOND CHANCE       I wanted to share with you a story I received today from Vusi, a veteran t...


I wanted to share with you a story I received today from Vusi, a veteran taxi driver who picked me up for a short ride that turned into a soul-stirring conversation.

"I was a drunk for 15 years," he opened with surprising honesty. "I thought alcohol helped me be more sociable, more confident. The truth? It only blurred my life."

The breaking point came when his 7-year-old daughter refused to let him take her to kindergarten. "Daddy, you scare me when you drink," she said. At that moment, he realized he wasn't truly there for her.

"Today I'm 10 years sober," he said with a smile that lit up the entire taxi. "My daughter is 17, excelling in high school. I remember every moment with her, every conversation, every hug. I'm finally *present* for real."

As I got out of the taxi, I realized I had received an important life lesson: sometimes what we think helps us feel better actually distances us from what truly matters - the ability to be fully present in the lives of the people we love.

Thank you, Vusi, for your brave sharing and for the reminder that there's always hope for change ❤️

"Be Temperate," this is the second rule that will take us on the way to happiness.

If you know a similar story? Share with me in the comments.



People who take drugs do not always see the real world in front of them. They are not really there. On a highway, in casual contact, in a home, they can be very dangerous to you. People mistakenly believe they “feel better” or “act better” or are “only happy” when on drugs. This is just another delusion. Sooner or later the drugs will destroy them physically. Discourage people from taking drugs. When they are doing so, encourage them to seek help in getting off of them.

People who take alcohol are not alert. It impairs their ability to react even when it seems to them they are more alert because of it. Alcohol has some medicinal value. It can be grossly overestimated. Don’t let anyone who has been drinking drive you in a car or fly you in a plane. Drinking can take lives in more ways than one. A little liquor goes a long way; don’t let too much of it wind up in unhappiness or death. Deter people from excessive drinking.

Observing the points above, one becomes more physically able
to enjoy life

Temperate Meaning: Temperate means mild, moderate. If you're a temperate person, you are calm, reasonable.

Temperate Synonym: temperate (adjective as in calm, moderate) Strongest matches. agreeable, levelheaded mild, pleasant restrained, sober.

How can you apply this precept in your life ?

THE WAY TO HAPPINESS | PRECEPT 1: TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF               A personal journey I never planned to share... A y...


A personal journey I never planned to share...

A year ago, I was on the verge of collapse. Working 16-hour days, eating on the go, sleeping 4 hours a night. "I don't have time for myself," I said. I felt I had to do everything.

Until one day, during an important meeting, I fainted.

My body screamed "ENOUGH." At that moment, I understood - the first precept in The Way to Happiness is so simple, yet crucial: Take Care of Yourself.

I started with 20 minutes a day:
A proper sit-down meal
A relaxing hot shower
7 hours of sleep at night

And the miraculous happened:
My productivity doubled
My energy returned
I made better decisions
My family relationships improved

"When you take care of yourself, you can take care of others" - this isn't just a saying from "The Way to Happiness." It's a life truth I discovered the hard way.

So if you're reading this and recognize yourself - take a moment.
Take a deep breath.
Start with 20 minutes.

Because you deserve a healthier, happier life ❤️

Share if this touched you and together let's spread this important message!

GET READY! OUR CAMPAIGN IS COMING YOUR WAY       Get ready South Africa! We've got exiting news for you!The Way to Happi...


Get ready South Africa! We've got exiting news for you!

The Way to Happiness campaign is coming nationwide! Interested in bringing this initiative to your city or becoming a volunteer? Contact us at [email protected]

The first moral code based wholly on common sense, originally published in 1981, its purpose is to help arrest the current moral decline in society and restore integrity and trust to humankind. The Way to Happiness further holds a Guinness Record as the world’s single most translated non-religious book in the world.

Written by L. Ron Hubbard, it fills the moral vacuum in an increasingly materialistic society, containing 21 basic principles that guide one to a better quality of life.

This code of conduct can be followed by anyone, of any race, color or creed and works to restore the bonds that unite humankind.

But the real power of the book is realized when it is distributed to others, hand to hand. Since the actions of those around you can affect your life, you are improving your own survival when you present copies of The Way to Happiness to friends, associates, employees and customers.

In this way, you help others survive better and lead happier lives. They, in turn, pass copies of the book to those whose lives they influence, encouraging others to treat their fellows with kindness, compassion and respect. And so it goes, moving from person to person, helping others to live better lives.

PRECEPT NO 1 - TAKE CARE OF YOUR SELF              1-1. GET CARE WHEN YOU ARE ILL.When they are ill, even with communica...


When they are ill, even with communicable diseases, people often do not isolate themselves or seek proper treatment. This, as you can easily see, tends to put you at risk. Insist when someone is ill that he or she takes the proper precautions and gets proper care.

People who do not bathe or wash their hands regularly, can carry germs. They put you at risk. You are well within your rights to insist that people bathe regularly and wash their hands. It is inevitable that one gets dirty working or exercising. Get them to clean up afterwards.

If one brushed one’s teeth after every meal, it has been said that one would not suffer tooth decay. This, or chewing gum after each meal, goes far toward defending others from oral diseases and bad breath. Suggest to others that they preserve their teeth.

People who do not eat properly are not of much help to you or themselves. They tend to have a low energy level. They are sometimes ill­-tempered. They become ill more easily. It doesn’t require strange diets to eat properly but it does require that one eats nourishing food regularly.

1-5. GET REST.
Although many times in life one has to work beyond normal sleep periods, a person’s general failure to get proper rest can make him or her a burden to others. Tired people are not alert. They can make mistakes. They have accidents. Just when you need them they can dump the whole workload on one. They put others at risk. Insist that people who do not get proper rest do so.



The following report is from the Way to Happiness Booklets distribution during the violent taxi & drug riots in the Capital of South Africa, Pretoria/Tshwane on the 29th of August 2019.

The Way to Happiness in Africa dispatched a team on the ground to go and address the riots in Pretoria after hearing what happened on Wednesday in the Pretoria CBD. Upon the Way to Happiness Africa team's arrival in the Jacaranda city, they found most of the hot spots areas rather quite. We met with police officers from all over the city and all seemed calm and looked rather peaceful at the time.

Right after the meetings the Way to Happiness Africa team rushed of to the Sunnyside area as there were reports of possible rioting. Upon the teams arrival, things were quite but juts before the team left they noticed that in the one area was flaring up some trouble and becoming quite chaotic at the end and a large group of about 500 to 600 were gathering in the Pretoria CBD area near the Sunnyside police station. You could see that the police where preparing for more trouble.

The Way to Happiness team found them self right in the middle with the taxi association on one side police in the middle and a large group of foreigners on the other side. The situation was tense and it looked like a clash was imminent. During all this time the Way to Happiness team just kept on distributing booklets as fast as they could with the assistance of the Police. They just distributed more and more booklets into a hostile environment. Before the team realized It, the whole mob just disbursed in to nothingness. The Way to Happiness team looked at one another and could not believe what just happened as the crowd abandoned the fight and started to disbursing to their homes and out of harms way.

After all the commotion ended in the Sunnyside area, the team then made there way to another hotpot. Which is know as Bloed Street (which literately means blood street) which is were the violence started on Wednesday the 28th of August. The team jumped out of the van and began distributing the Way to Happiness booklets immediately to taxi drivers and all pedestrians in the busy city center right next to were buildings were burnt down the previous day due to violent clashes between the taxi drivers, drug dealers and foreigners. While handing out the booklets, large amounts of booklets were given to vendors and taxi bosses in the affected area to distribute. Thousands of The Way to Happiness booklets were handed out to both sides of the clashing parties.

"During the booklets distribution people started approaching them and requesting The Way to Happiness booklets and one rioter said that what the team are doing is very noble, he has never seen people distribute booklets during a war, People were very curious about the booklets and admired what they were doing, two gentlemen said that this good job must be carried on. One guy approached them and said ” I love this book my brother came home with it some time ago and now I finally have my own copy”.

There is hope and it starts with The Way to Happiness and finding a way to live together in peace and harmony were everyone can be safe.



Cape Town is know for being the seventh wonder of the world. From amazing beaches, things to do, breathtaking table mountain and so much to do. But Cape Town is also know for crime, drug abuse and human degradation.

This might be a well know party and holiday destination but is Cape Town ready to pay the ultimate price. Our people in Cape Town is in trouble, everywhere you look are drug addicts, homeless people and thieves. If that is not enough you have drugs, dealers, crime and gang violence. People are dying in Cape Town.

The underlying problem in Cape Town is poverty, poor education, hopelessness & loss of self respect. For many Cape Town is the place of dreams. But for the most of us Cape Town is this beautiful trap. So who cares. Who cares about happiness when you walk though the streets and all you smell is garbage, ma*****na and you see people going to waste. This can be very sad.

There is a way to rehabilitate Cape Town and it's people. We can all agree that all people really want is happiness and many people look for it in the wrong places. If you want to be apart of stirring a moral improvement and a real way to happiness please contact us.

Over the next two months we will be setting up and training a Way to Happiness team for Cape Town. Find out more about what we do and how you can be part of the new Cape Town moral revolution. For more information inbox us and we will contact you back.



Today Unisa Radio in Pretoria had two very interesting guest speakers. Asthra Balliram and Maurithus Meiring from the well know Way to Happiness Foundation in Africa speaking about social ills, what can be done and how can a person be really and truly happy in South Africa.

They introduced The Way to Happiness campaign, what materials there are and how to get involved. They spoke about what is happiness and how you can live a happier life in this day and age and also how you can contribute to others being happy. Life can be improved.

Currently The Way to Happiness is involved in a clean up campaign in Sharpville and other communities in Johannesburg and around South Africa where they are assisting people to clean up their community from litter, places that need a paint job and badly maintained roads.

On the 20th of March 2019 they will be celebrating World International Day of Happiness with the community of Sharpville and they are planning lots of activities but more information will be released shortly as we know many are interested and really would love to know how they can be there and to find out how they can play a part to Change South Africa with real lasting results.

For more information or if you would like to volunteer please send us a comment and we will get back to you.

LOOK WHO HAS COME TO SOUTH AFRICA           Jorge Perez grew up in a culture of drugs, corruption and violence in the Ph...


Jorge Perez grew up in a culture of drugs, corruption and violence in the Philippines. Vowing to help his country secure a brighter future, his nationwide effort to spread the message of morality has reached millions and is reaping amazing results.

Jorge Perez grew up in a culture of drugs, corruption and violence in the Philippines. Vowing to help his country secure a brighter future, his nationwide effort to spread the message of morality has reached millions and is reaping amazing results.

CREATING CHANGE IN GAUTENG COMMUNITIES       From the 29th-31st of October 2018 the Way to Happiness in South Africa att...


From the 29th-31st of October 2018 the Way to Happiness in South Africa attended the Gauteng Shutdown Coordination Committee's Leadership Development program for 3 days at the beautiful St George's Hotel in Irene, Pretoria.

"The Way to Happiness is a Common Sense Guide to Better Living". L Ron Hubbard.

In South Africa there is a lot of equality, crime, drugs and unemployment just to mention a few social ills and people are tired, they are looking for real solutions to their problems and that is what the Way to Happiness brings.

During the 3 day Summit the Coordinator for the Way to Happiness in Africa, Mr Maurithus Meiring had the opportunity to address all the attendees at the summit where he presented the Way to Happiness campaigns as a solution to the social ills in their violent communities. So that they can rebuild their areas.

"This is a way toward a much safer and happier life for you and others".

A lot of people responded really well and many of the attendees now want to start up teams and groups in their communities where they can implement the Way to Happiness and start to repair the moral fibre of society. There is a lot of work to be done. These communities have a lot to deal with but with the Way to Happiness as their solutions they can build the communities that they want to create and to restore the people's self respect, self worth and give them back their humanity and diginity.

"The way to happiness is a high-speed road to those who know where the edges are".

We would like to thank the Gauteng Shutdown Coordination Committee for all their hard work, for what they are trying to create in their communities and for the opportunity to introduce real solutions to the community.

DONT OVER DO THINGS THAT CAN CAUSE YOU HARM         Precept  #2-1. Do not take harmful drugs.People who take drugs do no...


Precept #2-1. Do not take harmful drugs.

People who take drugs do not always see the real world in front of them. They are not really there. On a highway, in casual contact, in a home, they can be very dangerous to you. People mistakenly believe they “feel better” or “act better” or are “only happy” when on drugs. This is just another delusion. Sooner or later the drugs will destroy them physically. Discourage people from taking drugs. When they are doing so, encourage them to seek help in getting off of them.

Definitions of words to know:

1. Temperate: not going to extremes; not overdoing things; controlling one’s cravings.
2. Deter: to prevent or discourage.

2-2. Do not take alcohol to excess.

People who take alcohol are not alert. It impairs their ability to react even when it seems to them they are more alert because of it. Alcohol has some medicinal value. It can be grossly overestimated. Don’t let anyone who has been drinking drive you in a car or fly you in a plane. Drinking can take lives in more ways than one. A little liquor goes a long way; don’t let too much of it wind up in unhappiness or death. Deter2 people from excessive drinking.



Do not take alcohol to excess, People who take alcohol are not alret. It impairs their ability to react even when it seem to them they are more alert because of it. Alcohol has some medicinal value. But it can be grossly overestimated. Don't let anyone who has been drinking drive you in a car or fly you in a plane. Drinking can take lives in more ways than one. A little liqueurs goes a long way; don't let too much of it wind up in unhappiness or death. Deter people from excessive drinking.

"Observing the points above, one becomes more physically able to enjoy life". L. Ron. Hubbard




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The Way to Happiness

The Way to Happiness is a common sense guide to better living. This campaign is Non-Religious and Non-Political and have precepts that all can agree to.

True joy and Happiness are valuable. If one does not survive, no joy and no happiness are obtainable.Trying to survive is a chaotic, dishonest and generally immoral society is difficult.The Way to Happiness is here to change that and much more.

“It is in your power to point the way to a less dangerous and happier life”.

For more information please contact our page inbox and we will contact you. We are looking forward to hear from you. Speak to you soon.