This is a message I gave to my team this morning.. Maybe its also for you...
This is the second Word this week on the comfort zone to this Squad... Truth Squad member.. If you stil take the time to read TS messages.. I call you forth out of your comfort zone in Jesus name.. Breaking every chain of excuses which are keeping you there in Jesus name.. I speak you free from the bo***ge of fear.. Taking you spiritually by the hand and leading you out..
Calling every preacher to preach again, every singer to sing, every dancer be loose, dance again, calling every rapper to rap, in the Name of Jesus...
Breaking every word of bo***ge spoken over you by others and even self.. Words of no time, words of too old, words of too busy, words of I cant... Break every chain.. Speaking the writer free from the Artistic grave of writers block, come forth.. Be loosen.. Come against pride and unforgiveness... Break free, be free in Jesus name... Step out of your lockdown which might have been going on for years... We break shyness, we speak confidence, in the Name of Jesus... Speak to your time, in Jesus name, speak to your shedule, in Jesus name, speak to your energy levels in Jesus name, dominate it, all of it has to bow down.. Hallelujah, what is the strong man that has been holding you back from reaching the lost at any cost.. Time is not on our side, to have faith, means to take action..
I pray for supernatural movements in shifts, shedules and obligations... To allow you the time to minister the Word of God through your gift.. Dont have time, make time.. Dont have transport, start walking, dai lift wag vi jou teen die pad.. And see how God rewards that faithfulness with a car.. Step out of the zone your trapped in.. That place that has become so comfortable to you.. In the comfort zone, nothing grows, there is no promotion in the comfort zone.. Lazarus come forth... Lappe af in Jesus naam... It is time to get back into it... I will be the first to take that step, who here is willing to join me?? Shalom..
Genesis 19 v 16