Kingfisher FM is a Christian, family-lifestyle radio station bringing a message of hope and inspiration to every person who lives in scenic Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa. We talk life and the real issues of life. We talk pain, joy and all that goes with living in a real world. We serve our community. We love our city. All this we strive to do with:
Hope. Authenticity. Relationship & God's Prof
ound Love. House Rules
The Kingfisher FM page is for you, so you can join the conversation, connect with other people and have fun sharing your thoughts and ideas. At times there maybe rigorous debate and sharing of diverse opinions. We want everyone to feel comfortable, treating each other, our guests and staff with respect and courtesy. To ensure that everyone coming to our pages enjoys a positive experience we ask that you do not post any content or comments (including photos and videos) which fall into any of the categories below:
1. If it is defamatory, or otherwise unlawful or that it violates laws regarding harassment, discrimination, racial vilification, privacy or contempt.
2. If it is intentionally false or misleading.
3. If it is an infringement of intellectual property including copyright.
4. If it is abusive, offensive or obscene.
5. If it is otherwise inappropriate, off topic, repetitive or vexatiou.
6. If it is compromising the privacy of any person or containing inappropriate personal information. For example, your full legal, email address, workplace, home address
7. If it is seeking to endorse commercial products or services
8. If it is seeking to directly solicit donations. If your posts fall into any of the above categories or Kingfisher FM otherwise deems it inappropriate for our social media communities it will be deleted or hidden from the view of other users without prior notification. Kingfisher FM does not endorse the views and material contained in the contributions of members of the public. Kingfisher FM is not responsible for the content, availability or performance of external sites linked to Kingfisher FM’s page. If you find any content or comments posted on our page which you believe is not in accordance with these House Rules then please email [email protected]