Social Media Shakeup

Social Media Shakeup I teach you to manage your own social media channels by way of a 6 week coaching programme - working together to make social simple! African Proverb

I believe we are and I want to connect you to your ideal client. My business ethos is encompassed in this quote: " If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together."

There is so much value in this. I love that so many of my female role models are changing the way things are done.Would ...

There is so much value in this. I love that so many of my female role models are changing the way things are done.

Would you consider disengaging from any public and social activity for 3 months?

Would you be able to?

I wouldn't be able to from a financial perspective, but it's something I would love to work towards. I've started a new moon 3 day digital detox - one down and many more to go. And already I feel that 3 days is just not enough.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” —Viktor Frankl

If you wrote this quote as a formula, it might look like this: S( )R.

This week, I’m celebrating 26 years of sobriety. Before I got sober, there was no space at all between the S and the R. Something happened, someone did or said something, and I’d come out swinging or fearing or worrying or apologizing. I responded in a way that led to more stacked stimuli and responses. There was very little growth and very little freedom.

I’ve learned to pry open that space over the past 26 years. Breath, curiosity, better sleep, working out, intention, therapy, prayer—I’ve learned to practice what Buddhists call the sacred pause.

But the past two years have taken a toll, and now it’s time for a serious recommitment to creating and maintaining space. For me, this includes a three-month sabbatical, a break in podcasting and social media, and making sure our team takes time away. You can read more on the website.

In one of the best speeches I’ve ever heard, actress, screenwriter, director, and producer Michaela Coel said, “Do not be afraid to disappear, from it, from us, for a while and see what comes to you in the silence.” I’m a big fan of silence. I can’t wait!

We set audacious goals in our organization—like “Start global conversations about shame and vulnerability”—but this might be our boldest move yet.

We’ll be back this fall. Rested and ready for our next audacious goal.

Stay awkward, brave, and kind,

P.S. The stimulus/response quote has a long and unknown history. We know it’s not Stephen Covey (per him). Many scholars think it’s Viktor Frankl. You can read more in the post on

This is such a great post from local academic and life coach TouchBase Coaching with Yolandi Garden Before you dismiss y...

This is such a great post from local academic and life coach TouchBase Coaching with Yolandi Garden

Before you dismiss your child's online circle of friends, consider these points.

“They’re not real friends!” I hear a mom mock her teenager. They’re online *insert air quotes* friends.

I beg to differ - Story 1

Here I sit, a forty-something-year-old, bubbling with excitement because I get to meet an online friend tomorrow - For real!

How did I come to have online friends?

Love it or hate it - this book of faces!

For those of us parenting uniquely abled children, topic specific online support groups offer huge relief (loosely the hypothesis of my forgotten thesis).

Across groups, names became familiar
Names of people with whom I shared deep conversations stood out. Conversations intensified, became frequent. Someone suggested, quite jokingly: A post apocalypse roadtrip across South Africa to facilitate home education (and a good chinwag, obviously). The “Homeschool Road Trip” group was formed on a popular social media application frequented by people intimidated by snap and chat but not so much by whats and app.

Over the past few years, I have experienced sisterhood online.

I have had support, given support, shed tears, had laughter and love at my fingertips.

I have been real, helpful, tearful, joyful, encouraging and vulnerable.

We have shared advice, virtual shoulders, experience, fun facts, resources, links, articles and opinions.

We have picked brains, hive-minded, brainstormed, overthunk, but NEVER underthunk.

I have virtually held hands, held space, and in return, been held.

Tell me again that online friends aren’t real friends.

Tomorrow I ‘for real’ meet the first of three online women integral to my life.

I supposed I should run through the checklist:

Is she a she? ✅
Is she roughly my age ✅
Do we have a lot in common? ✅
Does she have my real home address ❎
Has she asked for nudes? ❎
Is this genuine? ✅

Tell me again that online friends aren’t ‘real’ friends.

Meet and Greet of the Solopreneurs GQ, an initiative of Philippa Fabbri. We are a group of female entrepreneurs going it...

Meet and Greet of the Solopreneurs GQ, an initiative of Philippa Fabbri. We are a group of female entrepreneurs going it alone and it's awesome to be able to connect and learn from each other.

Thank you SOGA Organic for the juices!

One of the greatest things about the internet and social media is the amount of free information you can get from expert...

One of the greatest things about the internet and social media is the amount of free information you can get from experts like Amy Porterfield and Marie Forleo

This looks like a goodie. Hit that link and join me for 30 days!

A FREE interactive 30-day community for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs-to-be who won’t settle for anything less than changing the world.

I see many posts by women especially with small businesses or side hustles who are looking for social media support.Here...

I see many posts by women especially with small businesses or side hustles who are looking for social media support.
Here's the dilemma - social media marketers charge for their time. They have businesses to run and households to support. But as a small business, we don't always have a big enough budget to employ someone to do the social media marketing on our behalf.
Given that there is a whole lot of information out there that you can get for FREE, would you be prepared to subscribe to a service that provides you with weekly content tips, a couple of graphic templates and an educational video training session or two monthly? This would include a database of specialists in various fields eg: SEO, Web Design, Copy Writing etc. at your disposal, as part of the service.
Let me know in the comments below if this is something you would consider paying for on a monthly basis?
Or get in touch via WhatsApp and help me pick my brain 😉
061 504 2540

Events on Facebook can sometimes be a nightmare. Keeping track of them is my biggest challenge. I am interested to know ...

Events on Facebook can sometimes be a nightmare. Keeping track of them is my biggest challenge.

I am interested to know - what do you do for your business?

❓ do you use the EVENTS function on Facebook?
❓ do you just create a poster?
❓ how do you keep track of events that you have RSVP'd to?
❓ does clicking on the INVITE FRIENDS button make a difference to numbers?

I'm trying to figure out how to optimise the tools at our disposal. Because there are some good tools. But maybe we are not using them properly 🤷‍♀️

Hey Boss LadyIs Social Media for your small business becoming a nightmare? Does each week bring with it the same dreaded...

Hey Boss Lady

Is Social Media for your small business becoming a nightmare? Does each week bring with it the same dreaded thought - I REALLY need to do SOMETHING about my social media presence!

Well I am here to make social simple for you!
If ~
✅you are a small business owner who can’t seem to find the time to advertise their business online
✅you are you running around between kids, hubby AND your own business
✅the thought of social posting fills you with dread or
✅you are clueless as to how social media works

I have developed a maintenance plan just for you. It includes ~
🍄A Strategy Consultation and Plan
🌸One post per week for FB, IG or LinkedIn
🌼Graphic design of one image per week
🌺Copywriting for the weekly post
🍁Scheduling of posts

If you’d like to find out more, sign up on this link and I’ll send you all the details:
Or DM me 😉
Because really? It's a kinda magic ✨


A fabulous, fantastic and phenomenal new year to y'all 🌟

While you wait, sign up to my mailing list 😉

I thought that this looks rather interesting! Who is joining me?

I thought that this looks rather interesting! Who is joining me?

How to create and launch lucrative online courses.

"Most users need to see your brand five to seven times to merely remember it, let alone engage with or buy from it."It i...

"Most users need to see your brand five to seven times to merely remember it, let alone engage with or buy from it."

It is becoming increasingly more difficult to sell via social media alone, and a good strategy, most certainly, includes a variety of different marketing tools.

Here are a few definitely worth considering and implementing. And email may even be something that you have been ignoring of late.

Need help with any of it? Get in touch!

☎️ 0615042540

These ecommerce techniques are sustainable, cost-effective and easy to implement.

The idea of a social media detox is a fairly common one. Is this something that you do on a regular basis?This article p...

The idea of a social media detox is a fairly common one. Is this something that you do on a regular basis?

This article presents some interesting findings. And once again they terrify me! My anxiety has definitely increased over the past eighteen months....and I've just brushed it off as being a sign of the times. But maybe it's because I've come to depend on social media for my entertainment over the past 18 months - especially TikTok from whence cometh my joy.

Some food for thought here! I am just not sure how I am going to switch off for a whole month ;)

Rising rates of depression and anxiety in wealthy countries like the U.S. may be a result of our brains getting hooked on the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure.

Show me your money, Honey! You've got 7 hours left to sign up. Get your Google Game ON!Here is the link: The Social Café...

Show me your money, Honey! You've got 7 hours left to sign up. Get your Google Game ON!

Here is the link: The Social Café presents: Listing on GOOGLE My Business


Talking about the Sweet Spot, the G-**ot of the interwebs - Google my Business.

Sign up for The Social Café presents: Listing on GOOGLE My Business

If you're up for it, here is a 12 minute read on "Why Google is the Best Search Engine". Originally published in 2016, i...

If you're up for it, here is a 12 minute read on "Why Google is the Best Search Engine". Originally published in 2016, it was revised and updated in 2020.

Have a read. And if you're sure that Google is the sweetest spot for you on the interwebs, sign up to my Social Café on the 17th September.

Google has spent a fortune creating a search engine that supplies the best results, quickly. Learn why business should use Google platform.



Across the board - for branding, content and timing.

Be a seeker of everyday magic 💫Yes...this is me. It's the inner me who sparks joy in my soul, the seeker of light,  the ...

Be a seeker of everyday magic 💫

Yes...this is me. It's the inner me who sparks joy in my soul, the seeker of light, the creator of magic. 🧡

May this day herald the beginning of a year of magical transformation for us all.

My morning coffee companion 🐶(He's really just waiting for breakfast  )He's also the reason we can't have a cat - much t...

My morning coffee companion 🐶
(He's really just waiting for breakfast )

He's also the reason we can't have a cat - much to my daughter's devastation. (He thinks they're food)

What do you prefer? Cats or dogs?

Mid-Year Fatigue - definitely affects me! I usually treat it as part of the cycle - the downside of the cycle. I reset m...

Mid-Year Fatigue - definitely affects me! I usually treat it as part of the cycle - the downside of the cycle. I reset my internal clock, wake up a little later and spend more time under the featherinas ;)

"There's no denying it: I'm absolutely in love with media and marketing. But that doesn't mean it isn't a very demanding industry. If you don't prioritise taking care of yourself, the stress of working in this field can, ultimately, take its toll on your physical and mental health." Lerato Modisakeng

Read Lerato's 4 tips on the link below 👇

Take care of yourself, fill your cup, and keep on doing a great job.

As we pass the midpoint of another tough year, it's important to remember that you can't stay on your A game if your cup is empty. To help you cope during this time, Lerato Modisakeng shares a few pointers...

I am doing a whole lot of renewing of skills and self development at the moment. I mean, when a pandemic hits, you've ju...

I am doing a whole lot of renewing of skills and self development at the moment. I mean, when a pandemic hits, you've just got to learn from it all - not?!

I have been learning from various experts - Marie Forleo, Kelsey Juntwait and Magriet Groenewald - are probably my top three right now. And THIS is reiterated - across the board: form a relationship with your audience - and take it offline!

Yet still we obsess about the likes.

"Vanity metrics such as likes, shares, or comments might look good on a marketing dashboard, but there is plenty of research to show that these metrics very rarely translate into sales or business growth, which surely must be the lifeblood of any organisation. Just because someone likes your ad, doesn’t mean they will actually go out and buy your product." Richard Lord

How do you measure your return on your social media investment? I'd love to know what metrics you are using.

In 2020, budgets were cut, strategies were changed, and priorities were re-looked - but some platforms fared better than others...

Just start!

Just start!

I found this article hugely helpful and it really got me thinking about content slightly differently. There is a subtle ...

I found this article hugely helpful and it really got me thinking about content slightly differently. There is a subtle shift from prompts or themes to the actual type of content.

It's important to take a step back every now and then and give your content strategy a good overhaul. Ideally you need to align to your overall marketing strategy and your content should cover a variety of different aspects.

As I relook at my client projects, I will be applying some of this thinking. Yass! I'm feeling quite excited!

Looking for new, creative content ideas to share across your social media feeds? Here are 15 different content ideas for brands on social.

This quote just sums it all up for me 🖤

This quote just sums it all up for me 🖤


I'm rising to the challenge as set by Charity Mbofana. For too long I have ignored my own business's social media presence; but as I am fond of saying - it's time for change.

In light of the recent spate of group admin posts related to POPIA, I thought I would share this article, the author of ...

In light of the recent spate of group admin posts related to POPIA, I thought I would share this article, the author of which, Jan Vermeulen, checked in with a couple of lawyers on the main issues around POPIA and social media.

Administrators of personal or household WhatsApp groups do not have to post a consent notice to comply with POPIA.

24/06/2021's another TikTok.

I really have a tiny little crush on this app 💗


10 Jutland Crescent, St George's Park
Port Elizabeth

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00





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Making Social Simple for You

Chantal Bezuidenhout started Social Media Shakeup 3,5 years ago. It was a natural progression from her 15 years in HR & Training, having always been involved in marketing -one way or another. Her firm belief in technology and love of all things social, supports her strength as a connector.

She believes that we are better together and as such, her business ethos is encompassed in this quote: " If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together." African Proverb

A trainer at heart, Chantal started running Social Media Workshops at the end of 2017. Her belief that “it’s really not rocket science” led her to establishing herself as a Social Media Coach. Her workshops are constantly evolving, with various formats available to learn ways to make social media simple. After all, once you’ve learnt the right way of approaching social media, it’s a kinda magic.

For help with your social media presence, get in touch with Chantal via DM, WhatsApp or email.

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