Wereld Radio Dag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vandag herdenk ons Wêreld Radio Dag 🥳🥳
Die tema vir 2025 is Radio en klimaatsverandering.
Aangesien die wêreld die groeiende uitdaging van klimaatsverandering in die gesig staar, bly radio 'n noodsaaklike medium om bewustheid te versprei, gehore op te voed en kollektiewe optrede aan te moedig.
Die radio is 'n medium wat sy gebruik oor tyd volgehou het.
Dit is 'n platform om inligting te verskaf, mense op te voed, uitdrukking oor kulture toe te laat, en natuurlik om al ons gunsteling musiek te speel.
Maak nie saak hoe gevorderd tegnologie word nie, radio is 'n onvervangbare medium, veral tydens die voorkoms van natuurlike of mensgemaakte rampe.
Sonder om enige duur inhoud of videografie te gebruik, is radio vandag die enigste uitsaaimedium wat vermaak, plaaslike nuus, sportopdaterings, besprekings, wonderlike musiek lewer en 'n effektiewe manier vir bemarking is.
Skakel vandag in op Luister FM en geniet dit!
Today we commemorate World Radio Day 🥳🥳
The theme for 2025 is Radio and Climate Change.
As the world faces the growing challenge of climate change, radio remains an essential medium to spread awareness, educate audiences and encourage collective action.
Radio is a medium that has endured its use over time.
It is a platform to provide information, educate people, allow expression across cultures, and of course, to play all our favorite music.
No matter how advanced technology becomes, radio is an irreplaceable medium, especially during the occurrence of natural or man-made disasters.
Without using any expensive content or videography, radio today is the only broadcast medium that delivers entertainment, local news, sports updates, discussions, great music and is an effective means of marketing.
Tune in to Luister FM today and enjoy!