Rooibos & Cancer Bush Tea
Annique Rooibos and Cancer Bush Tea – Cancer bush is an indigenous South African shrub, used over many centuries for its medicinal benefits. Cancer bush (Sutherlandia) is an adaptogenic herb, which means that it acts like a thermostat to help the body use it’s own processes to adapt to the environment, disease and mental and emotional stress.
* Antiviral
Builds the immune system
Treats fever, colds and flu
Relieves menstrual cramps
Boosts the libido
Helps with mental and emotional stress
Helps with indigestion and improves appetite
Helps with inflammation related diseases
Natural antidepressant
Eye infection
Supportive treatment to TB and HIV
Supportive to people with type 2 diabetes
Supportive treatment for liver disease
Helps treat burns, wounds and inflammatory skin conditions when applied topically