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Our comments policy:
Limpopo Radio(referred to in these rules as "we" or "us") wants to encourage free and frank discussion on this site. We also want this site to be a safe place for people to share their stories. To achieve these objectives we have developed these rules that apply to anything you post. By posting you agree to abid
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This is not a place for keyboard warriors to unleash hell and fury. We want people to feel safe and respected on our community forums. Think about your post before hitting the publish button. Ask yourself: would this offend someone? How would you react if someone else wrote the same thing? If you are not sure your post adds to the conversation, think over what you want to say and try again later. Treat this forum like a shared community resource – a place to spread skills, knowledge and interests through ongoing conversation. Don’t say anything you wouldn’t say to someone’s face. Some topics need real talk, and people aren’t always going to agree. But politeness goes a long way. Focus on the issue
Please - no personal attacks, name calling, comments about someone's parentage, hate speech, or ad-hominem attacks. This applies to authors, people featured in stories and other commenters. Stick to the issues and discuss those. It might get heated, but the first person who mentions a notorious dictator loses. The topics discussed here matter to us and we want you to act as if they matter to you, too. Be respectful of the topics and the people discussing them, even if you disagree with some of what is being said. Don’t plagiarise
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Anything that is defamatory, in breach of copyright, or in contempt of court will be removed. You will be held accountable not just by us but also the courts for violating the aforementioned – that should be a sobering thought. Stay on topic
Conversations ramble, but try not to wedge your favourite TV show into every discussion. By the same token, don’t “feed the trolls”. If you believe someone is being deliberately offensive or off-topic, flag the comment to the moderators. Use clear language
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